Friday, September 21, 2018

Thursday September 20, 2018

Thursday September 20, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Heavy rain started early this morning.  It was still raining at 0630 and the temperature was in mid 60s.  

Nancy headed out at 0730 for her Thursday swim at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with fellow volunteers from the Gardens.

I did all my calisthenics and stretches at home including a 10 minute row.  Showered, then breakfast before biking to Panera.  I was lucky because the rain had stopped.

I extended my stay at Panera because a big storm just rolled through.  It is now noon and the rain has stopped.

The weather folks say northern US and Northern Europe can expect great fall colors.  The reason being the very hot summer.

Nancy purchased several large potted plants and put them on our deck.  The flowers have attracted many small humming birds.  They are fun to watch.

North and South Korean leaders are meeting.  Will they be able to resolve their problems without outside help.

At home had a quick lunch and then started on a miserable project.  We think small critters have found a way into our attic.  The only way to prove this is to physically inspect the attic, not an easy job.  

Access to the attic is through a trap door located in our den’s closet.  First we must take out all the clothes in the closet.  Next we took down the two full length shelves.  With the way clear to the trap door I put up our step ladder and boosted myself in.

The attic is covered with about 12” of blown in insulation.   I don’t think the insulation has any asbestos but it is very dusty when disturbed.  

It is impossible to stand up.  I wore knee pads so I could crawl along the wood bottom chords of the roof trusses.  I inspected every roof and eave vent.  They were all properly screened.  I saw no tracks or other critter signs which is great news.

I was covered with dust and sweat when I exited the attic.  We had to vacuum the den before putting every thing back.  I will never return to the attic.

Showered and changed clothes.  For dinner tonight we headed to Brann’s.  Nancy and I relaxed with a margarita and glass of wine.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich and I had a bowl of lobster bisque.  

At home we watched the news and then an episode of Endeavour.  It was warm and humid when we turned in.  Rain tonight but tomorrow the warm spell will end.

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