Wednesday, August 4, 2021

August 3, 2021

 Tuesday August 3, 2021

Up this morning at 0615.  Today I have a 1130 Doctor’s appointment so I will lighten things up.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for a new class at MVP.  She said it is quite intensive.

I did the calisthenics at 60% this morning.  Breakfast and then headed out on a short 7.65 mile bike ride.  Another cool morning, 56, so I put on 3 layers.  Noted most folks walking or bike riding were in a single tee.  

Got home at 0900. Quickly showered and shaved.  Drove the Fusion to Panera.  Bought coffee and bagel before quickly skimming the news.

Arrived at the Doctor’s office at 1120.  They made me fill out what I thought was redundant paper work.  What happened to the paperless society.

I will tell you what really is paperless and that is Doctor’s offices.  Not a magazine in sight.  I use to catch up on People magazine in the Doctor’s office.  Now I have to read the Daily Mail on my iPhone.

Doctor Santos is an Ocular Nerve Doctor.  He is treating me for my Myasthenia Gravis.   He asked several questions about my pill intake and problems I have encountered in the last year.  I told him my symptoms worsen in the winter.  I have to increase my pill intake to 8 a day.  During summer months I decrease my intake to 4 pills a day.  He said he did not think my MG is weather related.  Of course I disagree.  After 10 minutes he said see you next year.

At home I had a quick lunch.

This afternoon I decided to located the water leak in our cedar closet.  Spent over three hours removing cedar paneling and wood baseboards.  I concentrated my efforts only in the small area where the leakage occurs.

After removing the baseboard noted that water was leaking into the closet.  I think the hardwood baseboard was holding some water back.  Got a mop and bucket and cleaned up the area.  The leaking stopped after an hour.  

We checked the area about every two hours for the next 16 hours and noted no new leakage.  I called the Maintenance Company and they put me on their list.

Took another shower before dinner.  Tonight Nancy fixed pasta with a special Trader Joe sauce.  It was very good.

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the Welsh cop show, Bang.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Courtyard check at 2200 was normal.


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