Monday, December 30, 2019

Friday December 27, 2019

Friday December 27, 2019

Up at 0530, took out Ms P, dressed and drove to Y.  The Y was crowded.  Calisthenics, short walk and shower before heading home.

For breakfast Missy, AJ and I headed to IHOP for breakfast.  We all had a pancake breakfast.  

Another mild day ahead.  Our weather has been nearly as warm as Ca. We will pay for it later.

Another quiet day.  We all made a trip to HobbyLobby.  They had their post Christmas sale.  Nothing major purchased.

We had dinner at Russ’s. Missy had a burger and onion rings, the rest of us had soup.  

We watched some Netflix before turning in.   It has been a relaxing week.  I have not watched the news or thought about current affairs.  Maybe this is what it should be for an old guy.

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