Monday, December 31, 2018

Sunday December 30, 2018

Weekend Update for WE 30 December 

Blog time 1640 Sunday sitting in living room

Saturday December 30

Fresh dusting of snow on the ground with temperature at 27.  Walked to Panera in darkness.  We were first one in the dining area.  We chose a table near the fireplace.  I had my normal oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy is still in her fast time so she only had a hazelnut coffee.

We lingered over several cups of coffee.  Sitting near the fireplace was very comfy.

It was daylight when we finally left Panera.  Walked home with wind at our back.

Nancy started laundry and I bundled up and headed out on a ten mile bike ride.  Before leaving I adjusted my internal hub in accordance with instructions on a YouTube video.  Did not work.

Stopped at the Y and left off some clean gym clothes.  The Y was crowded with a lot of hard core lifters.

Cold weather note:  I put my iPhone in an outside pocket when I headed out on my ride.  The iPhone’s battery was completely drained when I got to the Y.  It took only 40 minutes to drain the battery.  
At home I put out the corn for the deer.  Showered and then lunch.  Spent some time reading the news and finishing yesterday’s blog.  Also found time for a nap.

I did watch some of the UM/FL game.  UM got creamed and it serves them right when they let their best players skip the game.  UM should have declined the invitation if they knew they would not be fielding the same team that got them the invitation in the first place.  

We had Nancy’s world famous ham and bean soup for dinner.  It was great.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She gave us some Netflix shows popular with her friends.  

We finished the evening watching episode 1 of season 19 for Midsomer Murders.  I like the show and apparently so do a lot of Brits if it has been on for over 20 years.

Sunday December 30

Ms P got me up at 0550.  We had a new dusting of snow on the ground.  Temperature was 28.  Nancy and I bundled up grabbed our flashlights and headed out on our Sunday walk around the block.  We had to be careful because of snow and icy patches.

Breakfast and then at 0840 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Pastor Bob gave a great Homily.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home.  Gas was $1.99 per gallon.

I did some light exercises before lunch.  After lunch read several sections of GRP before my Sunday nap.  A great obituary for Hal Horling in the GRP.

Nap and then a two mile walk.  Bright sun but still 30 degrees.  

This afternoon we had a pear snack and then a shrimp snack.  

This and that;

During the Holiday season I have avoided commenting on politics.  I think most folks want the pols to take a break and remember they serve the public.  I hope their constituents let them know this.

I have lost all interest in college and pro sports.  It is all about the money.

Keep reading about the Polar Vortex.  A cold winter is predicted.  Haven’t seen it yet.

Just checked outside and we have two deer eating the corn.  Normal feeding time is just after sunset.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also had spinach pie and bacon.

Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack after dinner.  We started watching 60 Minutes but realized it was a rerun.  Switched to Netflix.  Started watching Safe which Debbie recommended last night but soon realized that we had already seen it.  Watched an episode of The Five before turning in.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Friday December 28, 2018

Friday December 28, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Good Grief it was 51 degrees when I first went out.  The temperature is going to start dropping all day.  In fact at Blog time the temp had already fallen 10 degrees.

This morning I ditched the cold weather coat, hat and boots.  I took the 8 mile route to the Y, saw a large flock of turkeys feeding.

Normal routines at both the Y and Panera.  Tonight Nancy and I will use one of our many coupons for dinner.

This and that:

Does anyone remember the old morning kid’s show on WJR radio?  It was called the Adventures of Squeaky and Sputter.  

Radio was great in the 40 and 50s.  My favorite Friday evening show was called “It Pays to be Ignorant”.  It was on at 2200 and I would fight to stay awake.

Today’s blog will be number 3139.

POTUS say he will close the entire southern border if he does not get his wall funded.  Crazy! Why can’t some adults just sit down and reach a compromise.

First chore at home was putting out nine corn cobs for deer.  Showered and then had lunch.

I spent the afternoon in the office finishing writing checks for this year’s charitable contributions.  Our list of organizations has been pretty stable over the last ten years.  The one change is the Myasthenia Gravis foundation.  We started giving soon after I was diagnosed with this rare neuro-musclar condition.

Earlier I wrote about the good old days, 40 and 50s.  However, today we have available to us things that were unimaginable then.  I particularly like all the tool available like iPads, computers and iphone and their ability to use the internet.

This week at Christmas we were able to have video conversations with:

Debbie in San Jose, CA
Melissa and AJ in LA
Steve and family vacationing in London, England

Dick Tracy would be proud.  Folks laughed at his watch phone in the 50s.  

For dinner Nancy and I grabbed a coupon and headed to Derby Station in Gaslight Village.  Nancy had a burger and I had their fish and chips.  Both were very good.

We watched an episode of Wanted this evening.

On a very sad note Nancy got a phone call this evening from Karen Horlings.  She told Nancy that husband Hal had passed early Friday morning.  Karen, Nancy and my Sister were classmates at Albion College in the late 50s.  

Nancy and I have many fond memories of time spent with Hal and Karen.  They were a favorite couple.  Just two weeks ago we all had dinner and then attended the Holiday Pops Concert.  It was a great time.

I considered Hal a close friend.  He was a great husband, father and grandfather.  Rest In Peace Hal.


Friday, December 28, 2018

Thursday December 27, 2018

Thursday December 27, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It was 36 and windy when first went out.  High temp today 41 with rain starting at noon.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I got out my Bad Boy bike (warm weather) and headed to the Y.  Took the 6 mile route.  

I was surprised at how empty the Y was.  I completed my routine quickly and headed to Panera.

This and that:

What’s with the stock market.  Down one day and then up 1,000 the next.  Large swings during the day.  Revenge of the nerds?

The lack of snow in December is close to a record.

The Federal Gov is shut down.  Does anyone notice or care?

Several UM football players will miss their bowl game because the don’t want to get hurt before the NFL draft.  Loyalty loses and greed wins.  Major college sports need some major changes.

I am not looking forward to the 2019 Congress.  Will nastiness get even worse?

Rode home from Panera in the rain.  First thing I did at home was take a hot shower.

After lunch we headed out to run errands.  

First stop was Horrock’s so I can replenish my corn supply.  

Next we stopped at Trader Joe’s. Bought frozen dinners for tonight.  Mac and cheese for Nancy and Shepard’s Pie for Bob.  Also bought dog food for Ms P.

At the Grand Rapid’s Lighting Center we bought a new ceiling light for the kitchen.

Final stop was Sam’s Club for a tub of soft Pinconning soft cheese.

First job at home was to lug the 35# bag of corn to back yard.  I used the plastic sled.  Each day I set out nine ears.  They are gone by morning.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  We had our TJ purchases for dinner.  Very good.

Lately Ms P has not been eating food she usually likes.  Tonight she did not eat her cheese.  

We watched an episode of Vera before turning in.  I told Nancy I did not like this episode and she replied may be it was because I had slept through half the show.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Wednesday December 26, 2018

Wednesday December 26, 2018

Blog time 0925 at Panera

The ground was still snow covered when first went out at 0630.  The temp was 32 but would climb to 40.  Bummer!

If I was King I would not allow the temp to get above 32 during December, January and February.  I think it is healthier.

Kind of a back to normal day.  Nancy headed to a class at MVP and this afternoon she works at the Gardens.  Because of heavy traffic at the Gardens during the Holidays I will drive her.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Calisthenics at home (50% of normal), and an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.  I rode my bike.

Took the seven mile bike route home.  As soon as I got home I drove Nancy to the Gardens.  The parking lots were already almost full.

At home I put out corn for the deer and then a shower and lunch.  After lunch:
I did two loads of laundry. 
Normally on Wednesdays I take out the trash but because of the Christmas holiday trash pickup is delayed a day.
Took a short nap.

I checked my credit card statement and found a large charge from Apple.  I called Apple and found they had bundled several individual charges like, WSJ, Acorn and books that were normally separate charges.

Left home at 1615 to pick up Nancy.  She said the Gardens were busy.  Over 1,000 folks came through during her 3.5 hour shift.  Sun, 40 degree temps and the Holidays will get folks out doors.

We got several fruit gift boxes for Christmas.  Each box had four pears.  Lately we have a pear before dinner.  We eat the most perishable fruits first.  Great pears.

Light dinner followed by the cheese with pill snack.  We watched the news, Jeopardy before switching to Prime to watch the final episode of The Tunnel.  


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Tuesday December 25, 2018


December 25, 2018

Blog time 1400 sitting in living room watching the snow fall.

Took Ms P out at 0600, snow and 28.  I went back to bed and did not get up until 0830.  

We had several presents under our tree and spent some time opening them.  I had my standard morning breakfast but with coffee that Nancy had brewed.  I usually don’t get my morning coffee until about 1000 at Panera.  

Steve and family are in England for Christmas.  They FaceTimed us this morning.  It was cold but they still have been bike riding, attending the Changing of the Guard and other outdoor activities.

We have several text messages from Missy and AJ.  One photo showed AJ opening presents.  They will attend a movie this afternoon.

Several great Christmas presents from my youth.

A small radio for my bedroom.  It opened the world for me.  Remember no TV in Alpena until 1956.

A Red Ryder Daisy BB gun.  Every little boy’s dream.

A pair of high top boots with a built in jackknife pocket.  Super cool.  Every little boy had a jackknife.

Not in my youth but when first married I jokingly told Nancy if she bought me a Rolex watch I would buy her a fur coat.  Christmas 1965 I got my watch.  Being a deadbeat I have not fulfilled my end of the pledge.

Today we spent time on FaceTime will all the kids.  Debbie in San Jose, Melissa in LA and Steve vacationing in London.  Love FaceTime.  

I told Nancy that today I would not do any physical activity.  I kept my pledge.  I took two naps.  

I did take Ms P out several times and put out corn for the deer.  That was my outdoor activities.

Nancy fixed a great Christmas dinner.  We had ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, pineapple and a salad.  Great meal.  

This evening we watched the news and NCIS.  Finished the evening watching the Tunnel.

Took Ms P out at 2200 and noted that we had a thin blanket of snow over all the green areas.  Yes folks, we had a White Christmas.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Monday December 24, 2018

Monday December 24, 2018:  CHRISTMAS EVE

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning.  She said we had received a trace of snow overnight.  I got up at 0640.

Nancy is attending a class at MVP this morning.  I had breakfast before putting on my bike clothes and heading out.  

Light snow with temperature at 32 when I started.  I took my winter bike (Bianchi) with steel studded snow tires.  Took my short winter route, 5 miles.

Wow! was the Y ever crowded this morning.  I have been a member since the Y opened three years ago.  I have never seen this many folks.  I think most offices are closed today as are the schools.

The crowd at Panera was smaller than normal.  While at Panera Nancy texted me that the glass globe over our ceiling light fell and shattered.  No one was hurt.  Now I have to get a new light and someone to install it.

I sent out Christmas cards this year to several classmates at AHS.  Every one who got a card has phoned or emailed me a reply.  It was great to hear from them.

Big decision today?  Are we going to the 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11 Christmas Eve service.  Stay tuned.  

After lunch I spent time in the office finishing more year end chores.  I took a 30 minute nap and then at 1615 we headed to the 1700 Christmas service at Trinity Lutheran.  As expected the church was packed.  We sang all the Christmas Carols and listened to a great Homily.  Very uplifting, as it should be.

Light dinner and then we watched two episodes of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.  Light snow predicted for tonight.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Sunday December 23, 2018

Saturday December 22, 2018

Blog time 1425 sitting in office

It was gloomy and 31 when first stepped out.  Despite the wind and cold Nancy and I bundled up and walked to Panera.  We were one of the first folks there.

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy said we had a free pastry so she got a cinnamon braid.  Of course she forced me to eat half.

Wind at our back on the way home making the walk pleasant.  Nancy started the laundry and I took a nine mile bike ride.  The pavements were dry so I took my Bad Boy (lefty) bike.  

Put out corn for the deer.  Every evening about 1715 three deer quietly come and devour our corn.  They strip the cobs clean but don’t eat the cob.

After the shower I had lunch.  Spent a good portion of the afternoon in my office doing year end stuff.

Nancy and I left home about 1715 and headed to Charlie’s Bar and Grill on Plainfield.  We met the Moleski’s.  First time in a year that I had a burrito.  Charlie’s burritos are great.  Nancy and the Moleski’s had the French dip.  They all gave the French dip an A.  Every table was occupied.  Is it because of the Holiday Season or the good food?
Got home early so we watched the final two episodes of DCI Banks.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening and we got caught up.  She plans on a quiet Christmas at home.

Sunday December 24, 2018

Up at 0615 to take Ms P out.  Temp was at 32 with light mist.  We started our Sunday walk around the block but cut it short because of icy conditions.

Breakfast, quick run to Panera for coffee and read the funnies and obits before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Pastor Bob commented on the small crowd.  He thinks folks will get their church time tomorrow at one of the five Christmas Eve services.  Yes five services on Christmas Eve.

Stopped at a crowded Meijer’s for a few supplies.  Gas today was $2.18.

At home put out the corn and did some mild calisthenics before lunch.  I read several sections of the GRP before my afternoon nap.  

I finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner. I had mine with spinach pie and bacon.

After the cheese snack and pills we watched 60 Minutes.  Tonight also watched an episode of The Five.  Light snow predicted for tonight.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Friday December 21, 2018

Friday December 21, 2018

Blog time 1025 at Panera

It was raining and mild, 38, this morning.  Today is the first day of winter.

HAPPY SOLSTICE!  Today was have exactly 9 hours of daylight.  Also today my biorhythms go up because the days are getting longer.

I did my entire routine at home this morning.  Walked outside and noted the rain had stopped so I biked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

This and that:

Is anyone in charge?  The GOP is playing chicken with the Democrats in the Senate over funding for the stupid wall.  Are any middle of the road conservatives left in the GOP?

General Mathis’s retirement shows the dysfunction of the Administration.  Impulse foreign policy decisions by tweet.  Is this any way to run a country?

On a sad note my mother passed on this date in 1980.  Rest In Peace Mom.

On a very happy note on this date, Friday December 21,1962 I left Midway Island and headed home for Christmas.  I was one happy Sailor.

Left Panera about 1100 and took a seven mile route home.    No rain and with the mild temps the ride was very pleasant.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs to my office.  Every year in late December I sit down and decide what Charities we will contribute to.  The list does not vary much from year to year.  Last year I added the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation to my list.  I finished the afternoon by walking to the mailbox to mail the checks.

Nancy fixed chicken stuffed with spinach for dinner.  Also had Lima beans and a sweet potato.  Great meal.

This evening after everyone’s pill and snack we started watching the news, then Jeopardy to be followed by a show on Netflix.  I immediately fell asleep and woke up half way through an episode of Call the MidWifes.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Rake.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Thursday December 20, 2018

Thursday December 20, 2018

It was mild, 40, with light rain when I went out at 0600.  Today I put on a rain suit and rode my Bad Boy (warm weather) bike.  

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  She has a busy day.   She is having lunch with friend Kathi and tonight we are going out for dinner before attending a GR Symphony concert.

Light rain on my 5 mile ride to the Y.   The rain suit kept me very comfortable.  Great to be back on the Bad Boy bike.

The Y was crowded this morning with folks getting in some exercise before the Christmas break.  Overheard a lot of folks talking about visiting family out of town.

The Y was crowded but Panera was empty.  Maybe folks have already left town?

At home put out corn for the deer.  I then drove the Taurus to the D&W gas station.  Gas today was $2.19.

Lunch, a shower and then I spent time in the office finishing year end chores.  My friend Tom Cassell called me this afternoon.  Tom still lives in Alpena and at 80 still successfully hunts deer.  We talked for over an hour.  No short conversations with Tom.  Great to hear from him.

Nancy and I left at 1700 for downtown.  Parked in the City Center and then walked to Sundance for dinner.  We were surprised the place was empty.  After dinner we know why it was empty.  We gave Sundance a C-.

The concert tonight was great.  The symphony was in fine tune and the gymnasts from Cirque du Soleil were spectacular.  There were no empty seats in the house and judging from the applause every one had a great time.

We got home at 2200.  No TV tonight we went straight to bed.