Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday September 9, 2018

Weekend Update for week ending September 9.

Blog time Sunday 1340 sitting at dining room table

Saturday September 8;  it was cool, 52, this morning.  Nancy and I put on jackets for our walk to Panera.  We had our standard Saturday morning breakfast.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a 10 mile bike ride.  After lunch we headed outside.  We spent 2.5 hours trimming bushes and trees in our courtyard.  I even had to make a quick trip to Ace Hardware for more waste bags.   We were both tired from all the cutting and pruning.  

I showered and took a quick nap.  This evening Nancy used her instant pot to cook pork chops.  

Our DIRECT TV is still acting up.  Nancy called DTV and said our dish needs to be realigned.  A tech is coming on Monday.  We watched two episodes of Scott & Bailey before turning in.

Today’s Alpena News had the notice of the passing of Lloyd Aikens.  Lloyd was the first employee of Scott Engineering in 1946.  He was the company’s bookkeeper until his retirement.  Lloyd graduated from AHS in 1944.  My mother had him as a student in the seventh grade.  Lloyd was in the US Army during WW II.  He fought in the Battle of the Bulge was wounded and claimed he wore out two belt buckles crawling across Germany.  A great guy.  RIP Lloyd.

Sunday September 9, 2018

Alarm goes off at 0615.  The sun was not even up when we started our 1.5 mile walk around the block. We had to bundle up because the temps were in low 50s.  

Today we attended the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Every one must be back home because the church was packed.

SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED!  When I got in the Escape after church my watch told me it was a 10 minute drive to Meijer’s Gas Station.  How did it know?  Too much Big Brother!

My first stop was Meijer’s gas station.  Regular was $2.97.  

Read a few sections of the GRP before lunch.  I did take my mandatory Sunday nap.  Finished the afternoon with a five mile bike ride around the neighborhood.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also had spinach pie and fresh cut melon.  Very good.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  Our conversation was interrupted as Debbie had to wait for a tech to put a new battery in her car.

Missy sent us a photo of AJ swimming with her dog, Cookie.  Cookie was on an inflatable.  Apparently Cookie does not like water unlike Ms P.  Speaking of Ms P the seizure pills are wiping her out.

Tonight we watched an episode of Jack Ryan.  I give this highly hyped show only a C.  Finished the evening watching Murder in Paradise.  

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