Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday September 11, 2018

Tuesday September 11, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was foggy and cool when first went out.  I carried Ms P out.  Weather folks say fog will burn off by 1000.  Temps will reach mid 70s today.

Ten days until the Equinox.  We now have 12h40’ of daylight heading to 12h on Sep 22.  That means we lose 4’ per day.

Today is the anniversary of the attack on the twin towers.  I remember 09/11/01 clearly.  It was a beautiful fall day like today.  The USA changed after the attack.  Nancy and I visited the twin towers memorial in NYC.  It was emotional.

Other important days I remember;

VJ Day in August 1945, I was seven. 
JFK’s assassination in 1962, I was a Navy LTjg serving in Vietnam.

This morning I took the 7.7 mile route to the Y.  Stretches and calisthenics before heading to Panera.

This afternoon our old neighbors the Molenaar’s, Neil and Kay, are stopping by for a visit.  They now live in Washington State.

At home showered and had quick lunch.  We spent some time picking up before our quests arrive.

Neil and Kay arrived at 1430. It has been several years since we have seen them.  They looked the same.  Neil now has to use a cane but that is the only noticeable physical problem.  Nancy fixed a peach cobbler for a snack.  It was great.  We spent the next two hours getting caught up on all our activities and families.  It was a great time.

Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner.  We watched two episodes of DCI Banks before turning in.

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