Saturday, August 14, 2021

August 13, 2021

 Friday August 13, 2021

Blog time 1215.

Good grief another Friday the 13th.  Must buy lottery tickets today.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy has Book Club today so she is not going to MVP.  

I do calisthenics before breakfast.  Breakfast and then head out on an 11 mile ride.  At home I showered before I drove the Fusion to Panera.  Before leaving I asked Nancy if she needed any help.  She said no.

The Manager at Panera told me that starting today Panera will be back to reduced hours.  Dining room closes at 1700 on weekdays.  Full closure on Saturday and Sunday.  

They just cannot get workers.  Yesterday they scheduled 10 interviews and no one showed.  Why work when the welfare state will pay you.  Thanks Joe and Gretchen!

Book Club does not end until 1400.  I will run errands until then. 

After Panera I drove to Meijer’s and bought 2 lottery tickets.  Next stop Woodland Mall.  Spent time wandering around.  I did buy a new watch band at the Apple store.

Got home at 1420 and thought the Book Club folks would be gone.  Not the case, they were talking and eating cookies.

Nancy said the Book Club luncheon went well.  They spent a short time discussing the book.  The majority of time was spent talking.  The Pandemic has kept us cooped up so we have an opportunity to sit down and talk with friends we take advantage of it.

I fixed a quick lunch followed by a short nap.  Of course for dinner I had several pin wheel sandwiches left over from lunch. Also a Sugar Mommas cookie.

Tonight we watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds on BritBox.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Lately before turning in I check both and Courtyard and Cedar Closet.  Both were ok.  Also turned off AC.

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