Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 27, 2021

 Friday August 27, 2021

Up this morning at 0630.

Happy Birthday Nancy.  A lot of folks wished Nancy a Happy Birthday today.

Nancy received FaceTime calls from children Debbie, Melissa and Stephen and his wife Veronica. Grandchildren Alessandra and Akerke also send greetings.  Nancy got a FaceTime call from sister Peg.  

My Cousin Mary Hughes sent a YouTube greeting.  Many Book Club members send Nancy Happy Birthday wishes.

Of course my sister, Helen who has been staying with us for several days wished her Happy Birthday.

I did some calisthenics at home before heading to Panera to get coffee and bagels for the three of us (Helen, Nancy and Bob).

No more gravel pavement in the neighborhood.  I drove the dusty Escape to Breton Village to get an interior and exterior car wash.

Today Helen is taking out to lunch a friend who happens to live just down the street from our Condo.  They will have lunch at Sundance.

After lunch Helen is heading to Coldwater to visit another friend.  She will stay in Coldwater tonight.

At noon I started out on a 11.8 mile bike ride.  It was very hot and humid.  Showered as soon as I got home.

 At 1630 Nancy and I headed downtown to the GR Art Musuem.  The Museum is opening an exhibit of American Indian Art.  The Indians are native of Barry County.  Barry County is immediately south of GR.  

The Tribe uses native woods to make baskets and other Art works.  Very interesting.

Small crowd in attendance.  I think the main reasons were the 90 degree temperature and very disturbed downtown caused by road construction.

Turned on the AC as soon as we got home.  I fixed a glass of wine and for the first time this week we watched TV.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Started season 9.

Nancy headed for bed and I watched the final episode of Gone for Good.  I gave the series a B-.

It was still in the 80s when checked outside at 2200.  No rain tonight.

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