Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wednesday September 19, 2018

Wednesday September 19, 2018

Blog time 1950 sitting in den

Spent the night at my Sister’s home in Gaylord.  Temperature got down to high 40s last night.  I even used the electric blanket.  Slept in until 0700.  Helen and Don were already dressed and up.  I had a banana and then headed home.

Light rain when I headed out.  Stopped at McDonald’s for an Egg McMuffin and coffee.  I had forgotten how good the Egg McMuffin was.  

It rained for the first hour of my trip home.  When I entered Kent County the sun came out.  Arrived at home at 1100.

Today is my easy day so no exercises or stretches.  I started my Wednesday chores.  Trash, recyclables and then a load of laundry.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  She left at 1230.

After lunch I took a short nap and then got on my bike and ran errands.  First stop Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim.  At Meijer’s bought two bottles of wine and a brick of cheese.

Light dinner tonight followed by dishes and a short walk.  Fixed Nancy a cheese snack.  We watched DCI Banks and then Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Better Call Saul.  It was hot and humid when I turned in.  Rain predicted for tonight.

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