Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday September 24, 2018

Monday September 24, 2018

Another cool evening, great sleeping weather.  Of course I had my electric blanket on.  With my sore hip I have found that to avoid pain I must sleep on right side.

I had to carry Ms P out to do her bidness.  She has difficulty walking.

Nancy headed to MVP and after breakfast I biked to the Y.  This morning I took my hilly seven mile ride to Y.  Perfect morning for a bike ride, cool, 59, with no wind.  We are getting a lot of color.  The deer and squirrels should be getting fat.  I noted a lot of fallen acorns, walnuts and apples.

In fact, I read in the Alpena News that the Bear kill this year is down.  The DNR said the reason is that Bears prefer this years plentiful acorns to the food in the bait piles put out by hunters.  I think the use of bait piles should be outlawed.  Very unsporting!

This and that;

Another women accuses Kavanaugh.  Bill Cosby to be sentenced today.  Enough said.

Family members are ganging up on relatives running for office.  What happened to blood is thicker than water?

The BRexit negotiations are getting nasty.  Why doesn’t the U.K. just tell the EU to stuff it.

I wonder if today’s young men are confused about the gender wars?

Did the Pope cave in to China’s demand regarding appointment of senior leaders?  China is an atheist country.

After lunch I biked to Macatawa Bank to get some cash.  My backup bike the Bianchi has an enclosed 8 speed drive.  The gears are skipping in the low range.  I took the bike in to get checked out.  Ada Bike is backed up so it will be the end of the week before I can pick it up.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.
We had a light dinner.  After the dishes and a short walk I prepared the cheese snack.  This evening we watched two episodes of Tunnel on Prime.

The temperature was 69 when I headed to bed. Rain predicted for tonight.

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