Saturday, September 1, 2018

Friday August 31, 2018

Friday August 31, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It must be Friday because the Scott’s slept in until 0700.  Sunny and cool, 58, early but the sun has warmed things up to 72 at blog time.

I did not see any school buses this morning so assume no school because of the Labor Day weekend.  This morning I saw in my bird gathering favorite field two Sand Hill Cranes.  I stopped and took a photo.

I can remember boyhood memories of most Holidays.  Labor Day is the exception.  I don’t recall any family gatherings.  We must of just crashed, resting up for the new school year.

This and that:

Gas this weekend is $0.46 more per gallon than last year.

Why do my left side toe and finger nails grow much faster than right side?

Most Meteorologists consider today the last day of summer.

Can’t drink the water in Detroit schools.  Copper and lead was detected.  Copper and lead water pipes were used for years.  The solution is to replace the pipes.  I just hope that Detroit does not ask for a bail out from the State.  The pipes are on private property.  GR and other School Districts have used there own funds to solve this problem.

Special Elk hunting season underway in Mi.  Why not a special Goose hunting season in Kent County.  Geese are a major nuisance and health hazard.

After shower and lunch, we all piled in the Escape and ran errands.  First stop Kohl’s.  I purchased two pair of pajama bottoms.  Next we stopped at Costco.  Prunes, Cheerios, lotion, bacon and a long sleeve tee shirt for Bob.

I did take a short nap.  For dinner we headed to JT’s Pizza.  We split a medium pineapple and ham pizza.  Great pizza.

Watched an episode of Scott & Bailey followed by Murder in Paradise before turning in.  Hot, humid weekend with showers predicted for the weekend.

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