Monday, August 23, 2021

August 22, 2021

 Sunday August 22, 2021

Blog time 1945 sitting in living room.

Up at 0615. Quickly dressed and drove to Bigsby Coffee and got two coffees and a bagel for me.  Fixed oatmeal with banana to go with bagel and coffee.

At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Because of the Delta version of Covid, Trinity is now requiring masks.  

Small crowd at church today.  Sad because the band was great as was the Homily.

After church we took our Sunday Drive.  Nancy has a meeting at Kent Country Club this week so we made a dry run.  

We then took Knapp Ave east towards Lowell.  We took several side roads.  Once again I am amazed at how beautiful rural Mi is.  

We stopped at Tractor Supply in Lowell.  I purchased a solid block of deer food.  I will place the block in the back yard.  As the weather cools the deer will find it.  We like deer in the back yard.

I spent several hours in basement putting up the new portable clothes rack.  I had to make a trip to Ace to buy a 6’ piece of 1x2 wood and some nails to install an overhead shoe rack.  The shoe rack and clothes rack fit perfectly in the Cedar Closet. 

No bike ride today but all the work in the Cedar Closet meant I needed a shower.  After the shower took a short nap.

Light dinner tonight. I had a cup of yogurt with some fruit.

Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  

Spotted no critters when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Still have a bright full moon.

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