Saturday, September 15, 2018

Friday September 14, 2018

Friday September 14, 2018

Blog time 1115 at Panera 

Heavy fog when first went out this morning.  The sun should break through about 1000.  High temps will reach 80.

I had all my bike lights on this morning.  The fog was very heavy.  I had moisture dripping from my helmet.  

This morning I counted over twenty turkeys and many geese on my favorite open field.  A new sign says that condos are coming soon to this field.  What a shame.

One of the happiest events for my family was when we ceased burning dirty coal and had a natural gas furnace installed.  The year was 1956.  We liked nice clean gas.

The current natural gas explosions in Massachusetts reveals that nothing is prefect.  Everything has risks.

After lunch I headed to Costco to purchase more long sleeve tees.  Also stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods.  Purchased nothing.  Dick’s is highly overrated.

Nancy and I left home at 1730 and headed downtown to the Grand Rapids Art Museum.  We attended a member’s only showing of Art Prize entries on display at the GRAM.  Snack were provided.  In attendance were several old OHNA members.  We spent more time talking with old neighbors than viewing the art.

At home we watched two episodes of Tunnel before turning in.  Our warm spell continues through the middle of next week.

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