Sunday, September 2, 2018

Saturday September 1, 2018

Saturday September 1, 2018

Blog time 1355 sitting in living room

We both got up at 0700 this morning.  Temperature was in low 70s with rain estimated to start at noon.

We had a scare last night.  Ms P experienced two seizures.  They last less than 2 minutes but she is totally helpless.  Tuesday we will talk to Vet about seizure medicine.  Amazing how attached we become to our pets.

This morning we walked to Panera.  The place was empty.  Nancy got a free pastry for her birthday.  We split a Bear Claw.  High in sugar but very tasty.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I suited up for a bike ride.  This morning’s ride covered 15 miles.  The trails were crowded with runners trying to get their workout in before the rain.  It was very humid and runners were covered in sweat.

Arrived home at 1130.  Shaved and showered before lunch.  It started to rain hard at noon.  It is now 1400 and the rain continues.  

News comments;

From the “I will show you” category.  Saudi Arabia has been having a running feud with its tiny neighbor Qatar.  The Saudi’s say they will dig a canal making Qatar an island.  Maybe the leaders should buy some beer and have a talk?

POTUS’s problems have created a welfare program for lawyers.  I once heard that lawyers solve conflicts between opponents of know resources by depleting the resources of both parties.

College football season starts this weekend.  Major colleges now play 12 games.  When I attended UM in the 50s only 9 games were played.  No night games.  Also players played both offense and defense.  

If you play a pickup game with buddies most guys would get mad if they couldn’t play both ways.  Cross training is good.

For dinner tonight we finished the left overs in the refrigerator.  Left overs are good.

I did watch some of the UM/Notre Dame game.  Disappointing!

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We had a good conversation.  Watched an episode of Tunnel followed by Scott & Bailey.


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