Thursday, August 5, 2021

August 4, 2021

 Wednesday August 4, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

Wednesday my easy day.  Today we had planned to drive to the Detroit area to visit the IKEA store.  However, Nancy was worried the leak repair man might call so we cancelled the IKEA trip.  Instead we had breakfast at Bob Evan’s just down the street.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and 2 biscuits.  Nancy ordered biscuits.  She loves Bob Evan’s biscuits.

We decided to drive the short distance to Holland.  If the repair man does call we can be back under in 30 minutes.

First stop in Holland was downtown.  We visited the Outpost store, a great store for sports clothing.  Nancy also visited several women’s stores.  Downtown Holland seems to be holding up quite well.  Plenty of foot traffic.

We also drove to Holland State Park to see the beach.  The temperature was in the 70s and parking lot was filling up fast.

At home I returned to the basement and removed a small section of headboard.  No water encountered.  The crack is now visible. Late this afternoon got a call from the Maintenance firm saying we are on the list for repairs.

Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took the trash and recyclables to the curb.  After lunch took a nap.

Returned to office to write yesterday’s and today’s blog.  Light dinner tonight and then while watching news I will catch up on reading the online news.

This and that:

Today is my childhood friend, Tommy Collins’ birthday.  Tommy is 82 and lives in CA.

The Alpena Board of Education just had a public meeting.  Over 200 folks attended.  It was an informational meeting.  The board wanted to learn of the public’s concerns over education policy.

Like most of the nation’s parents the Alpena parents were concerned about mask wearing, requiring vaccinations, teaching CRT, and transgender issues.  According to the new’s reports the meeting was very civil and generally successful.  Of course 1 jerk became belligerent during a presentation.

The Delta variant is serious.  Folks have to get their shots.

We have not spent much time watching the Olympics.  Watching skateboarding is not much fun.

This evening we had our normal Wednesday meal of Cheerios with fruit.  Tonight was fresh Mi blueberries.  Nothing quite like Mi fruit.  My Dad always said it was the cold Mi nights that brought out the sugars in the fruit. I think I have made this comment before.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Good news we have three more seasons of this show.

Both Debbie and Facetimed this evening.

Courtyard check at 2200 and everything ok.  I did note that our courtyard need some landscape work.  Will try to find a landscaper who can help.

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