Friday, September 14, 2018

Thursday September 13, 2018

Thursday September 13, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

With the sun not coming up until well after 0700 I have been sleeping in.  Today it was 0650.  I might need to set an alarm for 0615.

I had to carry Ms P out to do her bidness.  She does appear a little stronger with the reduced medication.  Time will tell.

Nancy headed to her Thursday swim.  After breakfast I biked to the Y via my 7.7 mile route.  My normal Y routine take 30 minutes.

My weekday fare at Panera is a banana, small baguette and a cup of their dark roast coffee.  I am getting hooked on strong coffee.  

On most days I finish the previous days’ blog.  I am amazed at the number of mistakes I have to correct.  Everything from misspelled words to inappropriate comments.  Always good to let things set awhile before publishing.  POTIS should take this advice.

Weather forecasters have said some areas in the path of hurricane Florence could get 40 inches of rain.  It is hard to imagine the damage caused by this amount of rain.  The most rain I have ever encountered was 18 inches in Danang, Vietnam.  We had several projects totally wiped out.  It is impossible to imagine the damage from 40 inches.  

After lunch I drove to Costco.  I purchased eye drops, fiber and several long sleeve tees.  Every year before cold weather sets in Costco orders long sleeve tees.  They are inexpensive and great as an under garment on cold weather days.

This evening we attended an event at Meijer Gardens.  Mary Namey went with us.  The Garden’s invited several disabled artists to exhibits their work.  The Artists took part in a panel discussion about artists with disabilities.  After the discussion the exhibit was opened to attendees.  Very interesting.

We got home at 2000.  Watched an episode of Murder in Paradise before turning in.

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