Saturday, December 14, 2019

Friday December 13, 2019

Friday December 13, 2019

Got up at 0550 and took Ms P out.  It was very mild with a temperature of 37 degrees.  I hate this yo-yo weather.  If I was king I would declare that in the three winter months the temperature would never get above 32.  I think this is healthier.

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  Later she has a full morning of Christmas shopping.

After breakfast I walked to the Y.  The steroids must be wearing off because I am feeling more hip pain.  I might have to change my winter routine.  Calisthenics and walk/run and shower before walking to Panera.

This and that:

Today is Friday the 13.  I always buy a lottery ticket today.  I won a Jeep in a raffle in 1956 with the number 13.

On Friday December 14, 1962 young Ensign Scott boarded the 1400 log flight from Midway Island Navy Base to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  My year long tour was over.  I was heading home for Christmas.  This was a happy day in my life.  It was 74 degrees when I left Midway.  After changing planes in SF, Chicago and Detroit I landed in Alpena on Sunday morning.  My Mom and Dad met me. It -17 degrees but who cares I was home for Christmas.

The UK election was decisive.  The conservatives have a green light to finally get BRexit done.

China/USA trade deal.  Good news.

After lunch I headed to Breton Village.  I planned on getting my car washed but the Car Wash was closed.  Mechanical breakdown I was told.

Bought a Christmas gift and then I stopped at Fitzgerald’s.  I bought a pair of pants that are made of super duper material.  The salesman said just like Lululemon.  I also stopped at Lululemon and looked at their pants.  Fitzgerald’s brand was superior.  

Final stop was the Orvis store.  Purchased nothing.

At home I spent time cleaning my desk and reading.  No nap today.

Fixed out apple snack and then at 1700 we drove to Brann’s for dinner.  I had a bowl of chili with wine and Nancy had a margarita and chicken sandwich.  The food is always good at Brann’s.

This evening we watched another episode of The Crown.  It was about Prince Phillip’s midlife crisis.  Great show.  I like this season better than the last two.

The temperature will remain above freezing tonight.  Opened our slider for fresh air.

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