Thursday, September 6, 2018

Wednesday September 5, 2018

Wednesday September 5, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera

It was in the mid 70s and very humid when walked out this morning.  Another hot humid day but a cool front moves through this evening.

Nancy headed to MVP for a class.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did my stretches and reduced calisthenics at home before biking to Panera.

This morning I had an oatmeal breakfast.  I hope I never tire of oatmeal.  When I was a little boy my Grandmother Hughes always fixed me a bowl of oatmeal.  She said this was the preferred breakfast for all little Scottish boys.  I was always mad when Grandmother limited the sugar I put on the oatmeal.  Sugar was rationed during WW II.

My Grandmother Hughes was proud of her Scottish Heritage.  Her father Dr James McTavish was born in Campbeltown, Scotland in 1831.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I will do my Wednesday chores.  

Got a call from the Vets office this morning.  The have prescribed a seizure medicine for Ms P.  Will pick up this afternoon at Meijer’s.

Comments on current affairs

The Woodward book, if true, spells more trouble for POTUS.  

The start of the Kavanaugh Senate hearing was embarrassing.  Surely we can do better.  Shame on the Senate.

The Rev Jasper Williams remarks at the Aretha Franklin memorial were inappropriate for this gathering.  However, what he said was true and should be heard.

After Panera I took 14 mile bike ride.  The heat and humidity got to me.  I was wiped out when I got home.

Shower followed by lunch before starting laundry.  No trash today because of the holiday the pickup is a day late.  I took a short nap.

Does anyone attend a County Fair anymore?  I just read my Great Grandfather Sanborn’s diary for Labor Day weekend 1938 and he mentioned attending the fair for three straight days.  My Grandmother Scott, who lived on a farm, always looked forward to attending the fair.  She liked quilts, jams and vegetables on display.  A highlight of her year.

I did run some errands after my nap.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.  At Meijer’s I was going to pick up Ms P’s prescription.  How do you ask for a prescription for a dog?  The pharmacist asked for the name of the dog.  I told her and she said the prescription will not be ready until tomorrow.  Ms P is now on Meijer’s computer system.

We had a light dinner followed by dishes, walk, and apple and cheese snack.  Our Direct TV has been going in and out today.  I think it is atmospheric.  The unsettling weather is disrupting the satellite signal.

We still had Apple TV so we watched an episode of Vera on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another Goliath.  It was very dark.

Turned the AC off before turning in.  Might be last time this year.

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