Saturday, December 21, 2019

Friday December 20, 2019

Friday December 20, 2019

Blog time 1015 at Panera

Up this morning at 0515.  Dressed, grabbed swim gear and headed to the Y.  It was a mild 35 this morning.

Today I was at the pool at 0630, about 15 minutes earlier than yesterday.  The pool was empty.  I had the pick of lanes.  Ten minutes later the pool was full.  Timing is everything.

It was still dark when left Y at 0800.  Exactly 9 hours of daylight today.  Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice so the days will get longer.

At home I grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  Ordered an oatmeal breakfast.  Swimming gives me an appetite.

This and that:

Why does the impeachment dominate the news when most folks don’t care.  

Democrats had a debate last night.  Once again who cares?

I am glad the Holiday season is upon us.   This happy season takes our mind off the gloom and doom in DC.

Walked home from Panera in bright sun.  Sun is alway good.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home at 1130.  Decided to finish my Christmas shopping so I drove to Woodland Mall.  Made my last purchase for this season.

At home I spent some time in office finishing some year end stuff.  Took a nap and then fixed our apple snack.

Sat in my easy chair and started reading the news.  I fell asleep and Nancy had to wake me for dinner.

Nancy fixed chili for dinner.  Also had some coleslaw.

Tonight we watched an episode of The Crown.  Nancy headed to bed and I started watching an episode of the Outlander.   It had just started when I fell asleep.  Slept through two episodes.  

It was in mid 30s when took Ms P out at 2230.  The weather folks say we are going to have a green Christmas.  Bummer!

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