Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Monday December 9, 2019

Monday December 9, 2019

Blog time 1150 at Panera

I did not get up until 0700.  The steroids must be wearing off.  Nancy left home at 0715 because she had to pick up a neighbor and take her to MVP.

Nancy has a luncheon today with her pals from the hospital guild.  In fact Nancy has a lunch nearly every day this week.  Later we are going to the discount mall.

Last week I had difficulty doing chin-ups which I blamed on the steroids.  This morning I was able to do four.  It is a start.

Temperature was in the high 40s this morning with a steady rain.  I drove to the Y.

Today I tried running. I would walk a lap and then run a lap.  Completed two laps.  First time I have been able to run in over a year.  Showered and then headed out.

Drove to Apple store to make a purchase before heading to Panera.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read some news.

Still raining when I got home.  Quick lunch and then we headed to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  Spent an hour looking around.  I bought a pair of cords at Brooks Brothers.  BB is the only store that carries corduroy pants.  I love corduroy, they were the preferred winter pant in my youth.  Nancy made a purchase at Talbot’s.

At home put out the last of the corn for the deer.  Will replenish supply tomorrow.  

Quick nap and then took a 30 minute walk.  I needed to get my 30 minutes outside completed.

Light dinner, fixed after dinner snacks and watched news.  Debbie called us this evening.  She said they have been having a lot of rain but it stopped today.  

We watched an episode of Wycliffe before turning in.  The temperature has been dropping all day.  Snow tomorrow.

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