Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Monday December 2, 2019

Monday December 2, 2019

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Woke up at 0600 this morning.  I even had to get Ms P up.  No snow overnight but it was cold 29.

Nancy headed out early to a class at MVP, first time in a week.  I told her to ease back into her routine.  Think she will take my advice?

Busy day today.  I have a 1430 Dentist appointment.  This evening Nancy and I are going to Meijer Gardens for a members only viewing of the Christmas decorations.

This morning I walked to the Y a distance of 1.9 miles.  The sidewalks still had not been plowed.  

Performed my normal calisthenics and walk.  The Y was crowded with folks trying to get rid of Holiday pounds.  Noted that the body pump class was at maximum capacity.  It looks like a good workout.  The walk to Panera is 0.9 mile. The walk home from Panera is 1.2 miles. 

After my shower had a quick lunch.  Headed out at 1400 to the dentist.  Today they took xrays before cleaning.  They also cleaned my partial and made several adjustments.  Doctor Lamberts checked my mouth and said see you in 6 months.  

Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some of Nancy’s jewel out of the safe deposit box.  We are attending two events, tonight and Wednesday, at Meijer Gardens.  Nancy wants to wear her best.

This and that:

Hours of daylight is now 9h 12”.  We have had only about 15% sun lately.  The white snow on the ground helps brighten things up.

On Jan 1, 2020 I will have lived in 10 decades.

The impeachment of POTUS continues.  Does anyone care?

I have my car’s satellite radio on the Holiday channel.  It brightens things up.

Last night after dinner Nancy told me to look in the back yard.  Four deer were eating the corn I had put out.  

We left home at 1830 and headed to Meijer Gardens.  The entrance to the Gardens with all the lights on the trees was spectacular.  Snacks were provided.  I had a glass of wine.  A very relaxing evening.

Got home about 2100.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched the final episode of Goliath.  Good ending.

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