Thursday, August 26, 2021

August 25, 2021

 Wednesday August 25, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with 0515 alarm.  Head downstairs to get ready for BC.  The lawn sprinklers go off at 0530.  It made a very loud noise.  I checked the Cedar Closet and we had a puddle of water.  Major league bummer!!

The crack that was recently sealed was ok but the water came from a new crack about 4 feet away.  I think the starting of the sprinklers created a surge in the water line leading to the leakage.  The surge is called “Water hammer”. I think this was the likely cause.

Nancy and I mopped up the water.  As always we just get a small amount of water.  We mop it up and it will stay dry for several days.

Not many folks at BC this morning.  The Speaker talked about the movement in MI to get ranked voting.  

Rest of day activities:

After BC, Calisthenics followed by short ride.



Bought Nancy a birthday present.

Stopped at Cascade Twp office to see if they had plans on the sprinkler system. Nothing available.

Called the Maintenance folks about the water problem.  They said they will get right on it.

1500 my Sister, Helen, arrived from Gaylord.  She is spending several days with us.

Nancy is working this afternoon at Gardens.  Later tonight Nancy and I are attending a Charity Auction at the Gardens.

Helen left at 1700 to meet her granddaughter Paige for dinner.

We left for Gardens at 1730.

It was very hot and humid at the Gardens.  My watch said it was 91.  I did not see any man wearing a sport coat.  The entire event was held outdoors.

I forgot to bring a hat so I spent most of the party in the shade.  A large crowd was in attendance.

No sit down dinner.  Food was served buffet style.  The food was very good.  Food and drinks were free.

The event was a charity auction.  We only bid $25 on a bottle of wine.  The wine we win will have a value between $200 and $10.  We picked up our bottle when we left and it had a value of $21.

The main event was held in the amphitheater.  They had a great band before the bidding began.  Several items had a value of over $5,000.  Bidding was very active on these items.

We left for home at 2100.  Helen was already home.  She and Paige had dinner at Cheesecake Factory in Woodland Mall.  Helen said good food.

We spent about an hour sitting and talking.  Checked the courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  

Can you believe it I did not watch TV today.

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