Friday, August 6, 2021

August 5, 2021

 Thursday August 5, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630.  No scheduled events for me today.  Nancy does have a Doctor’s appointment late this afternoon to look at an infected finger.

I do calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then head out on my morning ride of 10.5 miles.  Make quick stop at home to get iPad and a sweatshirt before heading to Panera.

While drinking coffee at Panera Nancy stopped by to get her morning coffee.  She had just finished a tough class at MVP.  I think despite the difficulty Nancy likes this class.

Checked messages this morning and got 2:

1. Missy had received my old iPad in the mail.  I was happy because mail service in LA is questionable.

2. Yesterday I txt our GP, Dr Kutsche.  I wanted to know if Nancy and I should start taking Prevagen, for memory aid.  He did not recommend it.

At noon I headed home.  Shaved (face and head) and showered before lunch.

Nancy notified me that a man from Foundation Solutions was coming over the check out our water problem which I think is caused by a concrete crack in our foundation.

Nancy left at 1500 to run errands and then visit the Doctor at 1645.  Busy afternoon.

Before the repairman arrived I finished reading the WSJ.  Earliest I have finished reading the WSJ in a long time.

This and that:

Covid and fires in Ca dominated the news.  I think we are in what use to be called the Dog Days of Summer.  Folks just want to relax.

Today’s Alpena News had an article about a section of M32, a two lane State Hwy, being closed near the Alpena Airport. The Air Force wanted to practice landing jet fighter planes on the Hwy.  The test was successful.  

The landing was shown on tonight’s “News with Shepard Smith” on CNBC.  Good news from NE Mi.

We all talk about the disruption Covid 19 has done to our daily lives.  However, the Polio epidemic of the 50s also caused major disruption to daily life.  Especially for kids.  The hot days of August was considered the prime month for getting polio.  We were not allowed to go swimming and had to stay inside.  Every parent was waiting for the first frost.  The frost was suppose to kill the polio germs.

President Biden loves Executive Orders.  Today he issued one about switching to Electric vehicles.  I don’t think there is much enforcement muscle behind an EO. 

The Foundation Solutions man arrived about 1600.  He looked at our water problem and agreed a concrete crack was the cause of our problem.  His parting shot was “we will be in contact”.

A PA inspected Nancy’s finger.  She said it was a bruise.  Soak in episode salts was the recommendation.

For dinner tonight we had take out.  I drove to Panera and got a bowl of their Summer Corn Chowder.  It was very good. I also had blueberries.

Watched some news before switching to NetFlix.  We watched an episode of Virgin River.  The show is turning into a Chic Flix.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched an episode of Bang.  

Courtyard check at 2200.  Everything ok.

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