Saturday, March 31, 2018

Friday March 30, 2018

Friday March 30, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Good Friday, 2018, an important day for Christians.  

In my youth all the stores in Alpena would be closed from noon to 1500 on Good Friday.  Is this custom still followed in some businesses in the USA?

My Grandmother Scott always said you had to plant your peas on Good Friday.  So all you peapickers get out and plant.

The stock market is closed today as are some schools.  I fact, I think today might be the first day of spring break in the GR area.  During my school days our spring break consisted of Good Friday and Easter Monday.  Only two days off between New Years and Memorial Day.

In Ireland for the first time in 90 years Pubs are open on Good Friday.

Left Panera about 1115 and began my 10 mile bike ride.  Today for the first time this year I saw several wild turkeys.  Where have they been?  Do turkeys go south?

The temperature first thing this morning was 29 but had warmed up to high 30s when left Panera.  Pleasant conditions for a bike ride.

I was riding south on Thornapple Drive when a deer ran across my path followed by a large dog chasing her.  We have leash laws in Kent County and the owner of this dog should be jailed.

At home showered before lunch.  After lunch Nancy and I took Ms P on a short walk.

For dinner tonight we are going to Brann’s.  I will have their lobster bisque and Nancy a turkey sandwich.  We will go during Happy Hour so we can both have a half price drink.

Tonight will be an Netflix evening.  Believe it or not snow is predicted for the weekend.  Stop with the cold!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Thursday March 29, 2018

Thursday March 29, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Light rain when first went out this morning.  Temperature was 42 and no wind.

Nancy left early for her swim.  I had breakfast and left at 0830.  Just got started on my ride to the Y when it started raining harder.  I turned around and headed home to put on my rain pants.  The rain pants made bike riding tolerable.

Read the papers at Panera and then headed out on my daily long bike ride.    Today the ride was only 7 miles but had several tough hills.  After the ride, showered and had lunch.  

This afternoon I ran several errands.  First stop was Mr Thang’s tailor shop to pick up a pair of lined biked riding pants that I had shortened.  Next I returned to Groskopfs to look again at a backpack that I thought would be great for our upcoming Chile/Argentina trip.  I was worried that the pack might be too large to sit under an airplane seat.  Surprise! Groskopfs had a mock-up of airline seats.  The pack easily fit.  I bought it.  

While at Groskopfs I met Barb Richter an engineer at LSE, the firm that purchased Scott Civil Engineering.  Barb was searching for some travel items for her family’s upcoming trip to Jackson Hole, Wy.  Barb as usual was upbeat and sunny.  We spent some time catching up.  Things are going great at LSE.  I’m sure the success is because of great engineers like Barb.

At home Nancy and I grabbed Ms P and took a short walk to the corner.  Dropped Nancy and Ms P at home and continued walking.  I have been trying to walk between 1.5 and 2 miles each day.  I still walk with a limp but it seems to be getting better.

I have been keeping up on current events but have read nothing I want to comment on.  Too much negativity.

For dinner we had coleslaw chicken salad left over from Tuesday.  This salad is better the second time.  It hit the spot.  Watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning.  Our cold returns tonight with temps expected to be below freezing.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wednesday March 28, 2018

Wednesday March 28, 2018

Blog time noon at Panera.

Breakfast Club Wednesday, got up before the 0515 alarm.  We had another night of temps above freezing.  

I was surprised at the heavy traffic on the freeway at 0615.  Small crowd at BC this morning.  The speaker today was the Pastor of a local Hispanic Church.  He has declared the church as a sanctuary church.  His church will offer a safe haven for illegal immigrants.  Very passionate speech and the conservative BC crowd was very polite.  During the Q&A period the speaker received some spirited opposition to his position.  All in all a good program.

On way home dropped off pants at tailor for some alterations.  Next stop the Y for stretches and calisthenics.  Changed into bike clothes and pedaled to Panera for some reading.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  Following my normal Wednesday afternoon routine I did laundry, took out the trash, napped and took a mile walk.  Boring!

Standard Wednesday evening, light dinner, news, Jeopardy followed by a cheese snack.  At 2000 we watched an episode of Murder in Suburbia.  Nancy headed to bed early and I watched Babylon Berlin which Netflix describe as a German drama series.  It is pretty dark.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Tuesday March 27, 2018

Monday March 27, 2018

Blog time 0955 at Panera

For the first time in weeks the evening temperature did not get below freezing.  It rained all night and the rain will continue until noon.  The rain is badly needed.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  I did all my stretches and calisthenics at home.  It is raining so no bike.  I walked to Panera.  First time in ages that I was not wearing long underwear.

Sure sign that Spring is here.  I noted many earthworms on the sidewalks.  The robins will have a feast.

Yesterday I wrote about late March activities in my pre high school years.  We also use to play guns.  We all had play guns and we would choose up side.  One side would be the Marines and the other Japanese or German bad guys.  We would play for hours.  The game had no boundaries.  We would run all over the neighborhood shooting each other.  Great fun! If boys played this game today they would be punished and the Parents jailed.

The Census proposes asking folks they interview during the 2020 census if they are citizens.  A big firestorm has developed over this policy.  I really think the answer to this question should be part of our national database.

Will Turkey remain in NATO?  It’s recent actions are not winning many friends.  Free speech in Turkey is a thing of the past.  Free speech is also being denied in Russia, China and Hungary.

At 1130 I packed up and walked home.  It was still raining.  At home I got in the Escape and headed to Groskopfs and Bill and Paul’s Sporting Goods.  I purchased a collapsible walking stick at Groskopfs.  I also looked for a walking stick at Bill and Paul’s but they were too expensive.  I will take the walking stick to Chile/Argentina next month.  I am also looking for a good backpack but found none.

At home I had a quick lunch and then headed down stairs to finish reading the papers and work on the family tree.  Also ironed three pair of pants.  

Good grief can’t the folks investing in the stock market make up their mind.  First it is at +300 and then several hours later it is -300 a swing of 600.  Not much confidence in the folks playing with other people’s money.

For dinner Nancy is fixing a coleslaw salad with noodles and chicken. 

It is now 1530 so Nancy can start eating.  I will cut us up an apple.  Lately we have been enjoying an afternoon apple.  I believe the old saying about an apple a day.

Watched the news and at 2000 started watching CBS’s Tuesday night shows.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Monday March 26, 2018

Monday March 26, 2018

Blog time 1015 at Panera

The cold, sun and wind continues.  Nancy headed out at 0730 for a class at MVP.  Because of the cold I decided to delay my long bike ride until later this morning.  Good decision because I took a short route to the Y and I got real cold despite the layers.

I did my calisthenics and stretches at the Y.  After the exercises I changed back into my riding clothes.  I had an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.

In my pre high school youth at this time of year we had no organized activities.  Basketball and Hockey season were over and the frost was just leaving the ground leaving nothing but mud.  We had two major activities.  Outdoor basketball and marbles.

Marble season was between St Patrick’s and April fools day.  We would dig a small hole in the ground opposite the school wall.  Players would each put one marble in the hole.  The object was to bounce a marble off the school wall.  If the marble went in the pot you got all the marbles in the pot.  If you missed you put your marble in the pot.  Great recess and lunch time fun for the guys.  Girls did not play marbles.  

The other big afternoon activity was outdoor BB.  Jimmy Masters had a big paved drive with a hoop.  We would play for hours after school.  You did not wear gloves so your hands would become chapped and cracked.  Great fun.

Remember that in the 40s and 50s we had no TV.  After playing outside after school we looked forward to a quiet evening at home reading comic books and listening to the radio.  

I just got my DNA results from Ancestry.  It was generally what I expected.  48% English, 28% Scotch/Irish and Welsh and some Scandinavian.  The results match my 23&me and My Heritage results.  Immediately after I downloaded my results I got a hit.  My cousin Bill Hughes’s daughter, Mary, came up as a second cousin.

This and that:

The financial gurus should make up their minds.  The stock market has gone up 300+ this morning.

Teenagers marched in Alpena against guns.  A counter March supporting  the 2nd amendment also had a march.

Most folks say electric cars are the future.  However, battery components such as cobalt have had recent price spikes.  The major supplier of Cobalt is the Congo. I am betting on hydrogen fuel cells as the preferred alternative to gasoline.  I even bought stock in a fuel cell company.  This morning’s UK paper said that the Government is funding more fuel cell refueling stations.  Stay tuned!

The Chinese government says that Soccer players must cover ups their tattoos.  Several photos showing players placing bandages over their tats.  Can you imagine the USA telling professional athletes they must cover their tattoos.  Never happen!  

This is Easter week.  As a boy we would get Good Friday and Easter Monday off.  This was the only break between New Years and Memorial Day.

After Panera I headed out on a ten mile bike ride.  I biked along Buttrick.  I usually see deer and several times a coyote.  No luck today.

At home I took a shower and then had lunch.  This afternoon we drove to Trader Joe’s.  Bought some Chilean wine, baguette, tamales and fresh flowers.  As always Trader Joe’s was crowded.  We like TJ because they have trained their staff to be very courteous and pleasant.

Took a short nap and then we took Ms P on our nature walk. We had a light dinner followed by the news and Jeopardy.  We watched an episode of The Killing and also Murder in Suburbia before turning in.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Sunday March 25, 2018

Weekend Update;

Blog started Saturday March 24 sitting in den at home.

Cold and sunny when we headed out this morning for our walk to Panera.  I had my normal Saturday oatmeal breakfast and Nancy had a coffee.  Nancy is on a diet where she only eats from 1500 to 2100.  It is working.

Panera was quiet.  The walk home was not pleasant because we walked into a brisk 19mph east wind.  Nancy started the laundry and I finished yesterday’s blog and started the weekend Update.

The Gardens called yesterday and asked Nancy if she could work Saturday.  They expect a big crowd to see the butterflies.  I will drive her at 1230 and pick her up later.

I will suspend this blog and take a short bike ride.  

Today I took an eight mile ride.  Because of the fierce east wind I took a north-south route.

Lunch and then at 1230 I drove Nancy to the Gardens.  Good thing I drove because all the parking lots looked full.  

At home I took a short nap.  Performed some household chores before picking up Nancy.  Nancy said they were extremely busy.  Over 5,000 folks visited.

Nancy fixed tamales for dinner.  We FaceTimed with Debbie this evening.  Watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

Sunday March 25, 2018

Blog being written Sunday at 1915 sitting in den.

Alarm goes off at 0615. Still dark when went out. Sunrise today is at 0734.  It was cold 25 and windy when we headed out to the Y.  The Y has a spinning class first thing Sunday.  They usually have a big line outside the door waiting to get in.  I think they have turn some folks away.
Nancy went swimming and I did some calisthenics.  At home we changed clothes and headed to Palm Sunday service at Trinity Lutheran.  They had to add more chairs because of the overflow crowd.  Another good Homily by Pastor Bob.

Bought gas at Meijer’s. Gas was $2.77 today.  We did not need many groceries today.  Smallest Sunday purchase in quite awhile.

I took a walk around the block before lunch.  Lunch and then read the GRP before taking my nap.  After the nap I got out my San Jose bike and took a six mile ride around the neighborhood.  Sunday’s are a great day to ride around the neighborhood.  No traffic and the nice smooth easy riding parking areas.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  We watched the last minutes of the Duke/UK BB game.  We are now watching 60 Minutes and the interview with Stormy Daniels.  Not 60 Minutes finest hour.  We have courts that can settle these issues.  The nastiness continues.  I wished some the folks had heard some of Pastor Bob’s Homilies.

After 60 Minutes we will watch the second episode of Instinct.  After last week’s initial episode we decided to give it another chance.  We were both in bed before 2200.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Friday March 23, 2018

Friday March 23, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

The cold continues.  It was 23 when first went out but with sun the temp will soon get to 45.

Nancy headed to MVP.  MVP has changed their schedule so Nancy is having trouble finding a class that fits her schedule.  Later this morning she is taking Ms P to the groomer.  She is also having lunch with Mary Namey at Horrick’s which is next door to the groomer.

Since I have eliminated running from my workout I have been making adjustments.  Today I did my normal routine at home and then decided to do my other morning activities in reverse order.  

First stop is Panera.  After I read the papers I will head to the Y.  My Y routine is quite mild.  In fact I don’t even work up a sweat.  After the Y workout I will take a long bike ride followed by a shower at home.  Why is this even relevant?  Who cares what an old man does?

The stock market tanks yesterday because of fears of a trade war.  Congress passes a budget and POTUS threatens a veto.  He shakes up his national security team by firing Gen McMasters.  In McMasters place he hires John Bolton a far right hawk.  Bolton is scary.

This has been an unusually cold March.  It must be tough on kids participating in spring sports.

I did not get to the Y until nearly 1100.  A completely different group of people at this time of day.  Lots of working folks taking an early lunch.  I did my calisthenics and stretches then changed back into the bike riding clothes and took a 10 mile ride.  

At home I showered and had lunch.  I spent some time in the office before taking a short walk.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy said she enjoyed lunch with Mary Namey.  After lunch she picked up Ms P from the groomer.  Ms P received a very short cut.  Might have to put a jacket on her for walks on cold days.
For dinner we went to a Chinese restaurant, First Wok.  It is located about a mile from the condo.  This was our first visit and we enjoyed our meal.  We gave it a B.

Finished the evening watching an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Babylon Berlin on Netflix.  The show takes place in Berlin after WWI.  The dialogue is German with English subtitles.  I think I said all this in a previous blog.  Is repetition good?

Friday, March 23, 2018

Thursday March 22, 2018

Thursday March 22, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Today is blog #2,938.  Good grief this is the longest, 10 years, I have ever stuck to anything.  In 1963 the Admiral in charge of the Navy’s Civil Engineering Corps visited Vietnam and I remember him telling his junior officers that they should keep a daily log of their activities and observations.  Of course I ignored his advice and to this day regret it.

The cold and sunshine continues.  It was 22 when I left this morning.  I took the 5 mile route to the Y and froze.

This and that;

PONTUS should never have called Putin.

The most useful class I took in high school was typing.  I got a D.

Sure sign of Spring, the first boat of the season arrives at Lafarge limestone quarry near Alpena.  Actually it is not a boat but a barge.  I understand that boats are being phased out in favor of barges.  They are cheaper.  Did you know that a ship is called a boat on the Great Lakes.

Congress keeps taking us deeper into debt.  The new budget is over 1 trillion.  Yes folks that’s 12 zeros!

President Obama like to say he was “no drama Obama”.  I sure wish President Trump would try this.  I think the average citizen is getting tired of the daily turbulence.  

After lunch Nancy drove me to the Ada Bike Shop.  I picked up my bike and pedaled home a distance of 5.5 miles.

Showered and put on my party clothes.  This evening we attended an Albion College get together at an Asian restaurant on GR’s regenerated west side.  The restaurant is located on Bridge Street.  We counted four new restaurants in the immediate area.  It is great to see this previously downtrodden area getting new life.
About 20 Albion graduates attended the event.  Most graduated in our current century.  Albion, this year, has the largest freshman class in several years.

At home we watched an episode of Call the MidWife before switching to the UM BB game.  UM could no nothing wrong.  

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Wednesday March 21, 2018

Monday March 21, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  It was cold 25 when first went out.  Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

On my easy Wednesday no breakfast at home.  Also no Y.  I am having a leisurely breakfast at Panera.  I did do my PT stretches at home before heading out.

I am getting tired of the cold weather.  I was bundled and only took a 2 mile route to Panera but still got cold.  I really should not complain.  I could be living in New England.  The Northeasters keep coming.  I will check later to see how much snow Boston has had this year.  

I finished yesterday’s blog last night but proofed it this morning.  I had a lot of mistakes, spelling and words out of context.  Is this typical or just an old guy thing?

I watch CNBC a lot.  I use to like the business news but lately I have become disappointed.  All the pundits come across as nitpickers who think their opinion is correct.  I would not want to have a beer with any of them.  I really should change my morning and noon viewing or maybe, better yet, turn off the TV.  Is my life impacted that much by whether the Feds raise the interest rates?

Russian meddling in the 2016 election will we ever know the facts? President Obama’s administration was suppose to be aware but did nothing, probably because they thought Clinton would win.  Speaking of Clinton her comments in India reaffirmed my opinion that she would have been a poor president.  She is an elitist of the “let them eat cake” variety.

I think more interesting than the USA election is possible Russian interference in the BRexit vote.  The UK’s exit from the EU is in Russian interest.  

Why can’t we invent a full proof method of extracting the truth from individuals.  Speaking of methods of determining truth I just got my DNA results from Ancestry.  I am sure the results will be the same as 23&me and My Heritage.  Senator Warren should take a DNA test so she can get PONTIS to stop belittling her Indian heritage.

After lunch I loaded my winter bike into the Escape and headed to Ada Bike.  Removing the snow tires and putting on a new set of summer tires.

Two loads of laundry, taking out trash and a mile walk occupied my afternoon.  I did sneak in a nap.

Light dinner and then at 2000 we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.  The cold continues through the weekend.  The upside is the days will be sunny.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tuesday March 20, 2018

Tuesday March 20, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

Today is the Vernal Equinox which is officially the first day of spring.  You would not know it in GR.  It was sunny but cold, 22, with 17 mph winds when I left home this morning.  I was glad I layered up because it was cold on the bike especially when pedaling into the wind.  I took the shorter, 5 mile, route to the Y.  I saw a lot of Robins on the ride and they looked super cold.

I have been wearing my UM tee for my workout.  I get a lot of comments.  Folks must be fickle because UM shirts today were the most popular, last week it was MSU.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  After, she is going to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  This afternoon we both are going to Costco for supplies.

I don’t know what a blockchain is?  

Facebook, Cambridge Analytica who knows what sort of influence they had on public opinion.  Conspiracy freaks are having a field day.  All this might result in some interesting books and movies.

Lunch and then we all headed to Costco.  Tuesday is a good day to shop at Costco because they were not very busy.  Bought wine, lotions, prunes and naan bread.  Stopped at Stables to buy envelopes.

I did take a walk around the block before taking a nap.  Nancy fixed a breaded chicken breast with a sweet potato and Lima beans for dinner.

Tuesday so we watched CBS all night.  The cold will continue for several more days.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Monday March 19, 2018

Monday March 19, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

The temp was 32 when first went out this morning at 0700.  Sunrise is not until 0745 but the weather folks said it would be another sunny day.  They were right bright sun when I left home at 0820.

When temps are 32 or below I get cold when on my bike for over 45 minutes.  This morning I took the five mile route and it took me 40 minutes, perfect.

My left hip appears to be getting better.  I have been faithful in doing the recommended stretches every day.  I also have reduced my walking.

Robotics seem to be popular in schools.  I noted that Alpena High just won a robotic team competition in Escanaba.  Most schools in NE MI have programs and teams.

Busy Monday for Bob and Nancy.  This afternoon we are meeting with our tax preparer.  This evening we are attending a member’s only affair at Meijer’s Garden.  It is a special viewing of the butterfly exhibit.  Mary Namey is going with us.

I did read the papers and found that;

The U.K. said Russia is poisoning its citizens.  Russia says no it is a witch hunt.

POTUS says the Mueller probe is a witch hunt.  Mueller says nothing.

Congress still has done nothing on infrastructure.

Facebook appears to be in trouble for giving away data on citizens.  I still don’t know if social media is good or bad?  I don’t use Facebook, Twitter or other sites but I sure use google a lot.  Why can’t we find the bad hackers?  

Quick lunch and then we get in the Escape and head to Jenison to leave off our tax data.  Nancy and I had to sign several forms.  The most disturbing form was the one related to the ACA.  Why does the IRS want to know about my health insurance.

Spent some time in the office checking some financial accounts.  I like the ability to move funds between banks but always worry about security.  

Wrote a note to the kids and walked to the mail box to post them.  Took a short nap in my recliner.

Mary Namey stopped by at 1815 and we all got in the Escape and headed to the Gardens.  The event was all about the butterflies.  We had some good snacks and a glass of wine before viewing the butterflies.  The place was jammed.  We met several folks that we knew and whose children were classmates of our children.  Verker, Hartman and Hertel.

We got home at 2030.  Watched some TV before turning in.