Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Monday December 23, 2019

Monday December 23, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Ms P and I both got up at 0450.  I took her out and headed back to bed.  I had the alarm set for 0515 so I could go swimming.  Shut the alarm off, I really did not want to swim today.

I tried doing some exercises at home and discovered my pulled stomach muscle has healed.  Great news.

Nancy left at 0700.  She is picking up a neighbor before heading to MVP.

Breakfast and then pumped up my bike tires and headed to the Y.  The sun was just coming up so I had all my lights on.   

The Y was crowded with a lot of young folks home for Christmas.  I did my calisthenics/walk today.  I tried using the rowing machine but caused hip pain so stopped.

The Y was crowded but Panera was not.  I think a lot of working folks are taking this week off.

This and that;

How about a moratorium on impeachment news during the holidays.
When I was ten, 1948, I was had some money I earned working on my Grandfather’s farm.  I decided to buy my parents a Christmas gift.  At the Montgomery Wards store I picked up a free copy of Ward’s book about Rudolph.  First time I heard of Rudolph.  My mother liked to enter radio contests.  We were listening to “20 Questions”.  My mother was looking for a question to submit. I was reading the Rudolph book so I suggested Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  She submitted this question but it was not selected.  One year later, 1949, Gene Autry released the song and the rest is history.

Biked home from Panera in bright sun.  Put out corn for deer before lunch.

Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco to purchase some last minute food items.  Nancy also picked up at prescription.

At home fixed our apple snack and then a nap.  We had a light dinner.  

We both watched another episode of DCI Barnes.  I stayed up and watched a CIA show that was terrible.

It was 35 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Mild weather continues, no snow for Christmas.

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