Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Monday September 10, 2018

Monday September 10, 2018

Blog time 0935 at Panera

I had to carry Ms P out this morning.  She is having trouble walking.  We carry her everywhere.  We think it is the seizure medicine.

The weather folks say another cool, cloudy day.  Temps in 60s.

Nancy headed to MVP.  I am changing my schedule today.  

First thing I biked to Panera for breakfast.  I will leave at 1000 and head to the Y.  Some calisthenics and then I hope to swim.  After the swim I will take my long bike ride.

I lucked out the pool was nearly empty.  For the first time in nearly a year I went swimming.  Today I used the swim app on my Apple Watch.  I should have read how to use the app before jumping in.  Anyway, the watched had the number of laps correct.  I don’t think the heart rate function was correct.  The watch said my average rate was 130.  This seems high.

After swimming I took a five mile bike ride home.  Despite the swim, I got home about the same time I normally do.  

Nancy is having lunch today with her friends from the Gift Shop.  The lunch is a monthly event.

After lunch I got on YouTube and watched several videos on the Apple Watch swim function.  Both videos were poorly done but I got the basics.

We were scheduled to have a visit from a Direct TV tech between 1600 and 1800.  Got a call from the tech saying he had several cancellations and could he come early.  I said yes.  The tech looked at our dish and other equipment and he concluded we had a bad outdoor cable.  He replaced the cable and everything is working fine.

Just reading between the lines in the UK papers it looks like a BRexit agreement might be reached early this fall.

Trade, immigration, November elections, and the NYT’s OpEd by an administration insider should keep POTUS up at night.    The SCOTUS appointment hearings are over.  The hearings were not a shining moment for the Senate.

Light dinner followed by short walk.  Cheese and apple snack before watching two episodes of Prime Suspect.

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