Friday, August 13, 2021

August 12, 2021

 Thursday August 12, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Heavy thunder storms last night.  Several time during the night Nancy and I checked the Cedar Closet.  No leakage noted.

Up this morning at 0700.  Calisthenics before breakfast.  Nancy headed out at 0815 for her class at MVP.  Later she has a dental appointment.

This afternoon we are both going to Costco.  Nancy wants to buy pinwheel sandwiches for tomorrow’s Book Club.

Today I took my 10.5 mile bike trip.  It was only 72 but with humidity in 90s I was uncomfortable.  When I had to stop pedaling my glasses would fog up.  At home I removed by wet tee and put on a dry.  Pedaled to Panera, 0.8 mile.

This and that:

The Taliban are capturing great swatches of Afghanistan without any resistance.  Why did we spent billions supporting Paper Tigers?

The talk of a Covid booster shot is confusing.  Does an octogenarian have a compromised immune system?

Fall High School sports are underway.  Almost looks back to normal.

Noted also morning vehicular traffic is almost back to normal.  The parking lots of most of the office buildings I pass are full.  Good sign.

Back at home I shaved and showered.  Before lunch Nancy and I drove to Costco.  We purchased pinwheel sandwiches for tomorrow’s book club.  Made a quick stop at Meijer’s to get a veggie tray also for tomorrow’s BC.

Lunch and then I took a quick nap.

This afternoon I got a joint FaceTime call from Debbie and Granddaughter Akerke.  I gave Akerke my old iPad Pro and she was trying to get it working.  She had called Aunt Debbie for help.

Found out I had only erased my data files and did not wipe the iPad clean.  After some trials Debbie and Akerke had made some progress.  I was pleased at how computer savvy Akerke was.  Hope she enjoys the iPad.

In todays mail I got a nasty letter from our tax consultant about not paying my bill.  Big surprise because Nancy and I always pay our bills as soon as received.  Checked my check book and found I had paid the bill the day it was received.  Went to my Macatawa Bank app and found a copy of the canceled check.  Sent a strong email to Accounting firm.

Light dinner tonight.  We did watch some news.  I must be entering clumsy old man phase because this evening while watching the news in living room I spilled my glass of wine.  Nancy was very nice about my clumsy moves.  She even helped me clean up.

 After the clean up we retired to the den and watched an episode of New Tricks.  Good way to lighten up.

In addition to checking the Courtyard at 2200, I also checked for leakage in our Cedar Closet.  The floor was dry.  Turned off AC before turning in.

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