Monday, December 2, 2019

Sunday December 1, 2019

Weekend update for WE Sunday December 1, 2019

Blog time 1750, Saturday Nov 30 sitting in downstairs office.

I was first one up this morning, 0630. Took Ms P out and then did my calisthenics at 50%.  Our walk to Panera was pleasant.  Although the temp was 32 we had little wind and the sidewalks were dry.

Panera was empty when we arrived at 0800.  Nancy got a coffee and I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

As soon as we got home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on my bike riding clothes and headed out on a 8 mile ride.  Nice day for a ride.  

Shave and shower before lunch.  This afternoon I ran some errands.  

Stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and bought two sink containers for holding all my grooming stuff.

I stopped at the Apple Store and bought a very short charging cable.  I will carry the cable in my backpack with my new emergency power pack for the iPad and iPhone.

Watched some of the UM/OSU game.  It was grime.  

Took a short nap.  For dinner we finished the last of the Thanksgiving meal.  Turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing and cranberries.  It was quite tasty.

Tonight we watched a movie on Netflix.  It was an English spy drama called MI5.  I liked it but Nancy not so much.

I finished the evening watching an episode Goliath.  When I took Ms P out at 2200 it was windy but dry.

Sunday December 1, 2019

Meteorologists consider December 1 to be the first day of winter.  Winter ends at the end of February.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0630.  She was surprised over 6 inches of snow had fallen over night.  The temperature was 32 and it stayed at this temp all day.

After breakfast I shoveled our courtyard walk.  The snow was heavy.  Neither Tahoe Drive or our drive had been plowed.

Noted a car not being able to get up Tahoe.  We debated whether to go church but at the last moment decided to give it a try.  No problem, the AWD Escape plowed right through the snow.

I was surprised that there was a good crowd at church.  Today is the First Sunday in Advent.
Gas at Meijer’s today was $2.54.  Ginger Ale and Coke were on sale today.  A 2 liter bottle cost $1 so we bought six.

At home I shoveled more snow before heading downstairs.  I rearranged my office desk and also the  bathroom sink.  Also wrote the monthly note to Grandkids.

Lunch and then I took a short nap followed by our apple snack.   I needed to get my 30 minutes outside in today so I grabbed the Grandkids notes and headed to the mailbox.

First thing I noted, our drive and Tahoe Drive had recently been plowed.  However, the walks had not been plowed so walking was difficult.

Tonight Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs, with link sausage and croissants for dinner.  Very good Sunday evening meal.

After dinner and the dishes, I fixed Nancy her cracker/cheese snack and I consumed two squares of chocolate (100%).  Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.   It was on for two hours.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Goliath.

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