Saturday, September 29, 2018

Friday September 28, 2018

Friday September 28, 2018

Blog time 0940 at Panera

It was dark and cool when first went out at 0700.  Temperature might not reach 60 today.

Ada Bike called me yesterday and said my Bianchi bike was repaired.  

I plan on picking up the bike this morning.  My plan is to do my routine at home and then have breakfast at Panera.  

Nancy is at MVP and when she gets home she will call me.  She will drive to Ada so I can pick up the bike.

Nancy has lunch today with Becky Verker and Carol Masten.  Nancy and friends have been meeting at Schuler Books Cafe.  Nancy says they have a great light menu.

Critter Report:

Every morning recently I have been seeing turkeys everywhere.  They must be fattening up for winter.

I have not seen a Robin in three weeks.

Last night at sunset I looked out the living room slider and saw six deer in the back yard, four does and two big bucks.  The bucks had large racks.

At 1030 Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  Picked up my Bianchi and took a pleasant 10 mile ride home.

After lunch I got in Escape and went shopping.  First stop was Bed Bath and Beyond.  I bought a storage rack for the downstairs bath.  I need a good pair of walking shoes so I stopped at Dunhams, no luck.  Finally at Costco I bought some cold weather long sleeve tees.

I did find time this afternoon for a short nap.  For dinner we finished the rotisserie chicken.  Dishes, a walk and then our evening snacks before watching, Call the MidWifes followed by DCI Banks.  

On the news tonight they showed film of a tsunami wiping out an Indonesian village.  It was frightening.

The cool weather will continue.  Temps in the 40s tonight.

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