Thursday, August 31, 2017

Wednesday August 30, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Big excitement last night, about 0300 Nancy woke up and said something is in the room.  Sure enough we had a bat.  I got the broom but was unable to subdue it.  It then disappears.  Looked everywhere but no bat.   We isolated rooms by closing doors.  This afternoon while Nancy works at the Gardens I will take my flashlight and butterfly net and try to get the critter.

I went back to sleep and got up with the alarm at 0530.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  It was pitch black when I left at 0630.  The President of our group and a retired Navy Officer and History Prof talked on military preparedness.  Gloomy talk.

Went straight home after BC, changed into my bike clothes and took a short bike ride to Panera.  Quick read of mail and some papers but no WSJ before heading home.

Nancy was just leaving for her shift at Meijer's Garden.  After lunch I started my Bat search.  I brought up a ladder from the basement, grabbed our butterfly net and a good flashlight.  I thought the bat would be in the master bedroom.  I checked curtains, beds especially under and behind,  cleared all the shelves in the closet and checked the clothes.  Finally after an hour I concluded that our bat was either a master of hiding or just left the room.

I continued my search in each of our upstairs rooms.  Still no bat.  Same with the lower level.

I did a load of laundry and took out the trash before a short nap.  Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Nancy said the Gardens had over 1,500 visitors today.  She talked to our old neighbors the Joe and Judy Zainea who were visiting the Gardens.

Light dinner and then an episode of the Heart Guy on Acorn.  Nancy went to bed up early and stayed to watch an episode of Rake.  I fell asleep within the first minute. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Woke up to heavy fog this morning.  Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  I left at my normal time 0810 with all my bike lights on.  The fog contained a lot of water so I stopped and put on a waterproof jacket that I carry in my bike bag.

I performed my calisthenics and a short run at the Y.  The fog was still heavy when I left the Y.

Hurricane Harvey still dominates the news.  Weather folks say this is a 500 year storm.  In Michigan we designed bridges to withstand a 100 year storm.  The cost of designing for a 500 year storm would be prohibitive.  

The amount of rainfall is unbelievable.  More rain has fallen over the weekend than usually falls in a year, 50”.  In Michigan we normally expect 35” of rain a year.  I did not know that the economy of Houston is greater than Sweden’s.  The economy of Texas is larger than Canada or Mexico.

The London papers had several health related articles:

Using mouthwash raises the risk of hearth attack.  I use mouthwash every day and will not stop.  

Chocolate could prevent diabetes?

NYC has raised the price of a pack of cigarettes to $13.  I remember buying a pack of cigarettes on Midway Island and it was $0.25.  The military almost condoned cigarette smoking.  All my Navy colleagues smoked.

The sun was breaking out when I left Panera.  Quick lunch and then I headed to the Dermatologist office.  The site of my recent surgery has become infected.  Dr Hawley cleaned the area and cauterized the infected area.  I must keep this area well greased and covered with a bandage for the next two week.

More skin news, the Doctor said that the biopsy on the spot on my upper right arm was cancerous.  I have surgery scheduled for mid September.  The surgery will be the same as was recently done on my right forearm.

Stopped a Meijer's on way home for gas, toothpaste and wine.

Nancy’s friend Kathi stopped by this afternoon.  Kathi sells purses to hospital gift shops and small boutiques.  Nancy helped her select some purses.  Nancy will go with Kathi to a sale in the Detroit area next month.  She will help set up.  It is a one day trip.

1600 we got in the Escape and headed to Meijer's Garden to work the Tuesday night concert.  Last Tuesday concert of the year.  Nancy worked in the Box Office and I put ID bracelets on folks who want to purchase beer of wine.  Tuesday is local talent night and is free to members.  Over 1,500 folks attended.  We stayed for about half the show.  Time enough to drink a glass of wine and eat a hot dog.  Another nice summer’s day.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Monday August 28, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera.

We woke up at 0630 to light rain and darkness.  The sun does not come up until 0702.  Glad I bought new bike lights on Saturday.

Nancy headed out to MVP but I stayed home.  Did all my calisthenics at home today.  I put on my rain coat and pedaled straight to Panera.  

My weather app said that rain would stop at 1000.  My plan was, Panera first, followed by bike ride.  Just noticed the weather app has changed the forecast and the rain will not stop until 1300.  

Revised plan, head home take Nancy to Tanger’s Outlet Mall and then an afternoon bike ride.

The London papers reported on a toxic cloud passing over areas on England’s east coast.  The cloud appears to be caused by algal blooms in the English Channel.  MI and OH have massive algal blooms on Lake Erie.  The blooms are caused by runoff of nutrients from farm operations.  Same as what happened in England.

Interesting article on the findings of an Artificial Intelligence lab in Canada.  They have developed a procedure to identify Alzheimer’s from speech patterns.  Very interesting.

The French voters are as fickle as voters in the USA.  President Macron won in a landslide four months ago but now 57% of voters have turned against him.  

A big diet expert in Europe said that cheese and dried fruit are two foods you should avoid in order to lose weight.  Three years ago in September I started a diet called SOS (stop only sugar).  I quickly lost 20 pounds and have easily kept it off.  Cheese and dried plums are a mainstay of my diet.  Go figure!

Another observation;  fist bumps are a popular greeting among seniors.  It was explained to me that many seniors have arthritis in their hands and handshaking is painful.  So give Grandpa a fist bump and he will appreciate it.

Still raining when I left Panera.  With colder weather coming I am looking for several pair of corduroy pants. We drove to the Tangers Outlet Mall to see if stores like Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren's, J Crew or others might have corduroys.  No luck, I guess I will have to order from LL BEAN.

After a quick lunch I took a 10 mile bike ride.  Showered and then a short nap.

Noticed after the shower that the site of my recent skin cancer procedure was bleeding.  It looked infected.  Call Dermatologist and made an appointment.

Light dinner tonight, followed by a walk around the block.  Watch the first episode on Acorn of a series about a heart surgeon who was banned to a small Australian town.  Looks promising.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Sunday August 27, 2017

Blog time 1650 sitting at dining room table;

Today is a big day in the Scott household, Nancy Patton Scott is celebrating her 75th birthday.  On this date in 1965, our first as a married couple, I bought Nancy a rocking chair for her birthday. We were living in Redwood City, CA.  Wow that was 52 years ago.  Time flies when you have wedded bliss.  Happy Birthday Nancy.

The alarm went off at 0630.  We got ready for our Sunday trip to the Y.  Nancy swam I did calisthenics and ran.

We came home and got ready to attend the 1030 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Sign of the times, today they had a blessing of the backpacks for all the kindergarten students.

After church we headed downtown.  We are having brunch at One Trick Pony.  We both had an omelette.  No Meijer's today.

I did take a walk around the block before my Sunday nap.  Finished yesterday’s blog and we just started out on our nature walk with Ms P.  We cut the walk short because it was starting to rain.  

The kids have all called Nancy and wished her a Happy Birthday.  Nancy’s sister, Peg, also called from her new home in North Hampton, MA.

Light dinner tonight, finish reading the GRP and maybe some Netflix.  Nancy gets the remote so she can watch whatever she wants.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Saturday August 26, 2017

Blog time 1620 sitting at dining room table.

Sun but cool this morning, high 40s.  No wind so pleasant walk to Panera.

We had our standard Saturday morning breakfast.  Nancy did get a birthday pastry that she bagged and took home.

At home Nancy started doing laundry and I got on the single speed and took a 14 mile ride.  Beautiful Saturday so the trails were filled with walkers and bikers.  I did stop at Ada Bike and bought a rear light for the single speed.

We all took our nature walk before a quick lunch.  Light lunch and then a short nap.

Tonight we are going to Houlihan’s for dinner.  Nancy has a free birthday meal.

I have not looked at any papers today.  Later I will make a quick scan and make comments.  

Blog resumes at 1610 on the 27th;

Scanned several papers and found articles on the French President’s makeup and POTUS pardoning the AZ sheriff and insulting more GOP politicians.  This is news?

Hurricane Harvey is big news, none of it good.  

The Alpena High Wildcat lost their opening football game against Escanaba.  It has been a long time since Alpena has had a good team.  In the 50s three losses was considered a failed season.

As mentioned earlier we had an early dinner at Houlihan’s.  Nancy had a free birthday meal.  Enjoyable meal, I had salmon with mashed potatoes and Nancy had a big salad.  We have never had a bad at Houlihan’s.

I took a walk around the block before watching the final episode of Dr Blake Mysteries.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Friday August 25, 2017

Blog time noon at Panera

I slept in until 0715 this morning.  Still followed my normal routine.  Today I rode my single speed bike.  I bought the Nishiki at Eastern Ave Bike in the late 70s.  Temp was in  mid 50s when I left so I wore multiple layers.  My Sister said they had frost warnings in Gaylord.  Much, much too early.

I love riding the single speed as long as I avoid steep hills.  I wore multiple layers and yet saw many walkers wearing only a short sleeve tee.  What is wrong with my heating/cooling system?

Fall sports are under way so the Alpena News had a lot of coverage of local teams.  They do a good job with all the area schools.

The London papers are reporting on BRexit negotiations but no progress appears to be happening.  Several other stories I found interesting:

The EU is having problems with some of their Eastern members.  Poland and Hungary are bucking the system.  

President Macron of France is ruffling some folks at home with his economic reforms.  He has an extremely tough task with the entrenched unions.  He also has created a stir in Poland and Hungary.  Macron is very Pro-EU.

Japan announces that they will soon have unmanned container ships.  The US Navy should be happy to hear that.

Mayor de Blasio of NYC wants to remove statues of Chris Columbus from NYC.  The Mayor thinks Columbus did not play nice with the natives.  

The Telegraph did have a snake story.

Taking Ms P on her nature walk has become routine.  She enjoys it.

Speaking of nature four Sand Hill Cranes were whooping in the back yard.  They seem to be living in the area.  Beautiful birds.

Nancy fired up the grill and grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob.  Great meal especially when served with fresh fruit.

The evening news was all about the hurricane heading for Texas.  They are predicting 35” of rain in places.  That is a lot of rain.  The heaviest 24 hour rain I have ever seen was 18”.  That was in 1963 in Danang, Vietnam.  They damage from that storm was unbelievable so I cannot imagine the damage from 35” of rain.

We watched an episode of Vera on Acorn before turning in.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Thursday October 24, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Up at 0630 and it was dark outside.  Sunrise is at 0659.  It is Thursday so Nancy is going for an early swim.  She left at 0700.

Yesterday my weather app said a 50% chance of rain so I walked to Y.  It did not rain.  Today my weather app said only 30% chance so I got out the bike.  It started to rain half way into my 9 mile ride to Y.  Luckily I had a rain jacket in my bike bag.  Did not get too wet.

Things I did not know.  Read an article on a huge data center being built in northern Norway.  Data centers require huge amount of electric energy and a good source of cool water.  Northern Norway fits the bill.  Hydro electric power, low external temperatures and large amount of cool water.  The data center is a multi-billion undertaking.  Microsoft has a nearby center.  

England has standardized test in math, English language and English literature.  The recents tests have gotten a lot of news coverage.  Today the math test has gotten a lot of criticism because if you get 15% correct you pass.  Last year it was 30%.  Talk about grade inflation.  I am not a big fan of standardized tests.

I give the Daily Mail high marks for the photos it publishes.  Today they had great aerial shots of London.  The travel section also has great photos.

POTUS said we are going to build the wall between USA and Mexico.  He has threatened congress if they don’t budget monies. He said he will shut down the government.  Tough talk but not very smart.  The wall is a big waste of money.

Good grief even Karl Rove said Good Riddance to Steve Bannon.

It was still raining lightly when I left Panera.  Quick lunch and then we headed to Costco for supplies.  Thursday and Costco was jammed.  It was cool so for the first time in weeks I wore long pants.

Spent some time checking out my bikes.  Tomorrow I will ride my single speed for several days.

Spent two hour in my office paying bills and cleaning my desk.  Today I got my Rolex back from the WI repair shop.  Looks good and it is running fine.  The watch is over 50 years old.  Nancy gave it to me on our first Christmas together.

Tonight we are having dinner at Sundance.  We will have their scrambled eggs and ham.

Read the GRP and watched an episode of Vera on Acorn before turning in.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wednesday August 23, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Wednesday my easy day,  this morning I stay home because the plumber is coming to replace a leaking water valve.  Nancy headed out to MVP for a class.

Before the plumber arrived I did my normal Wednesday chores early.  I took out the recyclables and emptied the waste baskets.  Also had time to check my email and read some papers.

I use my bike lights during the daylight hours.  Most bikers say it is a good safety practice.  Luckily, my bike lights are rechargeable.  I charged all my lights this morning.

The plumber arrived on time, 0830.  He went right to work and was done in under an hour.  The work involved cutting a larger hole in the ceiling near the valve.  He also had to shut the water off.  This meant going next door and shutting the main valve located in our neighbor’s basement.  This seemed strange to me but I have been told it is standard in condos.  I was impressed with the plumber’s cleanup.  

It was 1000 when I got on my Bianca bike and pedaled to Panera.  The Bianca has an eight speed internal hub but does not pedal as smooth or easy as my Bad Boy.

Being PC is not confined to the USA.  The Aborigines in Australia want a statue of Captain Cook removed.  Apparently Captain Cook claimed he found Australia and of course the Aborigines had been in Australia for centuries.  Maybe the statue should have said the first white man to visit.

The same is happening in Taiwan with statues of Chiang Kia-shel  

President Trump has returned to his bad old ways with his comments to supporters in AZ.  He appears uncontrollable which in time could result in mass defections of his staff.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I took a walk around the block before lunch.  Lunch and then a load of laundry.  I did find time for a short nap.

I biked to Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim our cleaning lady.  Stopped at D&W to buy a Powerball ticket.  Tonight is the big drawing.

Spent over an hour hanging up clothes that I had to take out of the cedar closet for the plumber.  I found several nice wool sports coats from the 70s that still fit me.  

Light dinner tonight.  After the dishes I took a short walk.  We watched an episode of Dr Blake before turning in.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Tuesday August 22, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera

It rained most of the night.  It must be her age but Ms P is no longer bothered by the storms.  She usually just continues sleeping.

Today is Nancy’s swim day so she left early.  The weather man said it would rain most of the morning so I put on my rain coat and walked to the Y.  Of course I encountered no rain.

POTUS gave his Afghanistan speech last night.  I did not watch but as I understand it there will be a troop increase.  Good to see that POTUS is not micro managing the military.  However, I would like to see us just get out.  Is anyone listening?

Speaking of military, heads will roll over the Navy’s recent bout of destroyer collisions.  The group of retired Navy officers that I belong to has written some scathing comments.  

Several sure signs Fall is almost here,  High School football starts Friday, walnuts and acorns are falling from trees and of course the days are getting shorter.

Landscape maintenance is a huge business in West MI.  I see Lawn Maintenance Company’s trucks and trailers everywhere.  Rain or shine the grass is cut on schedule.  I think most lawn maintenance firms switch to snow removal in winter.  The business must be good because most companies have shiny new equipment.

The solar eclipse in the USA and Trump’s Afghanistan speech dominated the news.  I also found out that Brits like their restaurant food served on circular plates.

At home Nancy and I hooked up Ms P and took a short walk.  No nature walk today because of wet grass.

We spent some time moving clothes out of our cedar closet.  Our faulty water valve is located in the closet and we have to make room for the plumber.  He is coming tomorrow morning.

About noon the sun came out and temperature increased slightly.  We are having a spell of cool weather for the next week.  Cool weather in August means temps in mid 70s.

1600 and we get in the Escape and head to Meijer Gardens.  This evening we are working the Tuesday night concerts.  The concert is free to Garden members and features local MI talent.  

Nancy worked in the ticket booth and I took tickets.  Over 1400 folks were in attendance.  My shift was from 1630 to 1930 which is a lot of standing.  Nancy worked until 2000. Weather wise it was a great evening for an outdoor concert.

We brought chairs so after my shift I bought a hot dog and glass of wine and enjoyed the concert.  Nancy joined me and we watched the opening performer and part of the main group.

We got home about 2100.  I finished the GRP and watched some TV before turning in.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Monday August 21, 2017

Blog time: 1730 sitting on deck

Up at 0645 to start another week in paradise.  It was warm and humid when I stepped out first thing this morning.  Sun was just coming up.

Big day in the USA, the news media is all abuzz about the total eclipse of the sun.  It is a pleasant diversion from all the depressing political news.

Nancy headed to a class at MVP and I biked to the Y.  Once again I took my longer ride with hills.  Total distance to Y is 9 miles.  Almost 13 miles by the time I get home.

I had just started my morning read at Panera when I got a call from Somerdyke Plumbing.  Don Somerdyke said that he would be at our house in twenty minutes.  I packed up my ipad and left Panera in a hurry.

We have a small leak in the main water valve inside our house.  The valve is located in the lower level ceiling.  The fix will required cutting a larger hole in the ceiling.  We must also turn off the water to the house.  The way the plumbing is configured turning the water off will require also turning to water off to our adjacent neighbor.  I told Don he has to give us at least 24 hours notice so we can prepare Sonya our neighbor.

Just took a short break because four Sand Hill Cranes landed in the back yard.  Nancy and I watched the birds through our binoculars.  This morning on my bike ride I also encountered some Sand Hill Cranes.  I stopped the bike and took several pictures.  I alway thought Sand Hills were rare in this area.  

Speaking of birds I have talked to several folks and they agree that most Robins are gone.  They spend less than 6 months in MI.  Maybe we should change our State bird.

I did glance at the London papers. They must still be on their summer break.  They do have articles on President Trump and the French President’ wife.

The US Navy has a problem.  Two ship collisions in a month.  These are serious collisions.  I would think several Court Martials are in order.  I was alway told the skipper is alway responsible no matter who is on the bridge.  

After the Plumber I got on the bike and ran errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to make a deposit, moved on to the Cascade Twp office to pay summer property tax bill and let then know the street lights are out on Tahoe.  Final stop was Meijer's to pick up prescription and buy a tub of Schuler’s soft cheese.  Our condo is ideally suited for running errands on a bike.  Total distance to run the above errands was 5 miles.

Quick lunch and then took both cars to get gas.  Gas today was $2.35 per gallon.

Took a short nap before starting blog.  Light dinner and then watched an episode of Jack Taylor.  Rain predicted for tonight.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Sunday August 20, 2017

Blog time: Monday 1145 sitting at Panera

Sunday morning’s alarm goes off at 0630.  We head out at 0740 for the Y.  Nancy swims and I do my Sunday calisthenics routine and walk/run.

No church or Meijer’s today because we are going to a 1030 brunch at the Moleski’s.

Another nice warm summer’s day.  As soon as we arrive at the Moleski’s we are given a drink.  Nancy has champagne and I have a Bloody Mary.  My first Bloody Mary in years.

We sat outside to enjoy our brunch.  Tom and Linda fixed oatmeal pancakes, quiche, sausages and fruit.  I especially liked the oatmeal pancakes.  It was a great day to just sit outside and enjoy.  We left at 1330.

At home I took a short nap.  Tonight Nancy and I are working a concert at Meijer’s Garden.  We arrive at 1630 and there is already a big line waiting to get in.  Tonight the Jim Baldwin Trio is performing.  They are billed as an Australian folk group.  

Nancy and I were assigned to the rental chair detail.  Not a demanding job.  Our shift was over about 10 minutes after the main event started.  I bought a hot dog and beer.  We sat in the back row and listened to the first half of the concert.  My only comment, they were super loud.  We were home by 2000.

Finished reading the GRP and watched an episode of The Tudors before turning in.

I forgot to mention that we spent some time on Friday face timing with Missy.  She told us she was on a panel discussion on Saturday.  The Panel was part of a conference on the hearing impaired and technology.

On Saturday we FaceTimed with Debbie.  She had just returned from a business trip to London.  She gave us a brief update on her trip.

Saturday August 19, 2017

Blog time 1700 sitting on deck

Another great summer’s day.  High temp 80 with sunshine all day.

Following our Saturday routine we walked to Panera for breakfast.  I had their oatmeal and Nancy a whole grain bagel with cream cheese.  Panera was short staffed this morning so we had to wait a long time for our order.  They were lucky the place was not crowded.  In several weeks they will be jammed with folks heading out to football and soccer games.

As soon as we got home grabbed Ms P and headed to Trader Joe’s.  We replenished our wine stock and bought a sourdough baguette.  We also stopped at a shoe store and Nancy bought a pair of Echo open walking shoes.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I got on my bike and pedaled to Breton Village.  Today’s mission is to get a birthday present for Nancy.  Her birthday is next week.  Great day for a bike ride.

Before lunch we took Ms P on a short nature walk.  I had lunch, showered and shaved and then took a nap.

Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner.  We watched an episode of Dr Blake’s Mysteries before turning in.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Friday August 18, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera

It was dark and gloomy when I got up at 0630.  My watch says no rain today so I will ride the bike.

Nancy left the house first as she headed to a class at MVP.  I soon followed.  I turned my bike lights on as I headed out.  Today I took my longer, hilly route to the Y.  I figure if I do the hill climbs I don't have to run.  Sound reasonable?

Noted a lot of high school girls at the Y.  I think they were doing some conditioning exercises for their fall sports.

Everyone should read an op-ed in the WSJ by Peggy Noonan.  She takes the President to task, a must read.

POTUS’s Chief of Staff Kelly has pushed out presidential adviser Steve Bannon.  Mr Bannon was against free trade and a liberal immigration policy and other issues that I support.  I just hope the President continues to listen to General Kelly’s advise.

Noted on my ride home a big estate sale at a condo in Gatehouse.  Gatehouse is also in Centennial Park.  I told Nancy but she had already visited the condo.  She did find a table she would like to see again.  So we hooked the leash on Ms P and walked to the condo.  Nancy looked again at the table but it was too expensive.  While Nancy stayed outside with Ms P I took a look around.  I was surprised at how small the condo was.  No finished basement or lower level walk out.  Too small for us.

Tonight we are having dinner at Brann’s.  I order a bowl of soup and Nancy a sandwich.  I also eat half of Nancy’s sandwich.

Brann’s was not very crowded.  The soup today was lobster bisque.  It was great.

I took a short walk after dinner.  We watched a episode of a show involving a British MI6 agent working in England soon after WWII.  It involved getting a German scientist to help the Brits develop a jet engine.  It takes place in a bombed out luxury hotel.

After Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Rake.  Love Rake, a great guy show.

Where have all the Robins gone?  I have not seen a Robin in our backyard in the past several days.  Surely they have not gone south already.