Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sunday December 29, 2019

Sunday December 29, 2019

Blog time 2030, Monday sitting in den

Sunday morning and everyone slept in.  No Church today.

Another nice mild day.  Nancy fixed AJ waffles and bacon for breakfast.  Missy and I headed to the new Starbucks at the end of 28th Street.  I had an oatmeal and Missy had an egg sandwich.  We both thought the food was good.

After breakfast I gave Missy a tour of Ada.  I think she was impressed with all the new construction in the Village.  Dropped her off at Walmart. She plans on walking home.

At home spent some time reading the GRP followed by the first of two afternoon walks  The weather is returning to normal winter temperatures.  Wind and rain/snow tonight.

Nancy took AJ to the Beauty Salon for a shampoo and hair cut.  On the way they ran into Missy walking home from Walmart.  Missy joined them.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  We also had spinach pie and bacon.  Everyone enjoyed our standard Sunday evening meal.

Missy and AJ continued watching “My Life is Murder” in the den.  Nancy and I watched a Netflix show in the living room.  A very relaxing Sunday.

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