Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 2, 2021

 Monday August 2, 2021

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630.  Checked the weather and temp was 56, cold for this time of year.  

Nancy spent a restless night with her foot pain.  The pain had subsided when I got up.  Told her to stay in bed.

Calisthenics at home this morning.  On Mondays I can easily do my 8 chin-ups and 8 pull-ups.  On Friday I can only do 7. The weekend rest must help.

Oatmeal breakfast before heading out on my morning bike ride. This morning I took a new route.  It is safer and smoother.  After today’s positive experience it will be my new route.  The mileage is the same as old route.

When I got home Nancy was gone.  Found out later she went for a swim.  

Showered and then got back on bike and headed to Panera.  

Read emails and finished yesterdays blog before starting this blog.

I have to leave Panera at noon because we have a plumber coming early this afternoon to TV our sewer line.  I hope we get a positive report.  Stay tuned!

When the Plumber arrived I explained our problem.  He inspected our downstairs bath and stated that he does not think the plumbing is the cause of our water problem.  I agreed.  TVing the line was not necessary.   I paid him for his shower time.  I feel better now that I got another opinion.

Tomorrow I will remove the paneling in our Cedar closet and try to locate the origins of the leak.  I suspect it is a crack where the basement slab meets the outside wall.

After the plumber Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to purchase bananas, yogurt and oatmeal cookies.  Later I took a nap.

We had Cheerios with blueberries for dinner.  Watched some of the news and then headed to the den.  Tonight we watched a Welsh cop show with subscripts.  I did not know anyone spoke Welsh anymore.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode.  Good show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Courtyard check at 2200 found everything ok.

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