Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Got up at 0550 and took Ms P out.  It was cold, 18, and windy.

Nancy headed out for MVP.  This afternoon she works at the Gardens.

I did my exercise routine at 50% this morning.  Checked my weather app and the wind chill was in single digits.  Got out my heavy hooded wool coat.  I walked into the wind and it was miserable.  Arrived at Panera at 0900.  The place was crowded.  I ordered an oatmeal breakfast.

Panera must be a popular spot for office staff to meet and have a brief meeting over pastries and coffee.  Most of the tables had more than three folks.

Finished yesterday’s blog.  Read the papers and in keeping with my no comments on USA politics this year I have nothing to comment on.  

This and that:

On days with the temperature below freezing mittens are superior to gloves.

Today we have 9h3’ of daylight.  So far in December we have had 2% of available sun.  Bummer.

This year I have a major case of Christmas Spirit.  I enjoy the continuous Christmas music at Panera and on my car radio.

In my elementary school days I asked Santa for two gifts that would not be allowed today.  The first was a Red Ryder BB gun, made by Daisy of Plymouth, Mi.  The second was a pair of leather high top boots with a sewed in leather pouch that contain a jackknife.  Both gifts were super cool.

The walk home was more tolerable because I had the wind at my back.  Nancy was getting ready to leave for the Gardens when I got home.

Headed out to run some errands.

First stop was the Chow Hound for deer corn.  No luck.

Next stopped at D&W and mailed packages to Ca.

At Meijer’s I bought a tub of Pinconning soft cheese and a brick of Black Diamond cheese.  Black Diamond cheese is a little pricey but worth it.  Great cheese.

Next I stopped a Horrock’s and bought a 35 pound bag of corn.  Put out the corn as soon as I got home.

Wednesday afternoon so after lunch I:

Took out the trash and recyclables.
Did a load of laundry.
Took a nap.

Fixed our apple snack as soon as Nancy got home at 1700.  It is part of our daily ritual.

We had a light dinner tonight, cereal with blueberries.  Very good especially fresh blueberries.

We watched the news and Jeopardy while eating our after dinner snack.  Tonight we watched another episode of The Crown.  Great episode.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of a Polish crime story.

The temperature at bed time was 12.  We decided it was too cold to open our slider.  Sissy!

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