Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 30, 2021

 Monday August 30, 2021

Blog time 1440 sitting in office

Slept in until 0645 this morning.  First thing I check the sprinklers to see if our courtyard sprinklers were off.  One sprinkler was leaking.  

We wanted the sprinklers off because I think this is causing our basement water.  I did check the basement and everything was dry.

Calisthenics and breakfast at home.

Bike ride stopping a Panera for coffee and bagel.  Had to use the take out window  to get my coffee and bagel.  Sat outside and read on my mini iPad.  

It was pleasant sitting outside.  The only problem was lack of shade making reading the iPad’s screen difficult. Total miles biked today 12.5.

Shower and then lunch.

I have a problem with several sunspots on hand and head.  Called Dermatologist and got an appointment for tomorrow.

Took a short nap this afternoon.

We had our Monday light dinner.  Watched some news and then switched to Acorn.  Tonight we watched a new episode of “My Life is Murder” starring Lucy Lawless.  

Temperature dropped 10 degrees tonight.  Tomorrow morning the temp will be in 50s.  High tomorrow 73.  Great.

Monday, August 30, 2021

August 29, 2021

 Sunday August 29, 2021

Once again I am a day late in starting this blog.

Sunday morning, up at 0630.  Dressed and headed to Bigsby Coffee for 2 coffees and a bagel.  At home I fixed oatmeal w/banana to go with bagel and coffee.  Nancy just drank coffee.

Our GRP was late this morning.  This often happens because the paper is printed in Ohio.  Go Figure.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Upon arrival we noted the parking lot was nearly empty.  We saw a sigh on the Community Center where our services are usually held that today’s service will be in Sanctuary.  A ceiling panel had collapsed in the Community Center.

After church we took a short drive west along the Grand River.  It has been a long time since we have taken this route.

We drove through Kent County’s Millennium Park.  A lot of improvements have been made since our last visit.  Very impressive.  

We got home from our ride at noon.  I then took a 9 mile bike ride.  The temp was 90 with high humidity.

Quick shower and then spent time reading Sunday papers.

At 1630 we left for Meijer Gardens.  Tonight we are attending an open air concert.  The concert begins at 1900 and gates opened at 1700.  A full house is expected, about 1900 folks.

We grabbed what we thought were choice seats.  Actually we had to bring our own folding chairs.  As soon as we got seated I headed to the concession stand.  Bought us each a hot dog and for me a beer.  We sat and enjoyed our food waiting for the concert to begin.  Great people watching.

Rain was predicted but just before concert the sun came out.  A great evening for being outdoors.

The band was called the “Old Crow Medicine Show”. They are out of Nashville.  Loved the music, nonstop and lively.  

We got home at 2130 and headed straight to bed.  Before turning in I did check the Courtyard.  Everything ok except for a black cat in neighbor’s yard.

Another warm humid day tomorrow.

August 28, 2021

 Saturday August 28, 2021

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  We got dressed and headed to the Gathering Place for Breakfast.

Nancy had a Western Omelette with raisin toast.  I had oatmeal with scrambled egg and raisin toast.  We both enjoyed a cup of coffee.

Day’s activities:

Got car washed

Took a 11.3 mile bike ride.

Shaved and showered.



Today is Saturday so in keeping with our summer schedule Nancy and I drove to Scoopers in Ada.  We had our Saturday ice cream.  Nancy had a Carmel/chocolate cup and I had a cup of vanilla.  We sat outside and enjoyed our special treat. We had to eat fast because it was so hot the ice cream was melting.

Today we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders, season xx. It was only ok.

Still very hot and humid when checked outside at 2200.  

Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 27, 2021

 Friday August 27, 2021

Up this morning at 0630.

Happy Birthday Nancy.  A lot of folks wished Nancy a Happy Birthday today.

Nancy received FaceTime calls from children Debbie, Melissa and Stephen and his wife Veronica. Grandchildren Alessandra and Akerke also send greetings.  Nancy got a FaceTime call from sister Peg.  

My Cousin Mary Hughes sent a YouTube greeting.  Many Book Club members send Nancy Happy Birthday wishes.

Of course my sister, Helen who has been staying with us for several days wished her Happy Birthday.

I did some calisthenics at home before heading to Panera to get coffee and bagels for the three of us (Helen, Nancy and Bob).

No more gravel pavement in the neighborhood.  I drove the dusty Escape to Breton Village to get an interior and exterior car wash.

Today Helen is taking out to lunch a friend who happens to live just down the street from our Condo.  They will have lunch at Sundance.

After lunch Helen is heading to Coldwater to visit another friend.  She will stay in Coldwater tonight.

At noon I started out on a 11.8 mile bike ride.  It was very hot and humid.  Showered as soon as I got home.

 At 1630 Nancy and I headed downtown to the GR Art Musuem.  The Museum is opening an exhibit of American Indian Art.  The Indians are native of Barry County.  Barry County is immediately south of GR.  

The Tribe uses native woods to make baskets and other Art works.  Very interesting.

Small crowd in attendance.  I think the main reasons were the 90 degree temperature and very disturbed downtown caused by road construction.

Turned on the AC as soon as we got home.  I fixed a glass of wine and for the first time this week we watched TV.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Started season 9.

Nancy headed for bed and I watched the final episode of Gone for Good.  I gave the series a B-.

It was still in the 80s when checked outside at 2200.  No rain tonight.

Friday, August 27, 2021

August 26, 2021

 Thursday August 27, 2021

Blog time: Friday, yes a day late, August 27 at 1930

Summary of Thursday’s activities:

Up Thursday Morning at 0630. 

Sister Helen, Nancy and I drove to Nonna’s Trattoria.   Same ownership as Nonna’s Pantry across the street.

We sat outside.  Bob and Helen had oatmeal and Nancy had a fancy biscuit.  Food was good.

On way home stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond but it was closed.  Will try later.

Nancy and Helen head to Woodland Mall followed by a trip to Costco.  They wanted lamb shanks at Costco.  They were out.

Calisthenics and then headed out on a 12 mile bike ride.

Shower and then lunch.

This afternoon we head back to Bed Bath and Beyond.  Helen bought an ironing board and three toilet bowl cleaners (why did I mention that).

Spent time this afternoon in office reading.  Covid and Afghanistan still dominates the news.  Our President has lost all credibility.

I predict that the CA Governor will survive recall.

Tonight AHS has their first football game. The game is in Marquette.

Blast from past our first AHS game when I was a senior was in Canadian Soo.  It was a Saturday afternoon game.  To get to the Soo we took two ferry trips.  One across the Straights and one across the St Mary’s river.  It was hot and we won.

At 1700 we headed to NO CO restaurant.  Karen Horlings met us at the restaurant.  Three Albion College classmates and yours truly.  Very good food and enjoyable conversation.

We got home at 2000.  Sat and talked until 2200.

It was still hot and humid at 2200.  Warm spell will continue for several more days.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

August 25, 2021

 Wednesday August 25, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with 0515 alarm.  Head downstairs to get ready for BC.  The lawn sprinklers go off at 0530.  It made a very loud noise.  I checked the Cedar Closet and we had a puddle of water.  Major league bummer!!

The crack that was recently sealed was ok but the water came from a new crack about 4 feet away.  I think the starting of the sprinklers created a surge in the water line leading to the leakage.  The surge is called “Water hammer”. I think this was the likely cause.

Nancy and I mopped up the water.  As always we just get a small amount of water.  We mop it up and it will stay dry for several days.

Not many folks at BC this morning.  The Speaker talked about the movement in MI to get ranked voting.  

Rest of day activities:

After BC, Calisthenics followed by short ride.



Bought Nancy a birthday present.

Stopped at Cascade Twp office to see if they had plans on the sprinkler system. Nothing available.

Called the Maintenance folks about the water problem.  They said they will get right on it.

1500 my Sister, Helen, arrived from Gaylord.  She is spending several days with us.

Nancy is working this afternoon at Gardens.  Later tonight Nancy and I are attending a Charity Auction at the Gardens.

Helen left at 1700 to meet her granddaughter Paige for dinner.

We left for Gardens at 1730.

It was very hot and humid at the Gardens.  My watch said it was 91.  I did not see any man wearing a sport coat.  The entire event was held outdoors.

I forgot to bring a hat so I spent most of the party in the shade.  A large crowd was in attendance.

No sit down dinner.  Food was served buffet style.  The food was very good.  Food and drinks were free.

The event was a charity auction.  We only bid $25 on a bottle of wine.  The wine we win will have a value between $200 and $10.  We picked up our bottle when we left and it had a value of $21.

The main event was held in the amphitheater.  They had a great band before the bidding began.  Several items had a value of over $5,000.  Bidding was very active on these items.

We left for home at 2100.  Helen was already home.  She and Paige had dinner at Cheesecake Factory in Woodland Mall.  Helen said good food.

We spent about an hour sitting and talking.  Checked the courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  

Can you believe it I did not watch TV today.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

August 24, 2021

Tuesday August 24, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0645.  It was 68 with the humidity at 98%.

Nancy was gone by 0730.  She has a class at MVP.

I do calisthenics at home, breakfast and then head out to Ada.  With all the streets torn up I took the easy route to Ada, 6 miles. On this morning’s ride I saw about 20 Goldfinches.

At Nonna’s Pantry I bought two donuts and a coffee.  Found a chair outside and settled down to do some reading, eating and drinking.  

I am alway amazed at the amount of foot traffic in downtown Ada. Many of the folks look like young parents in their 30s.  Are they still working from home?  

Got home at noon.  Total miles biked 15.  Showered and shaved before lunch.  

Spent time getting the Cedar Closet ship shape. Made a quick trip to D&W to get bananas for breakfast.  Ended the afternoon  with a nap.  

This afternoon the temperature reached 90.  Rain expected for tonight.

For dinner Nancy fixed meat loaf with peas and croissant.  Good meal.  

Watched news until 1930.  Watched New Tricks on Amazon.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Gone for Good on Netflix. 

It was still hot and humid when checked Courtyard at 2200.  I did encounter a black cat in the yard.  

We FaceTimed both Debbie and Missy tonight.  Everything ok.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

August 23, 2021

 Monday August 23, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  Nancy has an early Doctor’s appointment so no MVP.  I do calisthenics before breakfast.  With all the neighborhood streets torn up I changed my morning bike ride.  

Pedaled 11 miles to the D&W on 28th St.  Bought two donuts at the store and then took them to the in-house Starbucks. Bought a coffee and found a table.  Read the news on my mini-iPad.

It was very hot and humid today.  I needed a shower before Lunch.  

When we found water in the Cedar Closet we had to move all our clothes out.  We both had several huge piles.  This afternoon I sorted through all the clothes.  Many clothes were 50 years old.  The clothes I no longer need were put in a separate pile.  Nancy will give the clothes to a Church that distributes to the poor.  

Took a nap.  After the nap drove Nancy to Meijer’s.  She picked up a prescription and I bought blackberries for dinner.

This and that:

The European press has been savaging President Biden on his mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.  In the USA even the liberal news outlets have not been nice.

Will Congress ever pass the infrastructure package?

Sure sign of fall.  Walnuts and acorns are falling from trees.  I run over them every day on my bike ride.

This summer we have had many colorful birds eating the suet.  

Noted along the trail several species of very tall grass.  One type looks like flax.  Come early November lawn maintenance folks trim the grass down to about 6”.  Must be very hardy because come next August they will be over 6 feet. 

For dinner we had our normal Cheerios with blackberries.  For dessert I had two oatmeal cookies.

We quit watching the news at 1930.  Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks followed by Ted Lasso.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched another episode of Gone for Good.

Checked courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Heat and humidity continues.

Monday, August 23, 2021

August 22, 2021

 Sunday August 22, 2021

Blog time 1945 sitting in living room.

Up at 0615. Quickly dressed and drove to Bigsby Coffee and got two coffees and a bagel for me.  Fixed oatmeal with banana to go with bagel and coffee.

At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Because of the Delta version of Covid, Trinity is now requiring masks.  

Small crowd at church today.  Sad because the band was great as was the Homily.

After church we took our Sunday Drive.  Nancy has a meeting at Kent Country Club this week so we made a dry run.  

We then took Knapp Ave east towards Lowell.  We took several side roads.  Once again I am amazed at how beautiful rural Mi is.  

We stopped at Tractor Supply in Lowell.  I purchased a solid block of deer food.  I will place the block in the back yard.  As the weather cools the deer will find it.  We like deer in the back yard.

I spent several hours in basement putting up the new portable clothes rack.  I had to make a trip to Ace to buy a 6’ piece of 1x2 wood and some nails to install an overhead shoe rack.  The shoe rack and clothes rack fit perfectly in the Cedar Closet. 

No bike ride today but all the work in the Cedar Closet meant I needed a shower.  After the shower took a short nap.

Light dinner tonight. I had a cup of yogurt with some fruit.

Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  

Spotted no critters when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Still have a bright full moon.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 21, 2021

 Saturday August 21, 2021

Blog time 1110 sitting at Fox Ford.

Up at 0630.  We dressed and got in Fusion and drove to The Gathering Place for breakfast.  The place was empty.

Nancy had her Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and raisin toast.  Of course we had a cup of coffee with several refills.

Finally Superior Asphalt is paving Tahoe Drive.  I parked out of the way and we walked home.

Nancy started the laundry.  

The Fusion needs an oil change so I grabbed my iPad and headed to Fox Ford.  I am glad I brought my iPad because I have about a 90 minute wait.

After the oil change I headed home.  Superior Asphalt, the paving contractor, had almost finished paving Tahoe.  The new asphalt was still hot and not open to traffic.  I parked in a safe place and walked home.

Nancy had just finished the laundry.  I spent time putting my clean clothes away.

I checked the pavement and it had cooled sufficiently for me to ride my bike on it.  I took a short 7 mile ride.

At home I showered and shaved.  Quick lunch and then retrieved the Fusion.  The paving is still not complete.  The final layer must be placed next week.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed tamales with apple sauce.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We spent some time recapping our week.

Tonight we watched Liverpool on Acorn.  It was not very good.

Checked the Cedar Closet at 2200 and it was dry.  Tomorrow I will clean the floor and put up a portable clothes rack.

The full moon was still bright when checked the courtyard at 2200.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 20, 2021

 Friday August 20, 2021

Blog time 1100 on Saturday August 21 sitting in waiting area at Fox Ford.

Up Friday morning at 0600. First thing I move the Escape to an area away from the Tahoe paving operations.  I am assuming they might pave today.

Nancy headed out at 0830 for MVP.  Today she is going swimming.

After Breakfast and calisthenics I get on bike and pedal to Ada.  Sat outside at Nonna’s Pantry and enjoyed a scone and coffee.  It was another sunny, warm, humid day.  

I took a long route home  in order to miss some hills.  Total miles traveled 15.7.

I noted that my bike’s speedometer is acting up. I am going to Meijer’s this afternoon and will buy batteries.

After a quick shower I drove to Meijer’s.  In addition to batteries I bought cookies, oatmeal, yogurt and Ensure.  

Lunch and then headed down to office to read and pay bills.  At 1500 we headed to NO CO’s.  We are meeting the Moleski’s for dinner.  We had a leisurely drink before ordering.  Nancy had a salad.  Linda and Tom had burgers.  I had the fish and chips.  Since Linda, Tom and Nancy have August birthdays we ordered brownies and ice cream for dessert.  Very good.  NO CO’s is on our favorite restaurant list.

At home we watched an episode of New Tricks.  A great episode.

I am still checking the cedar closet every evening to see that the sealed crack is holding.  Dry as a bone (stupid expression).  It was warm and humid when checked courtyard at 2200.  Once again a very bright orange moon.  It does have a name but I cannot recall.

Missy FaceTimed this evening. 

August 19, 2021

 Thursday August 19, 2021

Blog time 2146 sitting in den.

Summary of today’s activities.

Up with 0600 alarm.  Moved Escape to Wendy’s parking lot of 28th Street.  When Nancy left at 0800 she had a short walk to Escape.  

When she is done with her morning activities she will use the same lot.  We have no idea when the pavers will be working in front of our condo.

I complete my calisthenics have breakfast and then head out on a 14 mile bike ride.  I had a difficult time deciding on a route with all the construction in the area.  

I ended up at Panera.  The indoor dining area is closed but they have outside table available.  

I decided to walk through the Drive Thru.  When I got to the speakers I shouted my order but no reply.  I walked to the takeout window and gave my order.  Apparently the speakers are triggered by a heavy metal car.  They do not work for folks walking.

Sat outside and drank coffee and read the news.  Panera must be hurting because during the hour I spent reading very few cars using the Drive thru.

At home I shaved and showered.  Lunch and then at 1500 Nancy and I drove to Porter Hills apartments in Cook Valley.  We were able to walk through two apartments.  Both apartments were 2 bedroom with about 1250 square feet of space.  

We were impressed.  It will be a big operation when we decide to move.

After Porter Hills we drove to Lowes looking for a portable coat rack that we could place in the Cedar Closet.  They had several but decided to check out another store.  Bed, Bath and Beyond had exactly what we wanted.  Next door to BBB is the new Total Wines store.  I bought three bottles.

For dinner tonight Nancy prepared Creamed Corn with Crab soup.  The soup use to be a standard at the old Onion Crock restaurant.  The Onion Crock has been closed for years but they still produce a frozen version available at local stores.

I am finishing this blog on Saturday morning sitting in the waiting area at Fox Ford.  I cannot remember what we viewed.

Great bright full moon tonight.  

Thursday, August 19, 2021

August 18, 2021

Wednesday August 18, 2021

Blog time 1645 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0730.  Today we have Structural Foundations coming this morning to seal the wall crack in our basement.  Hopefully this action will stop the leaking.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Calisthenics at 50%.  At 0750 I drove to Panera.  Panera’s Drive Thru opens at 0800.  I was first in line.  Ordered coffee and bagel. At home fixed my oatmeal w/banana breakfast to go with coffee and bagel.  

Doug, from Structural Foundations arrived at 0830. In order to seal the wall crack he removed more cedar paneling to expose the entire vertical crack.  The crack was sealed by pressure injecting an epoxy mix.  I sure hope it works.

After the repair man left I put on bike clothes.  Today I took a short 9 mile ride.  This was my first time on my new Brooks leather saddle.  It felt great.  Sure glad I returned the rubber Brooks saddle for the leather model.

Today Nancy worked at the Gardens.  She said they were very busy.  At 1600 there was a long line of folks waiting to get into the outdoor arena for at 1900 concert.  I sure hope we don’t have the same problem when we attend a concert on the 29th.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry.  Also took out recyclables and trash. 

The streets in our neighborhood are being repaved this week.  First step in the project is to mill off the existing 2” of bituminous. A new 2” bituminous layer will be placed later this week.  Tahoe Drive is now down to original gravel.

When Nancy got home we talked about getting stuck in our drive tomorrow because of the pavers.  I did not want to park the car overnight in a remote parking lot.  I decided to get up early and move the car out of the way of the construction.

The weather folks said another hot, humid day ahead. They were right.

For dinner tonight we had our usual Wednesday night fare of cereal and fruit.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We had a nice talk with both.

Tonight we watched the season ending episode of Wild Bill on BritBox.  I hope there is another season.

At 2200 checked the Courtyard and our repaired basement wall crack.  Everything was ok.



Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August 17, 2021

 Tuesday August 17, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in office.

Up at 0700 

Calisthenics and breakfast before pedaling to Panera, 8 miles.  The dining room was closed but the manager gave me a coffee and bagel at no cost.

Sat outside and read the news on my mini.

School districts in NE Mi are getting federal grants of about 20% of their annual budget.  Of course we will all pay eventually.

Got home at 1130.  My new Brooks rubber bike saddle is really uncomfortable.  I took it off and drove to Ada Bike and purchased an original Brooks leather saddle.  They will remove the rubber saddle and put on the leather.  Will pick up this afternoon.

Lunch and then some reading in office.

1500, headed to Clark on Keller Lake senior apartment.  Clark is building a huge apartment complex on Keller.  

We discussed the applications process and costs of moving in.  I took a tour of an almost completed 2 bedroom unit. I was impressed.

Dropped Nancy off and headed to Ada to pick up new bike saddle.  Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and fill the Escape up.  Gas was $3.25.

As soon as I got home and Nancy said we had water in basement.  Our neighbors just got home from being away 2 weeks.  No water while they were gone but as soon as they got back water.  Go figure. 

Spent time mopping up water.  What a pain.  Structural Foundations is coming tomorrow to make repairs.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pasta with special sauce.  Also coleslaw and croissant.  

Tonight we watched news.  Afghanistan and Covid still dominates.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Great show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. Everything ok.

At 2200 the Courtyard was ok and only a small amount of water in basement.  Hope the repairs work tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

August 16, 2021

Monday August 16, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office, I am sad because August is 1/2 over.

Up this morning at 0630. It was still dark.  Sunrise today at 0650.  Sunny and high of 80 today.

I completed my calisthenics before breakfast.  Always on Monday after a weekend of no calisthenics I have no problems with pull-ups or chin-ups.  Nancy suggest doing them every other day.  

This morning Nancy is going swimming at MVP.  After she has an 1100 appointment with her ENT.

After my oatmeal breakfast I pedaled to Nonna’s Pantry in Ada.  All the restaurants I usually frequent no longer have indoor dining.  At Nonna’s I ordered a coffee and muffin.  Sat outside and read the news.  Today I took my mini-iPad because it is easy to carry in my over-the-shoulder backpack.  Of course no keyboard so I will do my blogs at home.

Nonna’s is next door to Ada Bike.  At Ada Bike I bought a new Brooks Saddle.  

Pleasant ride home.  Total miles biked today 16.

After lunch I took a quick shower.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Woodland Mall.  I stopped at the Apple Store to see if they had a keyboard for my mini.  I could not get anyone to wait on me.  Will check on line.

Lunch and then I took a nap.

Afghanistan, the Haiti earthquake and the Delta strain of the Coronavirus dominates the news.  None of this is good news.

We had our standard Monday dinner of Cheerios with blackberries.  Dessert was two sugar free oatmeal cookies.

Poured myself a glass of wine and then watched news on CNBC.  At 1930 we retired to den.  Tonight we watched an episode of Blood.  It was very grim.  No more watching this show.

We did watch the final episode of The Kominsky Method.  Nancy headed to bed. I stayed up and watched an episode of Gone for Good.  The jury is still out on this show.

Checked basement and it was dry.  The Courtyard was also in good shape at 2200.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

Monday, August 16, 2021

August 15, 2021

Sunday August 15, 2021

Up this morning at 0715.  Dressed and drove to Bigsby’s Drive Thru. Got 2 coffees and a bagel for me. 

At home fixed oatmeal with banana to go with the coffee and bagel. Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Today Trinity asked that we start wearing masks again.  We complied.  About 100 folks in attendance.

After church we made an exploratory run to Nancy’s new ENT.  After this visit, we drove to Whitneyville.  A very pleasant drive.  It looks like the corn is ready.

At home I put on bike clothes.  Today I took my Bianca bike.  I had a very pleasant 10 mile ride.

Quick lunch and then my mandatory Sunday afternoon nap.

The news today was all about Afghanistan falling.  Sad, I get very emotional about the incompetence of the Trump and Biden administrations.  Maybe for my mental health I should quit reading the news.

The 2020 census data is being released.  No surprise that Detroit and Flint lost population.  The UP and NE michigan were also big losers.

In 1965 when I was courting Nancy she was living in Flint.  Flint was booming mostly because of GM.  Flint bragged that the 1970 census would show Flint surpassing GR as the State’s second largest city.  Then the auto industry collapsed.  Flint is now Michigan’s eighth largest city with less than 100,000.  Problem of being a one industry town.

Tonight for dinner we finally finished the pin wheel sandwiches Nancy had purchased for Friday’s Book Club.

We watched the first segment of 60 Minutes before switching to BritBox and watching Death in Paradise.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched “Gone for Good” on Netflix.  Harlan Coben wrote this show.  French with English subtitles.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  On one future blog I would like to say that son Steve had FaceTimed.

Checked at 2200 and the Cedar Closet and dry and the Courtyard was in good shape.  Nice looking half moon tonight.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 14, 2021

 Saturday August 14, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up at 0700 dressed and headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  We had our usual.  Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal with scrambled egg for me.  We both had coffee and toast.

Beautiful day, sunny and high temp of only 79.  We are also getting a break from high humidity.  Instead of 85% like yesterday it is now 36% which is very comfortable.


Walgreen Drug store for lotions and blued reading glasses.

Ace Hardware for washer and light bulb. No light bulb at ACE.

Home Depot for light bulb.

West Mi Bike shop for bike bag.

Bought bag and tried to put on bike, did not fit.  Pedaled back to West Mi Bike to look at another bag.  No luck!

Every morning after my bike ride I like to sit down in a coffee shop and sip brew and read on my iPad.  This is the enjoyable part of the morning.  Because of the Pandemic and shortage of workers, inside dining will not be available at Panera for several months.  Checked at Bigsby Coffee and same condition, no inside dining.  I think the same is true at the McDonalds near me.  Major league Bummer.

Lunch today at 1400 before my shave and shower.

Finished yesterday’s blog.

Paid credit card bill.

Late afternoon we made a trip to Scoopers in Ada for ice cream.  Sat outside and enjoyed the ice cream.

Very light dinner.  Tonight we watched an episode of Liverpool.  We will give it one more run.

Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched Hit and Run.  This was the third episode and I will discontinue watching.  Too dark and gloomy.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She and Akerke are doing fine. They now have the iPad up and running properly.

 2200 checked the Courtyard and basement.  Everything ok.  Another nice day coming up.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

August 13, 2021

 Friday August 13, 2021

Blog time 1215.

Good grief another Friday the 13th.  Must buy lottery tickets today.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy has Book Club today so she is not going to MVP.  

I do calisthenics before breakfast.  Breakfast and then head out on an 11 mile ride.  At home I showered before I drove the Fusion to Panera.  Before leaving I asked Nancy if she needed any help.  She said no.

The Manager at Panera told me that starting today Panera will be back to reduced hours.  Dining room closes at 1700 on weekdays.  Full closure on Saturday and Sunday.  

They just cannot get workers.  Yesterday they scheduled 10 interviews and no one showed.  Why work when the welfare state will pay you.  Thanks Joe and Gretchen!

Book Club does not end until 1400.  I will run errands until then. 

After Panera I drove to Meijer’s and bought 2 lottery tickets.  Next stop Woodland Mall.  Spent time wandering around.  I did buy a new watch band at the Apple store.

Got home at 1420 and thought the Book Club folks would be gone.  Not the case, they were talking and eating cookies.

Nancy said the Book Club luncheon went well.  They spent a short time discussing the book.  The majority of time was spent talking.  The Pandemic has kept us cooped up so we have an opportunity to sit down and talk with friends we take advantage of it.

I fixed a quick lunch followed by a short nap.  Of course for dinner I had several pin wheel sandwiches left over from lunch. Also a Sugar Mommas cookie.

Tonight we watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds on BritBox.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Lately before turning in I check both and Courtyard and Cedar Closet.  Both were ok.  Also turned off AC.

Friday, August 13, 2021

August 12, 2021

 Thursday August 12, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Heavy thunder storms last night.  Several time during the night Nancy and I checked the Cedar Closet.  No leakage noted.

Up this morning at 0700.  Calisthenics before breakfast.  Nancy headed out at 0815 for her class at MVP.  Later she has a dental appointment.

This afternoon we are both going to Costco.  Nancy wants to buy pinwheel sandwiches for tomorrow’s Book Club.

Today I took my 10.5 mile bike trip.  It was only 72 but with humidity in 90s I was uncomfortable.  When I had to stop pedaling my glasses would fog up.  At home I removed by wet tee and put on a dry.  Pedaled to Panera, 0.8 mile.

This and that:

The Taliban are capturing great swatches of Afghanistan without any resistance.  Why did we spent billions supporting Paper Tigers?

The talk of a Covid booster shot is confusing.  Does an octogenarian have a compromised immune system?

Fall High School sports are underway.  Almost looks back to normal.

Noted also morning vehicular traffic is almost back to normal.  The parking lots of most of the office buildings I pass are full.  Good sign.

Back at home I shaved and showered.  Before lunch Nancy and I drove to Costco.  We purchased pinwheel sandwiches for tomorrow’s book club.  Made a quick stop at Meijer’s to get a veggie tray also for tomorrow’s BC.

Lunch and then I took a quick nap.

This afternoon I got a joint FaceTime call from Debbie and Granddaughter Akerke.  I gave Akerke my old iPad Pro and she was trying to get it working.  She had called Aunt Debbie for help.

Found out I had only erased my data files and did not wipe the iPad clean.  After some trials Debbie and Akerke had made some progress.  I was pleased at how computer savvy Akerke was.  Hope she enjoys the iPad.

In todays mail I got a nasty letter from our tax consultant about not paying my bill.  Big surprise because Nancy and I always pay our bills as soon as received.  Checked my check book and found I had paid the bill the day it was received.  Went to my Macatawa Bank app and found a copy of the canceled check.  Sent a strong email to Accounting firm.

Light dinner tonight.  We did watch some news.  I must be entering clumsy old man phase because this evening while watching the news in living room I spilled my glass of wine.  Nancy was very nice about my clumsy moves.  She even helped me clean up.

 After the clean up we retired to the den and watched an episode of New Tricks.  Good way to lighten up.

In addition to checking the Courtyard at 2200, I also checked for leakage in our Cedar Closet.  The floor was dry.  Turned off AC before turning in.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

August 11, 2021

 Wednesday August 2021

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with alarm at 0530.  Dressed and stopped at Bigsby for coffee before driving to the University Club in downtown GR.  

Great turnout.  Buffet type breakfast of eggs, bread pudding, meat and fruit.  Speaker today was a retired GVSU Professor who is active in the GR Art’s scene.  He talked about how these organizations survived the pandemic.  Good talk.

First thing I got when arrived home was a call from Kim, our cleaning lady.  Kim said she had a cancellation and wondered if she could clean our Condo.  I said sure.  

Kim was scheduled to clean on Thursday but she had to cancel.  Nancy will be happy with this news because she is having her Book Club on Friday.

I put on bike clothes and pedaled to Panera.  Coffee and some reading.  Left at noon and took an 8 mile route home.

Nancy said Foundation Solutions stopped by this morning to look at our water problem.  They will seal the concrete crack next Wednesday morning.

Shower before lunch.  Quick nap and then at 1630 we drove to NO CO restaurant for dinner with Phil Hertel and Becker Verker.

Started with a glass of wine.  Tonight we were celebrating the birthday’s of Becky and Nancy.  Pleasant conversation and good food.

Got home at 2000.  Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  Nice relaxing show.

Akerke FaceTimed Nancy this evening.  She just got back from two week journey across country in a big RV.  She had a great time.  Now she has to rest up because school starts next Monday.

It was raining hard when I went out at 2200 to check Courtyard. Took my flash light and made a check of all our roof downspouts.  Every downspout was working properly.  Also checked the Cedar closet and it was dry.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

August 10, 2021

 Tuesday August 10, 2021

Up this morning at 0630. Nancy asked if I heard it rain last night.  I did not, in fact I checked outside and noted no puddles. The humidity this morning was 96 and temperature was 72.

Nancy has a high impact class this morning at MVP.  She is also having lunch with Karen Horlings.

Calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast jumped on bike.  This morning I modified my route.  It was still 10.5 mile from start to finish.  No rain on ride but my glasses fogged up because of the high humidity.  Felt like Vietnam.

At home I put on sweatshirt and pedaled to Panera.  I talked to a fellow Navy Vet I see every morning.  Asked him if it rained last night.  He said it thundered and poured rain for about and hour.  I slept thru the storm.

Got a call from the Porter Hill sales rep.  Nancy and I are meeting with him late this afternoon.

I like Panera’s baguettes.  I bought one.  It is about 24” long. 

This and that:

The Covid is spreading to rural areas and still many folks refuse to get vaccinated.  Read this morning of a young adult who said he didn’t need the shot because he was red headed and had blue eyes.  Who spreads these stupid rumors?

A lot of news has focused on the Senates bipartisan Infrastructure package.  It will probably pass today.  However, the bill must still be passed by the House.  The Speaker will hold the bill up until she gets her social legislation package passed.  This package will send the Nation into bankruptcy.

At home shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch and then headed to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $3.29.

Left for Porter Hills at 1600.  We met will sales director.  Turned in our application and deposit.  Spent 45 minutes asking questions about the facilities.  We were provided a floor plan of a 2 bedroom apartment.  I was impressed.  Next week we will get a tour of available apartments.

At home I checked the Cedar Closet and found water on the floor.  I mopped up the water.  

Dinner of yogurt, blueberries, and baguette.  After dinner I rechecked the closet after dinner and noted more water.  Again I mopped the floor.

Tonight we watched the last available episode of Jack Irish.  Good show.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Hit and Run.  Gave show a B-.

Hot and humid when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Before turning in made a check of the Cedar Closet.  It was dry.  Good news.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

August 9, 2021

 Monday August 9, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Up at 0645 this morning.  It was 72 with high humidity.  No rain last night.  Checked my weather app and they said rain will start about 1400.  Good! I can get a bike ride in.

Calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then started my morning bike ride.  The 10.5 mile ride ended at the condo.  Quick shower and then grabbed iPad and pedaled to Panera.

I just sat down with my coffee when Nancy walked in.  She was picking up her coffee.  This morning Nancy went swimming.

This and that:

I liked drinking my coffee in styrofoam cups.  Wish they could make a comeback.

Got a note from Carol Smith.  Carol’s firm, LSE, purchased Scott Civil Engineering.  A company picnic was planned for Saturday but Carol had to cancel because of a bout with Vertigo.  Vertigo is not a pleasant condition.  Get well soon Carol.

Why is it that whenever I sit down in a public place I check to see how many folks near me are left handed.

The TV broadcasts of the forest fires in CA, Greece and Turkey are very dramatic.  The devastation is unimaginable.

Some of the Climate Change extremists are warning that the Atlantic gulf steam will fail and Europe will plunge into arctic like conditions. Not in my lifetime!

Ca has passed a law saying pigs need more room.  The price of bacon will go up.  Pigs grown outside of CA must also comply if they want to sell bacon in CA.  Good grief why don’t they just try some good forest management.

I still don’t understand Bitcoins.

Professional Sports teams were dead set against sports betting.  Now they endorse it.  Will the sports betting community crash after the first point shaving scandal?

After lunch today Nancy and I sat at the dining room table and filled an application to Porter Hill Retirement Community.  The application required a lot of financial data.  It took us awhile to pull it all together.  Even had to call our Wells Fargo Advisor for information.  The upside,  we were able to consolidate many accounts.

Spent the remainder of the afternoon in the office.  Paid our September US and MI income taxes.  Also wrote my August note to the Grandkids.  Just before dinner I got on bike and mailed the taxes and notes.

We had our standard Monday night dinner, Cereal and blueberries.  We watched some news while having dinner.

Spent time in den reading before switching the Netflix.  Tonight we watched a new show called Hit and Run.  The show is set in Israel and NY.  I think the show deserves another look.  Nancy was turned off by the Hebrew subscripts.

It was really humid when checked the Courtyard this evening.

Monday, August 9, 2021

August 8, 2021

 Sunday August 8, 2021

Blog time 1745 sitting in office.

Up at 0645.  Quickly dressed, brought in the GRP and fixed breakfast.  Even at 0700 it was hot 72 and very humid.

Panera’s Drive Thru does not open until 0800.  They operate the drive thru on weekends no inside dining. This morning I was first in line.  Got our morning coffees.

Left for church at 0845.  Small turnout at church this morning.

After church we drove to Sparta a small rural community NW of GR.  Sparta is known for its apple orchards.

Our purpose was to locate a restaurant in downtown Sparta called Downtown Trini’s.  The owner is a high school classmate of daughter Debbie.  Debbie has been reading about their good food on Facebook.  We wanted to check it out.  Will visit some weekday.

A home I put on bike clothes and took a 8.8 mile ride.  It was so humid I was covered in sweat 2 miles into the ride.

At home showered had lunch followed by a quick nap.

Today is my Sister, Helen’s, birthday.  We gave her a call.  She has received many calls today.  She now can join the Octogenarian club.

Despite being her birthday Helen is fixing a salmon loaf for dinner.  She is using my Mother’s recipe.  My Mom always put creamed celery on top of her salmon loaf.  Helen said she did not have time.

Happy Birthday Helen.

The Delta variant is for real.  I just don’t see folks refusal to get a shot.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed two fried eggs on waffles.  Very tasty.  We also had blueberries.

Today is a final day of the Olympics.  We just could not get in the mood.  Our viewing time was about 20% of previous Olympics.  Too bad!  

We are  being told the Winter Olympics are only 6 months away.  Confused?

No 60 Minutes tonight.  Instead we just sat in den and read today’s GRP.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch the final episode of Bang.  Although it was not the final episode.  It left me hanging.  Bummer!

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  

It was very humid when checked the Courtyard at 2200. Rain predicted for tonight.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

August 7, 2021

 Saturday August 7, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dress and head to the Gathering Place.  This morning we had our standard Saturday breakfast.

Nancy:  coffee, western Omelette and raisin toast.

Bob: coffee, oatmeal with scrambled egg and raisin toast.

After breakfast we headed to Walmart.  I returned 39 bottles while Nancy bought groceries.  Walmart was not crowded.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on bike clothes and headed to Ada.  Stopped at Ada Bike and bought a new tire pump.

Today I took a 14.5 mile route.  The additional miles were because I wanted to avoid hills. I did stop at the Health food store and bought some dark chocolate.

The Spiders have been building webs on our front door frame and overhangs.  Nancy and I spent some time removing webs and cleaning walls.  I even made a quick trip to Ace to get a new broom and sponge to help us.  

Nancy wanted to get rid of all the spider webs because she is having book club next Friday.  

Book Club now has only five members.  Three original members have moved recently.

After the spider cleanup I took a shower and shaved.  Lunch today of yogurt with Fiber 1 cereal and a bottle of Ensure.  For dessert I had a piece of dark chocolate.

I purchased a coffee earlier today at Panera.  Warmed it up and headed downstairs for some reading.  The coffee kept me awake and was able to read WSJ, emails and finish yesterday’s blog.

Trader Joe’s pea soup for dinner tonight.  Nancy also got out some whole wheat dinner rolls along with blueberries.  Sounds like a nice evening meal.  In fact it was a great evening meal.

Tonight we watched an episode of Whitstable Pearl.  A great show about a single mum who owns a family restaurant in an English costal city.  She becomes a part time detective. 

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another Acorn show called Bang.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was hot and humid when I checked the courtyard at 2200.  Turned the AC on at 1800 and did not turn it off until after midnight.  Hot humid weather will continue through most of the week.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

August 6, 2021

 Friday August 6, 2021

Blog time 1315 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0645 this morning.  Nancy is leaving at 0830 for a swim.

It was cloudy and humid with showers later.  High temp 81.

I do my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then got on bike and took my 7 mile route to Panera.  Today I put my mini-iPad in a shoulder pack.  The pack is much lighter than my standard backpack carrying my big iPad.  My plan was just to have a quick coffee and read the morning news.  No blog writing.

Left Panera at 1100.  It started to rain 1/2 way home.  Total miles biked today 11.5.

Tonight we are taking my Sister Helen’s Grandkids, Paige and Molly out to dinner.  We will have dinner at Bagger Dave’s. Page has just moved to the GR area.

At home I took a quick shower and then lunch.

This afternoon I took a nap.  Also spent time writing blogs.

At 1715 Paige and Molly arrived.  We drove to Bagger Daves which is less than 0.5 miles from the Condo.

Bagger Daves was empty.  I wonder why because it has a nice warm interior and the food is good.

I was the only one who had an alcoholic beverage.  Paige and Molly split a pizza, Nancy had a salad and I had a great cheeseburger.

After dinner we drove to Scooper’s in Ada for ice cream.  We sat outside enjoying our ice cream.  A very pleasant summer’s evening.

Tonight Nancy and I watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds on BritBox.  Good Cop show.  The show is filmed in Bath England.  Bath is a very picturesque city.  I will put a visit on my bucket list.

Very humid when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Tomorrow will be a warm humid day.

Friday, August 6, 2021

August 5, 2021

 Thursday August 5, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630.  No scheduled events for me today.  Nancy does have a Doctor’s appointment late this afternoon to look at an infected finger.

I do calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then head out on my morning ride of 10.5 miles.  Make quick stop at home to get iPad and a sweatshirt before heading to Panera.

While drinking coffee at Panera Nancy stopped by to get her morning coffee.  She had just finished a tough class at MVP.  I think despite the difficulty Nancy likes this class.

Checked messages this morning and got 2:

1. Missy had received my old iPad in the mail.  I was happy because mail service in LA is questionable.

2. Yesterday I txt our GP, Dr Kutsche.  I wanted to know if Nancy and I should start taking Prevagen, for memory aid.  He did not recommend it.

At noon I headed home.  Shaved (face and head) and showered before lunch.

Nancy notified me that a man from Foundation Solutions was coming over the check out our water problem which I think is caused by a concrete crack in our foundation.

Nancy left at 1500 to run errands and then visit the Doctor at 1645.  Busy afternoon.

Before the repairman arrived I finished reading the WSJ.  Earliest I have finished reading the WSJ in a long time.

This and that:

Covid and fires in Ca dominated the news.  I think we are in what use to be called the Dog Days of Summer.  Folks just want to relax.

Today’s Alpena News had an article about a section of M32, a two lane State Hwy, being closed near the Alpena Airport. The Air Force wanted to practice landing jet fighter planes on the Hwy.  The test was successful.  

The landing was shown on tonight’s “News with Shepard Smith” on CNBC.  Good news from NE Mi.

We all talk about the disruption Covid 19 has done to our daily lives.  However, the Polio epidemic of the 50s also caused major disruption to daily life.  Especially for kids.  The hot days of August was considered the prime month for getting polio.  We were not allowed to go swimming and had to stay inside.  Every parent was waiting for the first frost.  The frost was suppose to kill the polio germs.

President Biden loves Executive Orders.  Today he issued one about switching to Electric vehicles.  I don’t think there is much enforcement muscle behind an EO. 

The Foundation Solutions man arrived about 1600.  He looked at our water problem and agreed a concrete crack was the cause of our problem.  His parting shot was “we will be in contact”.

A PA inspected Nancy’s finger.  She said it was a bruise.  Soak in episode salts was the recommendation.

For dinner tonight we had take out.  I drove to Panera and got a bowl of their Summer Corn Chowder.  It was very good. I also had blueberries.

Watched some news before switching to NetFlix.  We watched an episode of Virgin River.  The show is turning into a Chic Flix.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched an episode of Bang.  

Courtyard check at 2200.  Everything ok.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

August 4, 2021

 Wednesday August 4, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

Wednesday my easy day.  Today we had planned to drive to the Detroit area to visit the IKEA store.  However, Nancy was worried the leak repair man might call so we cancelled the IKEA trip.  Instead we had breakfast at Bob Evan’s just down the street.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and 2 biscuits.  Nancy ordered biscuits.  She loves Bob Evan’s biscuits.

We decided to drive the short distance to Holland.  If the repair man does call we can be back under in 30 minutes.

First stop in Holland was downtown.  We visited the Outpost store, a great store for sports clothing.  Nancy also visited several women’s stores.  Downtown Holland seems to be holding up quite well.  Plenty of foot traffic.

We also drove to Holland State Park to see the beach.  The temperature was in the 70s and parking lot was filling up fast.

At home I returned to the basement and removed a small section of headboard.  No water encountered.  The crack is now visible. Late this afternoon got a call from the Maintenance firm saying we are on the list for repairs.

Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took the trash and recyclables to the curb.  After lunch took a nap.

Returned to office to write yesterday’s and today’s blog.  Light dinner tonight and then while watching news I will catch up on reading the online news.

This and that:

Today is my childhood friend, Tommy Collins’ birthday.  Tommy is 82 and lives in CA.

The Alpena Board of Education just had a public meeting.  Over 200 folks attended.  It was an informational meeting.  The board wanted to learn of the public’s concerns over education policy.

Like most of the nation’s parents the Alpena parents were concerned about mask wearing, requiring vaccinations, teaching CRT, and transgender issues.  According to the new’s reports the meeting was very civil and generally successful.  Of course 1 jerk became belligerent during a presentation.

The Delta variant is serious.  Folks have to get their shots.

We have not spent much time watching the Olympics.  Watching skateboarding is not much fun.

This evening we had our normal Wednesday meal of Cheerios with fruit.  Tonight was fresh Mi blueberries.  Nothing quite like Mi fruit.  My Dad always said it was the cold Mi nights that brought out the sugars in the fruit. I think I have made this comment before.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Good news we have three more seasons of this show.

Both Debbie and Facetimed this evening.

Courtyard check at 2200 and everything ok.  I did note that our courtyard need some landscape work.  Will try to find a landscaper who can help.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

August 3, 2021

 Tuesday August 3, 2021

Up this morning at 0615.  Today I have a 1130 Doctor’s appointment so I will lighten things up.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for a new class at MVP.  She said it is quite intensive.

I did the calisthenics at 60% this morning.  Breakfast and then headed out on a short 7.65 mile bike ride.  Another cool morning, 56, so I put on 3 layers.  Noted most folks walking or bike riding were in a single tee.  

Got home at 0900. Quickly showered and shaved.  Drove the Fusion to Panera.  Bought coffee and bagel before quickly skimming the news.

Arrived at the Doctor’s office at 1120.  They made me fill out what I thought was redundant paper work.  What happened to the paperless society.

I will tell you what really is paperless and that is Doctor’s offices.  Not a magazine in sight.  I use to catch up on People magazine in the Doctor’s office.  Now I have to read the Daily Mail on my iPhone.

Doctor Santos is an Ocular Nerve Doctor.  He is treating me for my Myasthenia Gravis.   He asked several questions about my pill intake and problems I have encountered in the last year.  I told him my symptoms worsen in the winter.  I have to increase my pill intake to 8 a day.  During summer months I decrease my intake to 4 pills a day.  He said he did not think my MG is weather related.  Of course I disagree.  After 10 minutes he said see you next year.

At home I had a quick lunch.

This afternoon I decided to located the water leak in our cedar closet.  Spent over three hours removing cedar paneling and wood baseboards.  I concentrated my efforts only in the small area where the leakage occurs.

After removing the baseboard noted that water was leaking into the closet.  I think the hardwood baseboard was holding some water back.  Got a mop and bucket and cleaned up the area.  The leaking stopped after an hour.  

We checked the area about every two hours for the next 16 hours and noted no new leakage.  I called the Maintenance Company and they put me on their list.

Took another shower before dinner.  Tonight Nancy fixed pasta with a special Trader Joe sauce.  It was very good.

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the Welsh cop show, Bang.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Courtyard check at 2200 was normal.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 2, 2021

 Monday August 2, 2021

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630.  Checked the weather and temp was 56, cold for this time of year.  

Nancy spent a restless night with her foot pain.  The pain had subsided when I got up.  Told her to stay in bed.

Calisthenics at home this morning.  On Mondays I can easily do my 8 chin-ups and 8 pull-ups.  On Friday I can only do 7. The weekend rest must help.

Oatmeal breakfast before heading out on my morning bike ride. This morning I took a new route.  It is safer and smoother.  After today’s positive experience it will be my new route.  The mileage is the same as old route.

When I got home Nancy was gone.  Found out later she went for a swim.  

Showered and then got back on bike and headed to Panera.  

Read emails and finished yesterdays blog before starting this blog.

I have to leave Panera at noon because we have a plumber coming early this afternoon to TV our sewer line.  I hope we get a positive report.  Stay tuned!

When the Plumber arrived I explained our problem.  He inspected our downstairs bath and stated that he does not think the plumbing is the cause of our water problem.  I agreed.  TVing the line was not necessary.   I paid him for his shower time.  I feel better now that I got another opinion.

Tomorrow I will remove the paneling in our Cedar closet and try to locate the origins of the leak.  I suspect it is a crack where the basement slab meets the outside wall.

After the plumber Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to purchase bananas, yogurt and oatmeal cookies.  Later I took a nap.

We had Cheerios with blueberries for dinner.  Watched some of the news and then headed to the den.  Tonight we watched a Welsh cop show with subscripts.  I did not know anyone spoke Welsh anymore.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode.  Good show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Courtyard check at 2200 found everything ok.

Monday, August 2, 2021

August 1, 2021

 Sunday August 1, 2021

Up at 0700 this morning.  Quickly dressed and then fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  After breakfast I drove to Panera for coffee.  Panera was closed so I drove to Bigsby.  Purchased two coffees and headed home.

Read several sections of the GRP before leaving at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  I wore a sport coat because it was a cool 59 when we left.  Cold for August.  Most men were in tees and I was the only one with a sport coat.  Must be my metabolism?

Small crowd at church today.  Most folks must be on vacation.

After church we drove to Rockford.  We drove around the city and were amazed how much it has grown since our last visit.  In fact development between GR and Rockford has skyrocketed in the past 10 years.

At home I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a nine mile ride.  I tried out a new route.  I did not like it because of traffic and hills.

Shower before lunch.

Activities this afternoon:

Took a nap  

Trip to D&W to mail package to Missy.

For Dinner I had two fried eggs on toast with blueberries.

We watched some Olympics before switching to Prime.  We watched an episode of New Tricks.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report. However, at bed time Nancy was experiencing some real nerve pain in her foot.  I hope medication helps.

Check of courtyard at 2200 found everything normal.  Unseasonably cold weather tonight.  Temps will drop to low 50s.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

July 31, 2021

 Saturday July 31, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Good Grief! The last day of July already.  The summer is moving too fast.

Up at 0630, dressed and headed to The Gathering Place for breakfast.  The place was nearly empty when we arrived at 0730.  It was full at 0800.

We had our standard Saturday breakfast.  Nancy had a Western Omelette and raisin toast.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and raisin toast.  The food is excellent.

After breakfast we drove to Cabella’s.  We spent about 45 minutes looking around.  Nothing purchased.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I headed out on a 14 mile bike ride.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  This afternoon I spent time in my office writing blogs and reading.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Ada’s Scoopers Ice Cream.  I had a large cup of vanilla and Nancy had a medium cup chocolate chip.  We sat outside and enjoyed our treat.

Tonight we watched two episodes of Jack Ryan on Acorn.  Finished this season’s episodes.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

It was 59 when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Cool weather will prevail for the next several day.