Saturday, December 28, 2019

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Wednesday December 25, 2019:  CHRISTMAS DAY

Blog time 0915 sitting in living room:


Today I slept in until nearly 0700.  Nancy had already been up and fed Ms P.  

She went back to bed and I fixed myself a light breakfast.  Did some typical Wednesday chores, before sitting down in the living room and finished yesterdays blog.

The temperature is 31 and the sun has just come out.  No white Christmas but having sun is good.  Missy and Akerke arrive in GR about 1530 today.  After we get them home we will open presents.

Favorite Christmas Presents;

Small RCA radio for my bedroom.

Red Ryder Daisy BB gun.

High top boots with a special jack knife pocket.

1965 Nancy for our first Christmas bought me a Rolex watch.  I told her (in jest) that if she bought me a Rolex I would buy her a Fur Coat.  I have not yet delivered.

A Great gift that I did not appreciate.  My Dad during the depression operated a big Dragline in a gravel pit.  For Christmas about 1947 he spent hours in the basement making me an exact replica of the dragline he operated.  I could move the dragline because it was on wheels.  The dragline had about four foot of boom.  To operate the machine I sat on a built in seat and through a series of pulleys could lower and raise the bucket by using the manual controls.  The dragline bucket opened and closed, so I could pick up an object on the floor and swing the boom and drop the object in a pail.  It was very clever and all my friends thought it was cool.  However, I did not have much enthusiasm for the machine.  I think Dad was crushed.  Sorry Dad.

This afternoon we talked with my sister, Helen, in Tucson.  Also talked with Debbie and Steve’s family in Long Beach, Ca.  Everyone was having a great Christmas.

Missy and AJ’s plane was delayed in Minneapolis for about an hour.  We finally picked them up at 1700.

As soon as we got home we opened presents.  For dinner Nancy fixed ham with mashed potatoes and green beans.  Dessert was pumpkin pie.  It was a great Christmas meal.

Missy and AJ had been up for about 18 hours so after dinner we all crashed.  Bottom line it was like all Christmas’s Great.

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