Sunday, September 9, 2018

Friday September 7, 2018

Friday September 7, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was nice and cool this morning.  Sun with temps in 50s.  Even though it was Friday I seemed to have more energy this morning.  Was it the cool temps?

The big flocks of Wild Turkeys continues to feed in the large field off Spaulding.  I also saw several woodpeckers.  I think some Robins have headed south.

Fall class are in full swing at the Y.  Noted that The Water Aerobic class have moved to the heated pool.  Several lanes were open for lap swimming.  I think I will swim next week.

One of the fringe benefits of working at Panera is a free lunch.  The young staff takes advantage of the benefit.  Soup, salad, sandwich and a sweet roll are normal fare.

Good or bad President Trump dominates the news.  Does he believe that there is no such think as bad publicity? 

Les Moonves is being fired by CBS.  His exit package might exceed $150 million.  Good Grief this is obscene.

I liked most of Burt Reynolds movies.  I especially liked the TV series Evening Shade.  RIP

I support a liberal immigration policy.  We need immigrants.  However, the immigration debate is not confined to the USA.   The EU countries have the same problems.

Quiet afternoon at home.  This evening we had dinner with the Moleski’s.  We met at Ganders which is attached to the Double Tree hotel at Patterson and 28th.  We keep forgetting about this place.  I had an excellent dinner and Nancy said her chicken salad was great.

At home we watched an episode of tunnel before turning in.  The cool weather continues for several more day.

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