Saturday, September 22, 2018

Friday September 21, 2018

Friday September 21, 2018

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Heavy rain and thunderstorms rolled through this morning.  Ms P went bonkers.  It was hot, humid and raining at 0700.

I planned on driving to the Y today but at 0800 the rain had stopped.  I biked to the Y.  Took the short route.  

Normal calisthenics and stretches followed by a 2K row.  My watch says my avg heart rate for the row is 145+-.  Quick shower and then headed to Panera.

The Kavanaugh vs Ford conflict dominates the news.  I think most older folks might give the benefit of the doubt to Kavanaugh.  I would.

Our TV is flooded with political ads.  They are all negative.  

Kim cleaned today and the house looks great.  Nancy said the Taurus might need gas.  As I was driving to the gas station the low fuel alarm goes off.  Prefect timing?

This afternoon we returned several bags of bottles to Walmart.   We had 72 bottles.  Used the money to purchase more fizzy water.

I am following Nancy’s diet by fasting for at least 12 hours.  That means no food after 1930.  I have my daily apple late in the afternoon.  

This afternoon I took a long nap.  I had the deepest sleep in ages.  Felt good.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken breast filled with spinach.  Very good.  We also had corn on the cob.  

Dishes, a walk, and then I fixed Nancy her cheese snack.  Tonight we watched an episode of Murder in Paradise.  Nancy turned in and I watched a show on corruption in Brazil.

The warm weather ends tonight.  It was 72 when headed to bed but will be in high 40s come morning.

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