Friday, December 6, 2019

Thursday December 5, 2019

Thursday December 5, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

I got up before 0600 and took Ms P out.  Looks like another mild day with temps in mid-30s.

Nancy headed out to her swim at MVP.  Today I am staying home because a repair man is coming this morning to fix our freezer. 

I performed my calisthenics at home.  It must be the steroids but the muscles in my arms and stomach hurt when I exercise.  Normally I do 8 chin-ups but can now only do six.  I hope in time the muscles will return to normal.

The repair man arrived a little after 9.  It only took him a minute to determine we needed a new Defrost Timer.  He replaced the timer.  Total repair time about 30 minutes.  

No bike today.  I walked to Panera.  Lately I have had not hip pain when walking.  The distance to Panera using my new route is 1.2 miles.

At Panera ordered a coffee and baguette before reading the Alpena News, checking email and finishing yesterday’s blog.  Every weekday I read my iPad’s “News App” and the WSJ.  I subscribe to the digital edition of the WSJ.  It is a bit pricey but I think it is a complete newspaper except no funnies.

Before lunch I ran some errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.  Picked up a prescription at Meijer’s and bought cheese, snack bread and bananas.

After lunch I started putting up some Christmas decorations.  Brought up the Christmas tree and lights.  Strung the lights along our deck railing.  Plugged everything in and no light.  Did some checking and decided the lights were shot.

Drove to ACE and bought a new string.  Also purchased some clips that I can attach to the railing to hang the lights.  Very clever.

Put up the new lights, plugged them in and everything worked fine.  The lights add some Holiday Cheer to our back deck.  

Tonight Nancy is attending a Women’s only charity event at Blythfield Country Club.  The Club meets quarterly for dinner.  Members push their favorite charity and a vote is held.  The winner gets a sizable donation.

I had a light dinner.  I decided to watch the Dolly Parton show on Netflix.  Watched about 20 minutes before switching to the football game.

Nancy got home at 2100.  We headed to bed early tonight.

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