Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August 17, 2021

 Tuesday August 17, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in office.

Up at 0700 

Calisthenics and breakfast before pedaling to Panera, 8 miles.  The dining room was closed but the manager gave me a coffee and bagel at no cost.

Sat outside and read the news on my mini.

School districts in NE Mi are getting federal grants of about 20% of their annual budget.  Of course we will all pay eventually.

Got home at 1130.  My new Brooks rubber bike saddle is really uncomfortable.  I took it off and drove to Ada Bike and purchased an original Brooks leather saddle.  They will remove the rubber saddle and put on the leather.  Will pick up this afternoon.

Lunch and then some reading in office.

1500, headed to Clark on Keller Lake senior apartment.  Clark is building a huge apartment complex on Keller.  

We discussed the applications process and costs of moving in.  I took a tour of an almost completed 2 bedroom unit. I was impressed.

Dropped Nancy off and headed to Ada to pick up new bike saddle.  Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and fill the Escape up.  Gas was $3.25.

As soon as I got home and Nancy said we had water in basement.  Our neighbors just got home from being away 2 weeks.  No water while they were gone but as soon as they got back water.  Go figure. 

Spent time mopping up water.  What a pain.  Structural Foundations is coming tomorrow to make repairs.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pasta with special sauce.  Also coleslaw and croissant.  

Tonight we watched news.  Afghanistan and Covid still dominates.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Great show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. Everything ok.

At 2200 the Courtyard was ok and only a small amount of water in basement.  Hope the repairs work tomorrow.

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