Tuesday, August 24, 2021

August 23, 2021

 Monday August 23, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  Nancy has an early Doctor’s appointment so no MVP.  I do calisthenics before breakfast.  With all the neighborhood streets torn up I changed my morning bike ride.  

Pedaled 11 miles to the D&W on 28th St.  Bought two donuts at the store and then took them to the in-house Starbucks. Bought a coffee and found a table.  Read the news on my mini-iPad.

It was very hot and humid today.  I needed a shower before Lunch.  

When we found water in the Cedar Closet we had to move all our clothes out.  We both had several huge piles.  This afternoon I sorted through all the clothes.  Many clothes were 50 years old.  The clothes I no longer need were put in a separate pile.  Nancy will give the clothes to a Church that distributes to the poor.  

Took a nap.  After the nap drove Nancy to Meijer’s.  She picked up a prescription and I bought blackberries for dinner.

This and that:

The European press has been savaging President Biden on his mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.  In the USA even the liberal news outlets have not been nice.

Will Congress ever pass the infrastructure package?

Sure sign of fall.  Walnuts and acorns are falling from trees.  I run over them every day on my bike ride.

This summer we have had many colorful birds eating the suet.  

Noted along the trail several species of very tall grass.  One type looks like flax.  Come early November lawn maintenance folks trim the grass down to about 6”.  Must be very hardy because come next August they will be over 6 feet. 

For dinner we had our normal Cheerios with blackberries.  For dessert I had two oatmeal cookies.

We quit watching the news at 1930.  Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks followed by Ted Lasso.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched another episode of Gone for Good.

Checked courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Heat and humidity continues.

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