Thursday, December 19, 2019

Wednesday December 18, 2019

Wednesday December 18, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning.  She said it was very cold and windy,  16 degrees.  A fresh blanket of snow fell overnight.  

Nancy left at 0700 for MVP.  She works this afternoon at the Gardens.  

No Breakfast Club today because of my Doctor’s appointment.  Breakfast and then headed to the Doctors.
After much prodding and poking the Doctor said the pain was not caused by my gallbladder or appendix.  It was a pulled muscle.  The cure:  no pushups or sit-ups for about a month and place a heating pad over the muscle.  Swimming is ok.

After the appointment I headed to the Y.  I walked a mile and showered before driving to Panera.

Finished yesterdays blog and read some headlines.  Got home at 1230 just as Nancy was leaving.  

Put out corn for deer before lunch.  Rope yarn Wednesday so I did a load of laundry and took out trash before a nap.

After nap I took a mile walk.  We burned out a new string of Christmas lights on our deck so I headed to Ace and bought a new string.  The young lady checking me out said that the defective string might have blown a fuse.  Will check this out tomorrow.

Fixed our apple snack.

It is now 1800 and the temperature is 14 with a wind chill of 2.  A warm up starts tomorrow.

Light dinner followed by our nightly snacks.  The evening news said the House’s Impeachment vote will be during prime time and the networks will broadcast the vote.  Does this seem contrived?

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I stayed up and watched an episode of Outlander before heading to bed.  It was too cold to open the slider tonight.

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