Thursday, August 12, 2021

August 11, 2021

 Wednesday August 2021

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with alarm at 0530.  Dressed and stopped at Bigsby for coffee before driving to the University Club in downtown GR.  

Great turnout.  Buffet type breakfast of eggs, bread pudding, meat and fruit.  Speaker today was a retired GVSU Professor who is active in the GR Art’s scene.  He talked about how these organizations survived the pandemic.  Good talk.

First thing I got when arrived home was a call from Kim, our cleaning lady.  Kim said she had a cancellation and wondered if she could clean our Condo.  I said sure.  

Kim was scheduled to clean on Thursday but she had to cancel.  Nancy will be happy with this news because she is having her Book Club on Friday.

I put on bike clothes and pedaled to Panera.  Coffee and some reading.  Left at noon and took an 8 mile route home.

Nancy said Foundation Solutions stopped by this morning to look at our water problem.  They will seal the concrete crack next Wednesday morning.

Shower before lunch.  Quick nap and then at 1630 we drove to NO CO restaurant for dinner with Phil Hertel and Becker Verker.

Started with a glass of wine.  Tonight we were celebrating the birthday’s of Becky and Nancy.  Pleasant conversation and good food.

Got home at 2000.  Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  Nice relaxing show.

Akerke FaceTimed Nancy this evening.  She just got back from two week journey across country in a big RV.  She had a great time.  Now she has to rest up because school starts next Monday.

It was raining hard when I went out at 2200 to check Courtyard. Took my flash light and made a check of all our roof downspouts.  Every downspout was working properly.  Also checked the Cedar closet and it was dry.

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