Saturday, December 28, 2019

Thursday December 26, 2019

Thursday December 26, 2019

Blog time Saturday sitting in office at 1200

I was first up and took Ms P out.  I even fixed her food.  

Akerke did not want to go to breakfast so Missy and I headed to Panera.  I had oatmeal and Missy had an egg sandwich.  She said the sandwich was good.

After breakfast I dropped Missy off and started some errands.  Stopped at bank to make a transaction.  Also the laundry.

After a quick lunch Missy and AJ and I headed to a movie at Celebration Cinema.  We saw Jumanji.  AJ and Missy gave it an A.  I thought a B was appropriate.

For dinner Nancy fixed Chicken Noodle soup.  It was a hit.  Spent the evening talking and watching some Netflix.  AJ and Missy still have jet lag so were were in bed before 2200.

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