Thursday, September 13, 2018

Wednesday September 12, 2018

Wednesday September 12, 2018

Blog time 1005 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up at 0515 to get ready.  I carried Ms P out before leaving.  It is sad that we have to carry her.

I left home an hour before sunrise.  My eye doctor has prescribed glasses that are great at night.  I wore them today.

Another small turnout today.  I did meet an AHS classmate of my Sister, Helen, Chuck Marks.  Chuck also had an older brother who I knew quite well.  

Drove straight home, changed clothes and biked to Panera.  I am leaving now for the Y and a swim.  Stay tuned.

Today I again used my super duper Apple watch’s swim function.  When I swim a 50 yard lap for 1/2, 25 yards, I swim the crawl and for 25 yards I swim the breast stroke.  When I completed my 30 minute swim the watch told me I swam 475 yards doing the breast stroke and 475 yards doing the crawl.   How did they know this?  Amazing technology.  The watch said my average heart rate was 124.  I thought this was high but in talking to several hard core swimmers they said it was correct.  Bottom line; swimming is a better aerobic exercise than biking.

I took a short bike ride home.  I did stop at the Vets and asked if we could cut Ms P’s medicine from two to one pill a day.  The Vet will call later.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  After her shift she is going straight to Book Club.  I am on my own for dinner.

Followed my normal Wednesday afternoon routine, lunch, trash, laundry and a nap.  The Vet called and said to give Ms P 1/2 pill in morning and 1/2 at night.

This and that from the news;

Hurricane Florence looks devastating.

Congress is more worried about the November elections that doing the People’s work.  The congressional grandstanding is sickening.

The culture at CBS sure needs correcting.  As I have said many times the Navy had it right by instructing young officers to never touch anyone below you and praise in public and chew out in private.  Good rules!

Dictatorial leaders like in Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela are in trouble mainly because of strong arm tactics.

For dinner tonight I bike to Panera.  Had a bowl of chili and an apple.

Nancy got home form Book Club about 1930.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murder before turning in.

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