Saturday, June 30, 2018

Friday June 29, 2018

Friday June 29, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Another cloudless night.  The moonlight was streaming through the slider all night.  It was 71 when first went out.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Nothing but blue.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP.  First time this week that Nancy has a free schedule.  After breakfast I biked to the Y.  It was warm so I only wore a long sleeve tee.  First time this year wearing only a single layer.  Felt good.

I am trying to increase my walking speed for a mile.  My goal is 20’. This morning I timed myself walking around the Y’s track.  To reach my goal I have to walk the .2 mile track in 4’.  I need work.

Panera has a new bread called Country Rustic.  It is a sourdough type bread with no sugar.  Very tasty.  I had a slice this morning.

This and that;

Pwc a big accounting firm with 18,000 employees is eliminating land lines for employees.  They will all use cell phones.  My the world has changed.  The concept of cell phones was unheard of in my youth.

Big election in Mexico Sunday.  The left wing candidate is a huge favorite.  His election might complicate NAFTA negotiations.

It was in mid 80s when I left Panera.  First thing I did at home was turn on the AC.  Showered and then had lunch.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco for supplies.  Costco was nearly empty.

This evening we are having dinner with the Moleski’s at the Mill Creek Inn in Comstock Park.  It was 95 when we left home.   The restaurant was crowded.  Nancy and Linda had sandwiches but Tom and I had the perch dinner.  The perch was great.

When we got home the temp had dropped to mid 80s so I took my evening walk.  We watched another episode of the Australian spy show whose name I cannot remember.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched The Tudors.  The heat will continues for several more days. 

Friday, June 29, 2018

Thursday June 28, 2018

Thursday June 28, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Last night we had a very orange full moon.  I can’t remember what it is called but it was spectacular.

Woke up to sun streaming through the slider.  It was a pleasant 60 when first went out.  However, the weather folks are saying we are starting a record heat wave today.  High temps will be near or above 90 for the next week.

Opened the downstairs slider shades this morning and 10 feet away a deer was staring at me.  We had eye contact for almost a minute before she took off.  Great start to the morning.

Lately one of the hardest things for me to do is stand on one foot for a count of 60.  Is it age?

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim.  This afternoon she is again working at the Gardens.

After breakfast I pedaled to the Y.  On these great summer mornings I encounter many walkers.  Today I saw a large group of high school kids out for a run.  There were about 20 runners.  I assumed they were on a cross country team.

I did my normal exercises at the Y.  I have been doing weekday exercises for 65 years.  It was built into my work day routine but lately I have been experiencing some burnout.

This and that from the morning news;

POTUS and Putin are meeting in Helsinki in mid July.  Nothing wrong with talking to your adversary.

I think the EU’s immigration problem is worse than ours.  It could fracture the organization.

Will Elon Musk ever solve his Tesla production problems?  They have never made a profit but their stock has not tanked.

Nancy had already left for the Gardens when I got home.  Showered and then a quick lunch before starting afternoon chores.  First order of business was to order a merino wool long sleeve tee.  I have several merino tees and they are great winter or summer under a shirt.

Started the rental car process by calling my auto insurer to see if my policy covers the cost when a rental unit is out of service because of an accident.  Next drove to Bed Bath & Beyond and bought a UM mug that has etched lines denoting ounces.

At Gazelle Sport I bought a pair of supper duper sweat wicking socks.  Stopped at Play It Again Sports but did not purchase anything.

I am now sitting in my office working on this blog.  The outside temp is a humid 86 but the office is pleasant.

Blog resumes Friday at Panera;  for dinner Thursday night we headed to Brann’s.  I had a bowl of lobster bisque but Nancy’s favorite chicken sandwich was taken off the menu so she got a beef and pork sandwich.  This was not a good replacement.  We rated the meal a B-.  Nancy had a frozen margarita and I had a glass of wine.   

At home I took a walk around the block.  Sun, 84, with a cloudless sky.  

At 1830 turned on the AC to cool down the house.  After our cheese and apple snack we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  At 2200 turned off the AC.  The temp inside 74 equaled the temp outside.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Wednesday June 27, 2018

Wednesday June 27, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera 

We had heavy rain last night.  It was still raining this morning, with temperature at 68.  Slight break in the rain allowed us the opportunity to take Ms P out.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did my reduced calisthenics and stretches at home.  I had planned on driving to Panera for breakfast.  However, the rain had stopped so I biked to Panera.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast with banana and bagel.

I read the papers and do not want to comment.  Like most normal folks I am totally turned off by politics and the news media.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  With the rain they will probably not be busy.

It was raining when I left Panera and I got soaked on my ride home.  Changed clothes and then had lunch.  Normal Wednesday activities, laundry, trash and of course a nap.

After a short nap that was intercepted by phone calls telling me that they want to help me with my student loans or extend my car warranty, I pedaled to Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim.  She is cleaning on Friday.
Light dinner and then after the dishes I took my walk around the block.  Encountered brief shower on walk.

The resignation of Justice Kennedy dominated the evening news.  It would be nice if PONTUS could nomination someone like Kennedy.  Whoever he nominate will face serious opposition.

Last night we watched two episodes of a new Netflix show from Australia.  I really liked it.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tuesday June 26, 2018

Tuesday June 26, 2018

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The nice weather continues.  It was sunny and cool, 58, but will warm up soon.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  After breakfast I headed to the Y.  Today I took my normal Spaulding Ave route to the Y.  It is slightly longer but no hills.  I had bad hip pain last night that I think is the result of all the steep hill climbs.  Time will tell.

I see a lot of mom and dad’s bringing their kids with them to the Y.  Assume the parents are stay at home.  A lot of high school age kids are doing weight training at the Y getting ready for next season.

Every morning I read the online edition of the Alpena News.  It is really a good paper.  They do a good job of covering local governments and sports for the communities in NE MI.  Much better than the GRP.  Every week they have an opinion piece written by a retired local judge,  Doug Pugh.  I think he was in my sister’s class at AHS.  His articles are very interesting.  One article he wrote about a local coach helping kids in a summer ball league.  The coach was Bob Delaney who went on to fame as the head football coach of Nebraska.  I had the same experience.  Today Doug wrote a very good piece on perspective.

This and that;

Did you know that there are eight US Consulates and an Embassy in Mexico where immigrants can apply for political asylum?

Horrors, the UK Pubs are running out of beer because of the World Cup.

Continuing with the UK they are having a heat wave.

I think the Red Hen was out of line ejecting POTUS’s Press Secretary.  One of few things David Axelrod and I agree on.

US librarians think the popular book “Little House on the Prairie” is racist because of several negative comments about Native Americans.  Good grief the book reflects the popular feelings of the period.  

After lunch I headed to Orvis.  I bought a pair of summer weight pants.  I finished the afternoon with a nap.

At 1800 Nancy and I headed to Noto’s for the monthly dinner with neighbors.  We sat at a table with three other couples.  Three of the men were born in 1938.  I was the oldest.  That is where the similarities ends.  The other three couples were avid golfers.  The table conversation centered around golf.  We felt isolated.  However, the food was good.

As soon as we got home I took a walk around the block.  We watched Bull before turning in.  Rain and heat predicted for the next several days.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Monday June 25, 2018

Monday June 25, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera 

It was sunny but cool, 58, when first went out this morning.  The weather folks say we will reach mid 70s this afternoon.

Nancy headed out to her morning exercise class at MVP.  After breakfast I biked to the Y.  Today I took the hilly route because I did not want the hassle on negotiating around the Spaulding Ave construction.

This is the second week of the Y’s Summer Camp.  The kids seem to have gotten the routine down pat.  

This and that:

Even if student loans are forgiven the students must pay the IRS.

Since every one is playing nice with North Korea a rail line between South Korea and Russia is proposed.  The line would pass through North Korea.  I think this is a great idea.  

Speaking of trains I have on my bucket list a train ride from Vladivostok to Moscow.  I want to take the trip in February.

Since I am talking Russia, POTUS is proposing a meeting with Putin.  Good idea?

After lunch I had planned on doing some shopping.  However, our TV in the living room was not working so I thought a quick call to Direct TV would solve my problem.  WRONG!  After finally getting a real person I spent 90 minutes plugging and unplugging chords on all four TVs before getting the TVs to work.  What does a single working mom do when she has this problem?

At 1615 Nancy and I got in the Escape and headed to Meijer’s Garden.  We are working the concert tonight.  The concert has been sold out for months.  The “Old Crow Medicine Snow” is the featured act.  Country-western type music.

My job was to sell rental chairs and Nancy had to show folks where to put their chairs.  We worked from 1645 to 1930.  

Nancy had packed a picnic so after our shift we had sandwiches and watched the show.  I had never heard of the group but they were great. They had folks jumping and clapping.  I so enjoyed the show I bought a CD.  Perfect summer evening for viewing a concert.  Warm with a setting sun.  At my age in cherish these opportunity.

No TV tonight.  We headed to bed as soon as we got home.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sunday June 24, 2018

Weekend Update for week ending Sunday June 24

Blog time 1630 Sunday sitting in office

Saturday June 23

We are up early, 0615, dress and walk to Panera.  One of first customers in place and they had the AC on full blast.  We sat by fireplace that fortunately was working.

Rain possible for most of the day.  Temp will be cool, low 70s if we are lucky.

I have my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy who does not start eating until 1530 just had a coffee.  She sits and watches me eat.

At home I just had time for a 30’ bike ride around the neighborhood.  At 1030 we headed out to the Eastown Neighborhood in GR.  We attended their annual Bizarre Bazaar.  A portion of Wealthy Street was closed.  Eastown has changed since I had my office there.  New apartments and restaurants have been built.  

The Bazaar was well attended.  Nancy and I were out of place because we lacked tattoos or multiple facial piercings.  We did not buy anything but it was a great people watching experience.

We left the Bazaar about noon and drove to the Bravo Restaurant at Knapp’s Corner.  We attended the 80th birthday party for Nancy’s fellow Book Club member Judith Colyer.  Judith also taught with Nancy at Westwood Middle.

The event was well attended.  We met family, book club members, church members and fellow teachers.  Compared to the Bizarre Bazaar we felt right at home.  Not a visible tattoo.  

The event was planned as a Surprise and it certainly was.  Judith was completely taken aback.  The Italian food served by Bravo was excellent.  Both Nancy and I had a great time.  

We got home about 1600.  I had time for a nap.  We were still full from the food at Judith’s party that we had a very light dinner.

I took a walk after dinner.  Debbie FaceTimed us and we spent some time catching up.  Debbie attended a neighbor’s Estate Sale and bought some great wood antiques.  She was very happy.

We watched an episode of The Heart Guy before turning in.

Sunday June 24:  up with the alarm, 0615, hooked up Ms P and took a walk around the block.  It is 1.25 miles around the block.  The weather was cloudy and cool, mid 60s.  We did encounter some light sprinkles.

At 0840 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.  Once again the church was crowded.  Trinity Lutheran is undergoing a major remodeling and this Sunday will be our last in the Celebration room.  For the next three months our service will be held in the Sanctuary.  I sure hope they let me drink coffee.

After church we headed to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $2.90 today.  Nancy bought snacks for AJ when she visits in July.  After Meijer’s we stopped at Gordon Foods to purchase some small ice cream cup,  not unlike the Dixie Cups of my youth.  Next we stopped at Walmart for sugar free oatmeal cookies and Triscuits.

Lunch and then spent some time reading the GRP.  I also took my Sunday nap.  It is now 1700 and I plan on a short bike ride around the neighborhood.

Tonight Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I will finish the Irish Soda bread.

I did take a 30 minute bike ride before dinner.  The eggs as always were great.  After the dishes I took a walk around the block.

Finished reading the GRP and watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.  Nancy headed to bed but I stayed up and watched Frontier.  

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Friday June 22, 2018

Friday June 22, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera.

It was cloudy and 58 when first went out this morning.  In fact high temp today is forecast to be only 71.  No rain until Saturday.

Even though I am retired sure am glad when it is Friday.  Saturday and Sunday are always relaxing days.

Pumped up the bike tires and headed to the Y.  I took the hilly route.  I sure will be glad when the road work on Spaulding is complete.  I am tired of climbing hills.  

I usually end my exercises at the Y with walking two laps around the track, 0.4 miles.  Until last year my walking pace was about 19’ per mile.  It is now 23’.  Is the slowdown because of age?

This and that;

What is it with middle age men having ponytails and tattoos?

In my early teens and through HS I would spent every June and most of July working on my Grandfather’s farm.  My Grandfather and Uncle needed help getting in the hay.  My jobs included driving tractor, cutting and raking the hay.  My Uncle would chop the raked hay and blow it into a trailer.  We had two trailers.  I would take a full trailer and empty it into a trench silo and then head back and exchange the empty one for a full one.  I would have to hustle because my Uncle did not want to wait.  Time was important.  We were always trying to stay ahead of the rain.

In the evenings my Grandfather and I would play horse shoes or take the shotgun out and shoot clay pigeons.  On some evenings my Grandfather and I would drive down to Dillinger’s General Store, the only store in Hubbard Lake, MI.  Grandfather would buy some supplies for Grandmother.  That was the excuse but Grandfather really wanted to talk baseball with Mr Dillinger.  Grandfather was a big Tigers fan.  Every once in a while they let me ask a question, like why can’t George Kell hit with men on base.  Grandfather would buy me an ice cream drum stick.  Great memories!

Speaking of baseball, Grandson Lucas is having a good season.  Last week he hit three HR’s in two days.

Researchers have discovered that a 100 year old TB vaccine can eliminate the daily insulin shots for T1D sufferers.

The Supreme Court said law enforcement cannot track your movement using your cell phone without a warrant.  Great news.  In China and Russia law enforcement always know where you are and what you text on your cell.  No privacy in these Police States.

Did not leave Panera until 1230.  Quick lunch and then I helped Nancy bag some yard waste she cut up this morning.  I also did a load of laundry.  My last errand was to bike to Macatawa Bank to make a deposit.

Nancy fixed tamales and rice for dinner tonight.  We watched an episode of Hinterland before turning in.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Thursday June 21, 2018

Thursday June 21, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Yes folks today is the SUMMER SOLSTICE, 15h21’ of daylight.  The longest day of the year.  The down side to this solstice is the days will start getting shorter.  I experience some melancholy knowing this fact.  

Edinburgh, Scotland has 17h35’ of daylight but the temp seldom gets to 70.  Too cool for me.  Maybe that is why my ancestors left for Canada.

I woke up with the sun.  The temp was 59 and it was sunny.  Nancy headed to her swim.  Later she will get some inserts made for shoes and then have lunch with friends.

This and that;

Will BRexit ever happen?  Everyone appears to be stalling.

The New Zealand PM is the first world leader to take maternity leave.  The world sure has changed since my youth?

As a world class eavesdropper I think most folks have given up talking politics?  The media and PONTUS should take a vacation.

Old folks might be in trouble if we don’t get more young folks working and paying into SS and Medicare.  25 of every 100 folks in the USA are over 65, much too high.  We are an aging country.

Some discussions of merging the Labor and Education Departments.  I think it is a good idea.  In fact why not eliminate the Education Department?  Education is a local government responsibility.

After lunch we headed to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and I looked around Orvis and Fitzgerald’s.  We did not purchase anything.

I paid some bills and checked email in the office before a nap.  For dinner we drove to Shepard’s Grill.  Nancy had their navy bean soup and I had a burger.  Good food.
At home I took my evening walk.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murder before turning in.  Cool and cloudy for tomorrow.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Wednesday June 20, 2018

Wednesday June 20, 2018, 1 day until Summer Solstice

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I get up with the alarm, 0515.  Got dressed and headed out for University Club in downtown GR.  Did stop at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  The freeway surprisingly was crowded at 0630 this morning.  I usually take a short walk before the meeting.  I like to see the progress on a new multi story building at the corner of Pearl and Ottawa.  Downtown has changed since I had my office in the McKay Tower.  For the better I would say.

We had a great speaker this morning.  He is a developer who transformed the old Zondervan building at the corner of Lake Drive and Robinson Road.  The building originally was built as a five story concrete storage building.  The architect designed similar buildings throughout the Country.  Each building has a unique feature.  The Zondervan  building is designated a historical building.  The renovated building now has nice apartments on the upper levels and a restaurant on the main floor.  The building is near the old Kava House Coffee Shop that I visited nearly every day.  I thought it was an eyesore.  No more, they have done a great job.

After BC I stopped at the the Fulton Street Market and bought 2 pounds of rhubarb.   Nancy makes a great rhubarb sauce.

Stopped at home and changed into my bike clothes.  Took the short route to the Y.  I did my stretches and some mild calisthenics before heading home.  The weather was sunny with temps in low 70s.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I did my normal Wednesday chores, laundry and trash.  Lunch and then a short nap.

This evening we are attending the Annual meeting of our condo association, The Meadows.  We had an early light dinner and then at 1815 headed to Noto’s for the 1830 meeting.  

The meeting was well attended.  Roll was taken because a quorum was needed to conduct business.  It was a normal business meeting.  Approval of minutes from last meeting, report by officers, and election of new officers.  

The units are repainted every six years.  Some folks want more color selections especially for trim.  This was the major discussion item.  Some folks also wanted more tree planted but it was not a big issue.  The meeting adjourned at 2000 with everyone in a good mood.

At home we watched an episode of Goliath before turning in.  The nice weather continues through tomorrow. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Tuesday June 19, 2018

Tuesday June 19, 2018, two days before summer solstice;

Blog time 1100 at Panera;

It was in the high 60s when I first went out.  All my apps said it would rain this morning.  

Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  Nancy is a great swimmer.  

After breakfast I put a raincoat in my backpack and headed out.  Took the 7.5 mile hilly route to the Y.  Encountered no rain.

After my calisthenics and stretches I headed to Panera.  Still no rain.

This and that from Apple New;

India and Iraq face severe water shortages.  Water might be the scarce resource of the future.  The USA’s west also has water problems.

PONTUS calls for the creation of a new military force the “Space Force”.  Another federal bureaucracy crying for money.

If a mother robs a bank or other felony is she separated from her children?

Separation of adult illegal immigrants from their children is the media’ big issue.

After lunch I got in the Escape and headed to Hitches by George.  Today I was planning on waiting all afternoon if necessary.  I brought my fully charged iPad Pro.  I love the iPad Pro and lately have been using the pencil.  Surprise! it took only 30 minutes to install the hitch.  I can now easily install by bike rack and travel to more bike paths.  

On way home I stopped at Trader Joe’s and bought a baguette.  Also stopped at West Mi Bike and bought a pair of padded bike riding shorts.  Since I changed bike saddles I need padded shorts.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed spaghetti.  It was good.  I did take my mile walk after dinner.

Our condo mate, Sonya stopped by for about 15 minutes.  She is in the process of moving.  We all had a glass of wine.

We watched NCIS and I watched the final, season 1, episode of Bordertown.  The show did not end as in had hoped it would.  I have to wait for season 2.  Light rain when we headed to bed.