Wednesday, August 25, 2021

August 24, 2021

Tuesday August 24, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0645.  It was 68 with the humidity at 98%.

Nancy was gone by 0730.  She has a class at MVP.

I do calisthenics at home, breakfast and then head out to Ada.  With all the streets torn up I took the easy route to Ada, 6 miles. On this morning’s ride I saw about 20 Goldfinches.

At Nonna’s Pantry I bought two donuts and a coffee.  Found a chair outside and settled down to do some reading, eating and drinking.  

I am alway amazed at the amount of foot traffic in downtown Ada. Many of the folks look like young parents in their 30s.  Are they still working from home?  

Got home at noon.  Total miles biked 15.  Showered and shaved before lunch.  

Spent time getting the Cedar Closet ship shape. Made a quick trip to D&W to get bananas for breakfast.  Ended the afternoon  with a nap.  

This afternoon the temperature reached 90.  Rain expected for tonight.

For dinner Nancy fixed meat loaf with peas and croissant.  Good meal.  

Watched news until 1930.  Watched New Tricks on Amazon.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Gone for Good on Netflix. 

It was still hot and humid when checked Courtyard at 2200.  I did encounter a black cat in the yard.  

We FaceTimed both Debbie and Missy tonight.  Everything ok.

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