Monday, August 30, 2021

August 29, 2021

 Sunday August 29, 2021

Once again I am a day late in starting this blog.

Sunday morning, up at 0630.  Dressed and headed to Bigsby Coffee for 2 coffees and a bagel.  At home I fixed oatmeal w/banana to go with bagel and coffee.  Nancy just drank coffee.

Our GRP was late this morning.  This often happens because the paper is printed in Ohio.  Go Figure.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Upon arrival we noted the parking lot was nearly empty.  We saw a sigh on the Community Center where our services are usually held that today’s service will be in Sanctuary.  A ceiling panel had collapsed in the Community Center.

After church we took a short drive west along the Grand River.  It has been a long time since we have taken this route.

We drove through Kent County’s Millennium Park.  A lot of improvements have been made since our last visit.  Very impressive.  

We got home from our ride at noon.  I then took a 9 mile bike ride.  The temp was 90 with high humidity.

Quick shower and then spent time reading Sunday papers.

At 1630 we left for Meijer Gardens.  Tonight we are attending an open air concert.  The concert begins at 1900 and gates opened at 1700.  A full house is expected, about 1900 folks.

We grabbed what we thought were choice seats.  Actually we had to bring our own folding chairs.  As soon as we got seated I headed to the concession stand.  Bought us each a hot dog and for me a beer.  We sat and enjoyed our food waiting for the concert to begin.  Great people watching.

Rain was predicted but just before concert the sun came out.  A great evening for being outdoors.

The band was called the “Old Crow Medicine Show”. They are out of Nashville.  Loved the music, nonstop and lively.  

We got home at 2130 and headed straight to bed.  Before turning in I did check the Courtyard.  Everything ok except for a black cat in neighbor’s yard.

Another warm humid day tomorrow.

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