Thursday, September 27, 2018

Wednesday September 26, 2018

Wednesday September 26, 2018

Blog time 1050 at Panera

It is Breakfast Club Wednesday so the alarm goes off at 0515.  Stuck my head outside and the rain had stopped.  Temperature was in low 50s and breezy.

Left home at 0615 in complete darkness, sunrise today 0733.  Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  My eye doctor prescribed a pair of nighttime glasses.  They work great.  

After I parked the Escape I took a walk around the block.  Art Prize is in full swing.  Noted a lot of art on display.  Nancy and I will have to spent an afternoon downtown looking at the exhibits.

Small crowd today at BC.  The Speaker was the manager of the Ronald McDonald House in GR.  She gave a great talk.

Drove straight home.  Did some stretches and calisthenics before bundling up and heading to Panera.

Spent my time at Panera reading the online papers.  I usually read the Alpena News followed by the “NEWS” app on my iPad.  These apps are free and not very detailed.  

The only online app I pay for is the WSJ.  I always read the USA, World News and Opinion sections of the WSJ.  Will read the Business section if I have time.

Lately the news has been very depressing.  Nancy and I are tired of all the Kavanaugh yelling and shouting.  Like most citizens I have no idea of who is telling the truth.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  I do my Wednesday chores, trash and laundry.  Took a nap and then walked to post box to mail a letter.  Yes I still write letters.  Novel concept!

For dinner we were having our normal bowl of Cheerios with fruit.  However, the milk had soured so we drove to D&W to get a new bottle. After dinner and dishes I took a short walk.

Prepared Nancy’s cheese snack before settling down for some TV.  This evening we watched an episode of Endeavour before turning in.  The temperature will drop to the 40s tonight.

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