Monday, December 16, 2019

Sunday December 15, 2019

Weekend update for WE 15DEC19

Blog time 1130 on Monday at Panera

Saturday December 14, 2019

Nancy was first up this morning.  She said it was 27 but with no wind.  We decided to walk to Panera.

We got to Panera before 0800 and the place was empty.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy had her coffee.  Panera now plays only Christmas music.  Very nice.

Back home Nancy started the laundry and I headed out on an 8 mile bike ride.  Despite the temperature I had a pleasant ride.  All the walks were snow and ice free.

The deer are getting braver.  Three deer usually start on the corn in the early afternoon.  Every day I put out six ears.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Quick lunch and then took a long nap.  Fixed apple snack.

We made a quick trip to Meijer’s to do our normal Sunday shopping.  We cannot shop on Sunday because Nancy’s Book Club is having their Christmas party starting at noon.

As soon as we got home I called JT’s Pizza and ordered a Hawaiian pizza.  This evening we sat in the den and watched a movie called the Irishman on Netflix.  It was a very long movie, 3 hours 30 minutes.  We rated it a B.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening and we got caught up on her holiday plans.

Sunday December 15, 2019

This morning we took our Sunday walk around the neighborhood.  We always comment on how quiet it is on Sunday, no cars, no pedestrians.  Light dusting of snow make our walk festive.

We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0840.  The 0915 service was not crowded.  Pastor Bob explained it was because of the Children’s Christmas program at the 1045 service.  

We headed straight home from church.  Nancy fixed a snack tray and then we headed to the Book Club’s Christmas party at the Moleski’s.  

All BC members attended including Tom Moleski and yours truly.  We had a very pleasant time.  Everyone was in a festive mood.  Good food and wine.  

We got home at 1630.  I even had time for a quick nap.  

I had a yogurt for dinner.  We watched 60 Minutes and an episode of The Heart Guy on Acorn.  We watched episode 1 of season four.  We had trouble following the story line.  We finally realized that we had not watched season 3.  Bummer.

The temperature will stay in the mid 20s tonight.  Tomorrow should be dark and gloomy but no snow.

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