Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tuesday May 30, 2017

Blog time 1135 at Panera

If you were born before 1971 May 30 was a single day holiday called Decoration Day. In 1971 Congress declared the last Monday in May as Memorial Day. Some hard core Vets still consider today the real Memorial Day. In fact GR is having a Memorial Day parade today.

Another beautiful day in GR. Woke up to bright sun shining through our slider.

Last night Nancy heard a noise on our deck. We turned on the deck light and saw a huge raccoon. It had gotten into the container where I store the bird seed. Today I moved the bird seed container to the garage.

Checked the Alpena and London papers this morning. Next week's UK election dominates. One article pointed out that PM May folks expect the opposition candidate to self destruct. It pointed out that Hillary Clinton thought the same thing. A word to the wise.

All the Doctors in the UK are employed by the Federal Health system. Last year the Junior Doctors went on strike creating a devastating problem for the system. I hope we never have socialized medicine in the USA.

Reported today the Trump's Communications Director, Mike Dubke, resigned. Mike who!

As soon as I got home we got in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Walmart to buy some fizzy water. Made a quick stop at Sam's Club but made no purchase. Costco was our final stop. Cheese, prunes, cheerios and peanut butter were purchased.

Quick lunch and then a nap. Nancy fixed a pork chop with a rhubarb sauce for dinner. Love the sauce.

Watched the news and then I took a walk around the block. We are now watching Bull on CBS. It was their first episode. We must have missed it.

Every day this Spring I was lucky enough to have met my 30 minutes outside goal. Did you?

Monday, May 29, 2017

Monday May 29, 2017

Blog time 1710: sitting on deck drinking an Irish Whiskey

We slept in until 0700 this morning. Today is Memorial Day so in keeping with our tradition we all got in the Escape and headed to Saugatuck, Mi for breakfast.

We arrived just in time to see Saugatuck's Memorial Day Parade featuring the local National Guard and the High School band. It was a nice small town parade.

As a Boy Scout in Alpena I always marched in our Decoration Day Parade. It was alway well attended. Decoration Day was also the day my Mother let me stop wearing long underwear.

We ate breakfast at the Pumpernickel along the Main Street. I had fried eggs, sausage, toast and coffee, Nancy had a potato, egg, cheese pie. Food was good. We sat in their screened in porch right next to the sidewalk. A great place to people watch. The City was crowded with tourists. Bright sun with temps in low 70s. Perfect way to start the summer season.

After breakfast we walked up and down the Main Street. Stopped in several stores but did not buy anything. I was looking for khaki shorts with a single cell phone pocket. I am not fond of cargo shorts although I am presently wearing a pair. How do you iron cargo shorts?

I don't know why but whenever I have a nice large breakfast I am hungry three hours later. Today was no exception, I had lunch as soon as we got home at noon.

Got a call from Meijer's saying my prescription was ready. Pumped up my bike tires and headed out. I was surprised that Meijer's was very crowded. Today I took my Laraway Lake Road route home, backwards. It was much easier backwards.

At home Nancy planted some flowers along our back retaining wall. She also finished the laundry. While she was working I took a nap.

Light dinner tonight and then a walk around the block. We now have over 15 hours of daylight. Edinburgh, Scotland has over 17 hours.

Speaking of Scotland we have been watching Shetland on Netflix. The show is filmed in the Shetland Islands of Scotland. The island looks very barren. Not on my bucket list of places to visit.

Sunday May 28, 2017

Blog time 1700, once again sitting on deck. Temp is 76!

Alarm goes off at 0630 and we get up and ready for our busy morning.

As you would expect on Memorial Day weekend most folks who frequent the Y on Sunday are out of town.

After our workouts we headed home with a quick stop at Panera for coffee. We changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Celebration service. I wore a sport jacket but most men were in shorts. We did bring our coffee into the service. I like this service it is so informal. We sit on folding chairs, listen to a brass band and drink coffee. Except for the informality the service is the same as in the main Sanctuary. Nice touch today the Men's Choir sang the Star Spangled Banner to end the service.

In several weeks Trinity is going on their summer schedule. The number of services will be two, one Celebration service and the traditional service in the Sanctuary. Because of our schedule we will attend the 1030 service in the Sanctuary. I don't think I can drink coffee.

We stopped at Meijer's on our way home for supplies and gas. Gas was $2.44 today.

At home I changed into shorts and took the Taurus to D&W for gas. Same price as at Meijer's.

Nancy purchased a hydrangea at her recent visit to Countryside Greenhouse. Today we planted it in our side yard. Nancy also filled our deck flower boxes with flowers.

Took a two mile walk, lunch and then a nap. No morning papers or morning TV news today.

After the nap I hung our hummingbird feeder. Tonight Nancy is grilling me a burger, asparagus and baked potato. I just turned the gas on.

This evening we will read the GRP and watch 60 Minutes.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Saturday May 27, 2017

Blog time 1950 sitting on deck drinking wine, temperature 75!

Memorial Day weekend!

In my youth we did not have a three day weekend. Memorial Day or Decoration Day then was held on a single day May 30.

Nancy is helping her friend Kathi with a driveway sale today so we drove to Panera. Panera was nearly empty. We both had our standard Saturday fare.

After Panera we make a quick stop home to pick up Ms P and then stopped at Home Depot for potting soil. We arrived at Kathi's at 0900.

Nancy and I helped Kathi set up. It is a beautiful day for a sale.

I left after spending about 20 minutes helping set up. On the way home I stopped at Meijer's for cheese, yogurt and ginger ale. I also bought a gate for our stairway to keep Ms P from going downstairs. The Vet said no stair climbing for at least a month.

At Ace Hardware I bought two 20 pound bags for bird food. Ace was having their Memorial Day two for one sale.

Took an eleven mile bike ride. Today I rode my Buttrick route backwards. The hills on the Buttrick route are steep but it is much easier when I reversed direction.

Shower, lunch and then a short nap. At 1600, Nancy called and said the sale was over. We both helped Kathi clean up and then headed home.

Dinner tonight was at the LaLaguna Mexican cafe. I had their tamale dinner and Nancy had a soft shelled taco. Food was good.

At home I took a short walk. Missy face timed us tonight. She and AJ were at the pool of the yacht club where Missy belongs. AJ was swimming.

Debbie also face timed us tonight. We got caught on what was happening in San Jose. Love FaceTime.

Nancy fired up an episode of Bosch on Amazon. I immediately fell asleep and missed the same show.

I am getting familiar with my new 12" iPad Pro. I like the big screen especially when viewing photos that most news outlets have. I have not yet used the special pen.

You might have noticed that I sometimes get my words confused. Today I wrote that I "road" my bike instead of "rode". I like to think that I usually catch these errors but who knows.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Friday May 26, 2017

Blog time 1120 sitting at Panera

I am typing this blog on my new 12" iPad Pro. So far the Pro is great.

We woke up this morning with sun streaming in. Sunrise is 0600. Over 15 hours of daylight and we still have more than three weeks to the Summer Solstice.

Noted on my bike ride this morning that traffic was light. Have folks taken today off for a longer holiday weekend.

I looked at the London papers and cannot figure out if our President made a good impression meeting with European leaders? He was not making friends by asking NATO countries to pay their fair share but it had to be done.

Had to leave Panera early today so only scanned the papers. Congress has a lot of work to do but of course they are taking time off for the Holiday.

Despite the body slam the GOP candidate in Montana still won. The press is having a hissy fit.

Kim cleaned today and the house looks great.

Got home at 1200 and we all got in the Escape and headed to Tanger's outlet mall. Talbots's is having a sale. Nancy did purchase several items. I looked in several stores but found nothing I need.

Took a short nap and then at 1730 we headed to Bravo, an Italian restaurant, located at Knapp's corner. We met Karen and Hal Horlings. Great food and good conversation made the evening great.

We got home at 2100 and watched an episode of Pie in Sky before turning in.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Thursday May 25, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy bounced out of bed at 0630. Today she is swimming at MVP followed by a 1130 dentist appointment.

After breakfast I headed out for my bike ride to the Y. I thought it was dry but encountered a light mist. Went back inside and got my raincoat. Started out and the rain intensified so I changed my route and headed directly to the Y. Three mile ride instead of nine.

The Y is very friendly to young families. I talked to a women who had a young baby in a stroller. The baby was only five weeks old. She worked out on some machines and then she and the stroller ran laps on the indoor track. The entire Y is wheel chair and stroller accessible.

A US Navy Destroyer was patrolling in the South China Sea near the Spratley Islands. China made a protest to the USA that they were in their waters. Anyone who looks at a map would wonder how can China claim these islands. In fact a World Court has said that the islands do not belong to China. The islands were almost submerged until China used dredged fill to build them up. I think we were within our rights. Someone has to stand up to the 500# Gorilla.

Several stories on the Montana GOP candidate for the US House body slamming a reporter from the UK's Guardian. Almost sounds like the reporter wanted a confrontation.

Today is the 100th birthday of JFK. JFK was a very charismatic president but I seldom agreed on his policies.

This weekend in the U.K. is a bank holiday. Temperatures are expected to reach a record 90 degrees. GR IS expecting temps in the low 70s for our Memorial Day weekend. GR is 600 miles south of England.

Now that it has warmed up and women are baring their arms I am surprised at how many attractive women have huge tattoos on their arms. I think it unattractive.

Rain had stopped when I left Panera. Today I got two packages from UPS. The first was an order from LL Bean, blue khaki pants and sweatshirt and the second were supplies for my CPAC machine.

1400 I grabbed Ms P and headed to the Vet. Ms P is getting her annual kennel shot and a checkup. The Vet said Ms P has a torn ACL tendon. She must be kept quiet for several weeks. Also the Vet inspected a scab on her chest. The scab was non cancerous. She gave us two prescriptions for medication. Pain pills and an antibiotic. The bad news is Ms P must lose some weight. No cheese or people food, bummer.

Finished my outdoor activities with a three mile walk.

I got a call from the Apple Store in Woodland Mall that they had my new iPad. Left at 1800 for the store. The staff copied my files from the iPad to the new iPad Pro.

We watched several shows on Netflix before turning in.

I had a light dinner and then read the GRP and watched an episode of Dr Blake Mysteries on Netflix. Nancy's foot has been bothering her so she took a pill and went to bed early. I watched an episode of Wild North.

I called Debbie and she ordered an iPad Pro, 12.7" for me.

Wednesday May 24, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0530 and I get ready for Breakfast Club. Sprinkling when I left home at 0630. Easy drive to downtown because no traffic and the sun was up.

Big crowd today at the University Club, every seat was taken. We recently have had an influx of new members. Today the President of the GR Art Festival gave a presentation. The Festival is held the first weekend in June. This is their 48th year. Good talk!

After BC I headed home. Changed clothes and headed out on a bike ride. Got 1 mile into the ride and it started to rain. Turned around and headed to Panera.

I had my DNA done by My Heritage. The results are available to other My Heritage users. I have had several hits from folks who are listed as my third or fourth cousin. I am given an opportunity to contact these relatives but as soon as I press "contact" I am told I need to subscribe to this service at a cost of $10 per month. I wasn't told about this charge when I paid to have the DNA done. Buyer Beware!

Sun was out when I left Panera so I rode to Cascade Twp Park. Pleasant ride with some good hills.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry, took a short nap and finished outside activities with a two mile walk.

Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens this afternoon.

My phone weather app said it should start raining soon. I just looked out the window and think they are right.

Light dinner tonight followed by some TV News and then a Netflix show. We watched an episode of "Murder in Paradise" or actually Nancy watched because I fell asleep and missed the entire show. Nancy headed to bed at 2100 but I was well rested and watched the last episode of Rake.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tuesday May 23, 2017

Blog time 1134 at Panera

Nancy got up early this morning because she and friend Kathi are going Countryside Greenhouse to purchase flower baskets. Kathi picked Nancy up at 0730. Slight rain at 0730.

The weather was near 60 this morning so I decided I would ride my bike to the Y, rain or shine.

Put on my raincoat and headed out. Halfway through the 9 mile ride the sun came out. I stopped and took off the raincoat.

Bike ride time to the Y is a little over an hour. In addition it takes about 22 minutes to do my calisthenics at the Y.

Checked my email and I received a UM newsletter. I read an article by a UM GRAD saying what a great President JFK was especially because he did not listen to experts. For the first time ever I commented. Pointed out that President Kennedy made a terrible foreign mistake by sending troops to Vietnam. Having spent 1963 and 1964 in Vietnam I thought the US made a major mistake and JFK is too blame. I also mentioned the Bay of Pigs failed invasion. Not a shining hour for JFK or the CIA. Think anyone will comment!

The Manchester Arena bombing dominated the London papers. The victims were mostly teenagers.

Things are quiet in DC with POTUS out of the country. The proposed budget is getting a lot of flak. When are our legislators going to realize that we can't keep on spending without raising taxes or cutting programs. I still think a balanced budget amendment is a good idea.

Did not get home until 1300. Quick lunch and then headed downstairs and cleaned up my desk.

Took a short nap. It was raining so I put on my raincoat and walked to Macatawa Bank to make a deposit. Rain will continue for several days.

Dinner tonight was chicken with baked potato and green beans. Very good.

We read the GRP and watched season finales for NCIS and Bull.

Note that I will comment on articles in the Alpena News, London papers and WSJ but never the GRP. The GRP has become a nothing paper. We only get the paper to read the funny papers and obits. All of our local news come from local TV channels.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday May 22, 2017

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Slightly warmer this morning, low 50s, but high winds continue. Sprinklers block our front door when it is time to take Ms P out. I have been taking her downstairs and using our backyard. Today I will call the sprinkler company. I think I mentioned this on Friday.

With the leaves out I have to be careful near all drives. The heavy foliage blocks my view.

I think I will call the weather service and ask if we are experiencing especially high winds this Spring. It seems every day I have to buck winds with speeds greater than 15mph. Climate Change?

The London papers are still fixated on their election. PM May seems to be the favorite. The campaign is getting nasty. The USA is not the only country with nasty elections. The nice thing about the U.K. election is that it is over in weeks.

UK's Green Party has a platform of a guaranteed annual income for everyone, including millionaires. They also propose a four day work week, 30 hours per week. This is a sure way to financial ruin.

The U.K. is fascinated with the possibility of President Trump's impeachment. Lighten up folks it is not going to happen.

POTUS seems to have had a successful trip to Saudi Arabia. On same trip POTUS visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The first president to make this visit.

We have stock in Ford Motors and are disappointed that the price has stagnated. We both Drive Ford products, Taurus and Escape, and love them. Ford is thinking of getting rid of their CEO. Is this wise since Ford in recent years has been profitable? Mentioned as a possible replacement is Jim Hackett the past president of Steelcase in GR and recent Athletic Director at UM.

With all the fuss in Washington over Russia and the former FBI Director will Congress ever get an infrastructure bill or tax reform? Babbling idiots all!

Today I have an appointment with my Dentist. I arrived at 1430 and left two hours later. He removed an existing crown that was deteriorating. I now have a temporary crown and will get a new one in two weeks. Nancy warned me that crowns are not cheap. She was right.

Soft, mushy dinner tonight followed by the news and then Netflix. Are we predictable or what?

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday May 21, 2017

Blog time: 1515 sitting on deck with Nancy. Nancy is reading her Book Club book and I am writing this blog. It is finally warm enough to sit outside.

Nancy just warmed up some pizza left over from last night. Great snack.

This morning set the alarm for 0603. We are becoming members of Trinity Lutheran this morning so we have to be at church at 0940. Our plan is that after the Y we would go directly to church.

Noted several bolts of lightning on our way to the Y. State law says swimming pools must close during an electrical storm. Sure enough the pool was closed. Turned around and headed home with a quick stop at Panera for coffee.

We arrived at church at the designated time. They took a photo of Bob and Nancy and gave each of us a carnation. A total of 11 new church members today. We assembled in front of the congregation and were introduced and then were affirmed as church members.

After church we headed to Meijer's for gas and supplies. Gas today was $2.54.

One of our purchases at Meijer's was a bird feeder. I broke our old one yesterday.

Spent some time putting up the feeder. Quick lunch and then a nap.

As soon as I finish this blog I will go for a short walk. Truth be known I was glad that the pool was closed. I needed an off day.

Nancy is fixing her world famous poached eggs for dinner tonight. I will have mine with a waffle.

After dinner will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 Minutes before a Netflix show.

Saturday May 20, 2017

Blog time 1430 sitting in living room watching it rain

Saturday morning cloudy and temps in high 40s. Rain starting about 1400.

Nancy and I walked to Panera for our traditional Saturday morning breakfast. We see the same folks every Saturday. Most are seniors who live in the area.

Strong east wind so we had to buck the wind on our way home. Nancy started doing laundry and I put on my knickers and headed out on a gentle bike ride. The trails this morning were crowded with hikers and bikers. I pedaled 14 miles.

Checked the Alpena and London papers. The London papers were all about the big wedding of Pippi Middleton. They did mention that the Trump women met the King of Saudi Arabia bare headed, following the lead of PM May. I liked Peggy Noonan' op-ed in the WSJ. She writes for the folk who wish we would all be civil and think!

Took a walk around the block and then some chores before a nap.

For dinner we headed to JT's Pizza for dinner. We were surprised that the place was not crowded. JT's has great pizza.

As soon as we got home I took another walk.

Debbie FaceTimed us and we got caught up. It was very hot, 90s, in San Jose and cold in GR.

Before turning in we watched an episode of Bosch on Amazon.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Friday May 19, 2017

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Boy was it cold this morning. Low 40s when I left for the Y.

Despite the cold I wore shorts. My legs did not get cold but my hands did despite the gloves. I think the fact that my legs are in constant motion helped ward off the cold.

The Y has a number of popular classes that are well attended. I have heard several folks complain that the class rooms are too small. Spinning seems very popular. I love to ride a bike but would not take a spinning class.

The Telegraph this morning had several articles on the impeachment process for a US President. They wrote these articles as if impeachment is a foregone conclusion.

The U.K. has many social welfare programs. One is a fuel allowance. Apparently the allowance is abused. A Labor member of Commons makes over $100,000 per year and gets this allowance. Talk about gaming the system. Especially from a party that talks about how the elites screw the working man. Lefty hypocrite!

The U.K. has a sizable Muslim population. Ramadan this year occurs over an important test time for school children. Should Muslim children be given special consideration? Could this become a problem In the US?

IBM allows employees to work from home. They now are telling home folks to return to the office or quit. Good move IBM! I am not a fan of remote workers. Team unity, instant communication and the ability to monitor your employees is important.

Quiet afternoon, lunch, nap and walk around the block.

At 1800 Nancy and I headed out to a Rube Goldberg exhibit at the GR Art Museum. Kathi Koethe went with us. The event was very well attended. Free snacks and a cash bar. We all enjoyed the exhibit.

We got home about 2130 so no TV. The cold will continue through tomorrow.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Thursday May 18, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Light rain moved through last night. Bright sun when headed out this morning with temp in high 60s. Had to stop halfway through my ride to shed a layer. High winds today, presently wind speed is 24 mph. Riding into any wind above 15 mph is not fun.

Interesting article this morning on China's ability to mine and burn flammable ice. The ice was located 4,000 below the surface of the South China Sea. It is loaded with methane. USA and other countries are also trying to exploit this resource.

You can tell it is only three weeks until the U.K. election because the politicians are all making outlandish promises.

There are sane folks in the President's cabinet. This morning Wilbur Ross the Commerce Secretary was on CNBC. He is soft spoken and seems well informed. His goals for reforms to our trade policies make sense.

Winds were over 30 mph when I left Panera. Luckily I had wind at my back. Took a quick walk around the block before lunch.

After lunch I ran errands. First stop Ace Hardware where I bought ant spray. We have a large infestation of ants in our patio.

Bought stamps at D&W and then headed to Woodland Mall. I want to purchase a blue summer cotton blazer. Looked at Macys, J Crew and several other stores, no luck. Nap before dinner. Nancy fixed a steak and ale pie with a baked potatoe for dinner.

Read the GRP and watched the evening news. We watched an episode of Dr Blake Mysteries. I am now watching Rake. Nancy went to bed early.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Wednesday May 17, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

A downside to warm weather, sprinklers. This morning I could not take Ms P out because the sprinklers were on. Neither of us wanted to get wet. Today I will call the Condo managers and ask if they can change the sprinkler schedule. The sprinklers in our back yard go off at 0500. Maybe they can reverse the schedule, front yard at 0500 and back yard at 0630.

Today is my easy day. I plan on having an oatmeal breakfast at Panera. The temperature at 0800 was 70 and the high temp today will be in the 80s. Love the warm weather. Today I needed only shorts, undershirt and long sleeve tee.

High winds this afternoon so I wanted to get my bike miles in early. I rode to Cascade Twp Park before heading to Panera, total miles 5.

Read the Alpena News and London papers. I think the novelty has worn off reading the London papers. They really aren't that different from major USA papers, politics and trash.

I scanned the WSJ and really have lost interest in business and politics.

After Panera I pedaled to Gander Mountain a sporting goods store that specializes in hunting and fishing. Gander Mountain is having a going out of business sale. Looking at their stock I can see why.

Took a long route home, total miles biked, 15. Walked around the block, showered and then had lunch.

Load of laundry and then a short nap. Spent the rest of the afternoon sweeping spider webs from the joists in our furnace room. Also swept the concrete slab below our deck. It was loaded with bird seed, spillage from our bird feeder on the deck above.

Is President Trump being honest with us on the firing of the FBI Director, and his meeting with the Russians. Some folks are talking impeachment. Why can't the Federal officials, bureaucrats and elected, play straight with the American people.

Light dinner, read GRP and watched news. Watched two episodes of Shetland on Netflix.

Tuesday May 16, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Heavy rain and thunderstorms rolled through last night. The rain had stopped by the time I headed out. Difficult to know what to wear. It was 57 when I left but half way through my ride to the Y I had to shed a layer. Temps are rising quickly as soon as the sun breaks through. The weather folks say the temp will reach 85 this afternoon.

Scanned the Alpena News and London papers. The election still dominates the London news. No articles on the big hack. I was surprised.

This afternoon I will pick up my glasses from the Optometrist. I will use the glasses for driving only.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to the monthly get together of the three condo groups in our area. We are meeting at Noto's.

At home walked around the block and then a quick lunch. Picked up glasses at Optometrist. The glasses are slightly stronger than my natural eyes. They also should help with my double vision problem.

Showered and ironed several pair of khakis. Got a call from the watch repairman in WI. They can repair the Rolex. I want the watch in good shape for Stephen.

At 1800 we left for Noto's Restaurant which is about 0.5 miles from the condo. Accompanying us was our neighbor Sonya Ford. Noto's has a new chef and the food was great. The turnout was light. This is a nice affair and hope the turnout increases as the season progresses.

We got home about 2030. Watched an episode of Pie In Sky before turning in.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Monday May 15, 2017

Blog time 1115 at Panera

The great weather continues. Bright sun with temp in high 40s when I left this morning. It is difficult to select clothes. Now, 1115, the temp has risen to 66. I did wear a pair of khaki cargo shorts, but the upper torso had four layers. I think three layers would have been sufficient.

Spotted many turkeys and geese on my ride. I haven't seen a deer in about a month.

Nancy has a busy morning. First is a class at MVP followed by lunch with Linda Moleski.

The Y was very crowded this morning. I really don't know why.

Read the Alpena sports section, AHS has a crammed spring sports schedule. The weather dictates a short season so the ball teams play many double headers. I am surprised that despite the short season the soft and base ball teams are quite good.

News of the world wide hack attack continues. Computers using Windows were vulnerable. Our stupid Federal Security agencies discovered a weakness in the Windows program. They used this weakness for their own hacks. The Spy Agencies program was stolen by hackers. The Feds were late in telling Microsoft. Federal agencies are the most incompetent.

It looks like France's new President Macron is off to a good start. In order to restore France's competitiveness he must revise labor laws. This will be a tough job.

Nancy and I like to watch Happy Valley on Netflix. They won several award on a British Awards show.

I took a walk around the block as soon as I got home followed by lunch.

Nancy and I took a quick trip to the Tanger Outlet Mall. I am looking for a blue cotton blazer for summer. Checked several stores but no luck.

Spent some time checking my finances and in basket. Our basement is so cold this time of year. Speaking of cold we have not turned our furnace on in several days.

Took a short nap before dinner. Light dinner, watched news and I walked to the mailbox to send in our car insurance.

We watched Shetland on Netflix before turning in.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday May 14, 2017

Blog time 1715 sitting on deck.


And what a Mother's Day it was weatherwise. Sun with temps in the 70s.

I remember Nancy's first Mother's Day, 1966. Debbie was four months old and we planned on a picnic in San Francisco's Golden Gate park. We had nice sun but it was cold. We had to hurry through our picnic lunch.

We visited the zoo and the big attraction for Debbie were the pigeons. Oh the things one remembers.

First stop this morning was the Y. Nancy swam and I did a modified Calisthenics routine.

We made a quick stop at Panera for coffee before heading home. Changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran. Nice thing about modern church is you can take coffee into the service. Very relaxed. Church was very crowded. Pastor gave a great Mother's Day Homily.

Stopped at Meijer's for supplies after church. At home put on shorts and took a two mile walk before lunch.

I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I got on my bike and headed to the Cascade Twp park. Noted a lot of families having Mother's Day Picnics. Every picnic spot was taken.

Just fired up our grill for the first time this year. Nancy is grilling chicken burgers for dinner.

We will finish reading the GRP and watch 60' before switching to Netflix/Acorn.

Mother's Day 1938, Ossineke, Mi. Great Grandfather Sanborn said all three of his daughters sent flowers and food to GGM Sanborn. GGM and GRF Sanborn attended evening services at the Ossineke Methodist Church.

I scanned the news but why ruin a perfect Mother's Day by commenting on the machinations of the political class.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Saturday May 13, 2017

Blog time 1745 sitting on deck drinking wine. It is a pleasant 74.

The sun streaming through the slider woke us up this morning.

We had a pleasant walk to Panera. Breakfast today included oatmeal, coffee and bagels.

As soon as we got home I grabbed a shovel and planted a rose bush that Debbie got Nancy for Mother's Day. The soil around the condo is gumbo clay. Nancy also planted two small bushes we got as a gift from Meijer's Garden.

Upon completion of yard work I put on the bike clothes and headed out. I pedaled to Ada and along the way passed several ball fields, baseball and softball. The fields were all in use and the parking lots were full. A very pleasant day for a ball game as both a participant and spectator.

Stopped at Ada Bike shop. I need to wear sun glasses when I ride because my shingle's eye dries out from the wind. It is very uncomfortable. I bought a helmet that has glasses that are attached to the helmet by magnets. It works great. My mileage today was 14.

Lunch and then I spent some time sweeping our deck. I have the bird feeder too close to the deck so we have bird seed all over the deck. After the cleanup I moved the feeders further away from the deck.

Today is the 13th. Did you know I won a Jeep in a lottery with the number 13? I bought two lottery tickets.

Showered and then took a quick nap. Nancy is grilling hamburgers for dinner tonight. I am having mine with a sweet potato. Finished dinner with a bowl of Nancy's world famous rhubarb sauce.

I have not read the papers today so no comment on the state of the world. Welcome relief.

We will watch some Netflix tonight before turning in.

Friday May 12, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The sunny day string continues. The long days are great. The sun was up at 0620. Love this time of year and the sun doesn't set until nearly nine.

It was such a nice day I decided to add a mile to my ride to the Y and eliminate the indoor mile run. This morning I saw about 20 wild turkeys feeding.

It only takes about twenty minutes to do my calisthenics. Quick shower and then back on the bike heading to Panera.

This morning I emailed my second cousin in Alpena, Mary Hughes. I told Mary that on my family tree web site I was contacted by a relative of her Grandmother Bernice Penoyer Hughes.

I just got my DNA results from My Heritage. The DNA results show I am 92.3% British and Irish. Also 2.9% East European, 2.1% Middle Eastern, 1.7% Finish and 1.0% Ashkenaz Jewish.

I already have been contacted by several cousins. Most are third and fourth once removed. What does the once removed mean?

Slow news day in Alpena and London. The UK Election dominates their news. The UK's National Health Service did experience a massive computer hack shutting down many hospitals. The hackers are demanding a ransom. Why can't we find these guys. I am assuming most hackers are men. I think if we shot these high profile hackers it might stop further attempts.

I am resuming this blog at 1700. More news about a major computer breach in not only the U.K. but the US, Russia, Ukraine and several Asian countries. Computer systems using Microsoft Windows were the hardest hit.

This afternoon we ran errands. First stop was Fresh Tyme for apples and cheese, next D&W for blueberries. We also stopped at several stores in Breton Village.

I did take the Taurus to get gas. Gas in now $2.49 per gallon.

Finished outdoor activities with a walk around the block.

We are had dinner tonight at Brann's. For once Brann's was not crowded. I had the lobster bisque and Nancy a turkey sandwich. As planned I had half of Nancy's sandwich.

We got home in time for the national news. I immediately fell asleep and slept for about an hour.

We watched an episode of Murder in Paradise before turning in.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday May 11, 2017

Blog time 1640 sitting on deck

Rain last night but the sun returned this morning. Up at 0630, Nancy headed for her Tuesday swim at MVP. Quick breakfast and I hopped on the bike and headed to the Y. Pleasant morning for a ride. Noted in recent days some young geese. I think they are called goslings. The leaves are about 95% out.

Calisthenics and a mile run at the Y. Today I have a 1300 appointment with my dermatologist, Mary Yurko, so I have to leave Panera at 1200. Not time enough to get all my reading done.

The two London papers that I scan every morning are really lambasting the Labor candidate Jeremy Corbin. He seems universally disliked.

Comey's firing dominated the WSJ's reporting.

Whole Foods is in trouble. I have visited a Whole Foods store in Brentwood, Ca near Missy's condo. I always thought it was over rated.

I really don't know what Snapchat does but it earns a lot of news coverage. Should I download the app?

At 1200 I leave Panera and head home. Changed clothes and headed to Dr Yurko's office. She used liquid nitrogen to freeze a precancerous spot on my wrist.

At home we got in the Escape and headed to Costco. Nancy returned some swimsuits and I made a secret purchase.

It was such a nice afternoon, sun and 68, I pumped up the tires on my backup bike and took it for a ride. This bike has a nine speed internal hub. I rode around the neighborhood for about 40 minutes.

Light dinner and then I will read the GRP and finish the evening watching Netflix.

Wednesday May 10, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0530 and I get ready for Breakfast Club. We are now meeting at the University Club in downtown GR. Despite being further than our old meeting place, the Women's City Club, it is easier to get to. Parking is a breeze. We had a small turnout. A history professor from GVSU talked about the Korean Peninsula. Great talk!

One fact the speaker noted was that young men in South Korea were 10" taller than their counterparts in the North. The reason is diet.

After BC I stopped at the Fulton Street Farmers Market and bought several pounds of rhubarb. First rhubarb of the year. Nancy makes a great sauce.

Next stopped at Trader Joe's and bought several bottles of Nancy's favorite wine. It will be a Mothers Day gift.

At Macatawa Bank I got in our security box and pulled out some jewelry for Nancy. She will wear it tonight at the Meijer's Garden Gala event.

Final stop was the Tailor shop to pick up my favorite leather vest. They had reattached the vest buttons.

The London papers had several articles on our President firing the FBI Director. I swear the Brits are more interested in US politics than we are.

At home I changed into my bike riding clothes and headed to Panera.

The election talk in the U.K. is heating up. The Labor party is not given much chance of winning. I can see why because they are pursuing policies like nationalization of heavy industry that have failed in the past.

I know St Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland but apparently not Britain. Article yesterday of an adder biting a hiker causing severe injuries. He lost use of his muscles for several hours.

After Panera I biked to the Cascade Twp Park at the Thornapple Dr/I 96 intersection. I needed to get some hill climb activity.

I did a load of laundry and ironed gray slacks for tonight. Short nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home at 1630 and we got ready for the Gala at Meijer's this evening.

Picked up Kathi Kothe and arrived at the Gardens right on time, 1800. The event was divided into a silent auction before dinner and a live auction after dinner. Several years ago we placed a bid during the live auction on an African safari. We won.

This year you placed a bid for a silent auction item by using an app on you mobile. It really was slick except they forgot that most participants were seniors and not tech savvy. The only silent auction I bid on was a bottle of wine. I paid for the wine using Apple Pay. Isn't tech great.

We had steak and pork with asparagus for dinner. I thought it was good but Nancy did not.

We got home about 2130. No TV tonight we headed directly to bed.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday May 9, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up early this morning, 0615, the sun was shining bright when I took Ms P out. Minor frost last night.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.

I will call the plumber after 0800 so no Y today. I did my normal calisthenics and a 2K row at home. Showered and called the plumber. He said that he will call me when he can schedule me in.

Got on my bike and took a new route to Panera. I headed south on Thornapple River Dr and climbed the hills immediately north of the Cascade Park entranced. Turned around in the park entrance and retraced my path to the condo and then to Panera. Total distance about five miles.

Read the Alpena News and London paper headlines. The most interesting article was of a massive police helicopter search for a man alleged to have had sex with a cow. The English love these stories.

South Korea elected a new leader, Moon Jae-in. He is different from past right wing leaders. He is liberal and wants a dialogue with the North. Dialogue is always good. He also has reservations about the USA installing missile defense system in South Korea.

A disturbing story about the jailing of the Christian Governor of Jakarta for blasphemy. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world and in the past has been tolerant of other religions.

At 1000 I got a call from the plumber saying he would stop by at 1100. I planned on leaving Panera at 1045. 1030 I get call from Nancy that the plumber had arrived. Got on the bike and headed home. When I arrived he was gone. He fixed our problem by removing a screen over the faucet. Took less than five minutes and cost $95. Why didn't I look at the screen? Expensive mistake.

Biked back to Panera and continued reading. Why all the wasted energy on General Flynn? He was fired and is ancient history. Why not work on an infrastructure plan.

This afternoon I was scheduled to work with one of the condo board members inspecting decks and walls. He called and cancelled.

After lunch I got in the Escape and ran errands. Stopped at Curtis Cleaner and picked up winter coats. I forgot how expensive dry cleaning is.

Next stop Meijer's to purchase distilled water for my CPAC machine. Also bought ginger ale, Vernors of course, tonic water and club soda.

Took a short walk around the block. The temp was 64 or twice as warm as this morning. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

Nancy fixed a chicken salad for dinner, also corn on the cob. Great meal.

We are now watching NCIS. Early bedtime because Breakfast Club tomorrow.

Monday May 8, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Bright sun this morning but was it cold, 30. I wore lined jeans and my Under Armor cold weather compression turtle neck. I was still cold on the ride to the Y.

Calisthenics and mile run this morning at the Y. The Y was not crowded. Are we experiencing an over abundance of Health Clubs in GR?

The Y has a new scale with an attachment to measure height. I continue to shrink. I am now 5' 6 1/2" tall. The Navy measured me at 5'8".

I did check the Alpena News and London papers. The London papers has several stories on the French election and the upcoming election in the U.K. I think the news folks are spending way too much time on the age of President elect Macron's wife. Is this important? She looks good to me.

Warren Buffet said that the proposed GOP Health Plan is written to benefit rich folks like him. What about the tax laws Warren? I want no tax breaks for rich folks. Eliminate all deductions except for kids.

Why can't the politicians write a simple plan. The Kaiser Plan in CA gets good reviews. I really don't want the Feds controlling any Plan. Just read the London papers to learn about the problems the U.K. has with their Government Health plan.

I had a simple task for the afternoon. I was going to clean the trap below the master bath sink. The drain is sluggish. Turned the water off to the sink and then cleaned the trap. I could remove trap without needing a wrench.

Hooked everything back up, turned on the water and only a dribble came out. Took everything apart again but still no water. Looked at several YouTube videos but no solution to my problem. Concluded I need a plumber. A wasted afternoon.

Nancy had more dental work this afternoon. She had a 1500 appointment. She was not home by 1800 so I called the dentist. They told me they were just finishing up and everything went well.

Simple dinner and then to relieve my frustrations I took a two mile walk. We watched a episode of Shetland on Netflix before turning in.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday May 7, 2017

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

We woke to another sunny day. Sunny but cold and windy. Temp in high 30s.

Headed out for our Sunday activities at the Y. Nancy swam and I did calisthenics and ran a mile.

Headed home to put on our church clothes. We attended the 1000 Rejoice service at Trinity Lutheran.

On way home stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas. Gas today was $2.32.

Ms P is still not able to walk so I took solitary walk around the block.

Lunch and then a short nap. Finished my outdoor activities with a two mile walk. It was sunny but very windy, 20 mph.

For dinner tonight we will finish the rotisserie chicken. The weather folks say that frost is likely tonight.

Reading the GRP, watching 60 Minutes and then a show on Netflix will be our evening activity.

Ossineke, MI on this date in 1938. It was a Saturday and Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was a cold day with a north wind. Uncle Guy cut a load of fire wood. The wood cutting machine worked fine. GGF worked in the Ossineke Post Office in the PM. Tomorrow is Mother's Day, 1938.

Saturday May 6, 2017

Blog time 1930 sitting in den

Saturday morning so it is breakfast at Panera. Walked to Panera in bright sun. We had our standard Saturday breakfast. We have been coming Saturday's to Panera for a long time and now recognize about 60% of the patrons.

As soon I got home got in the Escape and ran errands. First stopped at the Eastown Post Office. I mailed my watch to a repair shop in WI. Next got the Escape washed, inside and out.

Dropped my favorite leather vest off at the tailor shop to get some buttons reattached. Also stopped at Curtis Dry Cleaners to get winter coats cleaned. Final stop was Ace Hardware. Bought bird seed.

At home I changed into my bike clothes and took a twelve mile ride. Great day for a bike ride.

Quick lunch and then headed to Lowe's to buy a single bag of mulch. Spread the mulch along the drive's wood retaining wall. I am now done with yard work for the year.

Quick nap, then finished the afternoon ironing three pair of khakis.

For dinner we headed to LaLaguna for Tamales. Nancy had two soft shell tacos.

Melissa and AJ FaceTimed us today. We had a nice talk. AJ showed some of her great art work.

Speaking of Grandkids, this weekend Alessandra is having her First Communion.

Veronica told Nancy that Lucas ran a mile in under six minutes. Great time.

We watched a Dr Blake mystery on Netflix before turning in.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Friday May 5, 2017

Blog time: unknown but at Panera

Finally no rain this morning but it was cold, 41. Ms P is not much better. I still carry her outside to do her bidness.

I put on lined jeans and several upper layers for my ride to the Y. Good move on my part because the wind made riding uncomfortable.

The Y does a great job providing exercise facilities for disabled folks. Most of the disabled have a therapist to help them.

I looked at the Alpena News and the London papers. BRexit and the upcoming U.K. and French elections dominate.

Morning Joe and Mika are engaged. I thought they were both married with kids. What happened to Monogamy? All men must live by a code. I think most codes include monogamy. Just read that both had recent divorces.

At home we got in Escape and headed to Costco. Nancy picked up a prescription and we replenished some supplies like peanut butter, sandwich rolls, and Cheerios. We also bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner.

Ms P is still hobbling on three legs so I took a solitary walk.

The rotisserie chicken hit the spot. Nancy also fixed several baked potatoes.

We watched Murder in Paradise on Netflix.

Our volume control on the TV was non responsive this evening. We solved the problem by unplugging all the components and then after a minute plugged them back in. It worked.

Thursday May 4, 2017

Blog time 0830 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0600. Today I have a 0930 Optometrist appointment so I have rearranged my schedule.

Quick breakfast and then I got in the Escape and headed to Panera. I will get my reading in early. Plan on going to the Y after the eye doctor.

London papers were full of stories on Prince Philip and his retirement.

Immigration is a big issue in the US and EU. In Japan it is nearly impossible for an immigrant to get a permit. 99% of applications for refugee status are denied.

Dr Anderson, my Optometrist, gave me my after cataract surgery checkup. The surgery was a success. My right eye checks out with vision greater than 20/20. The left eye was right at 20/20. The Doctor has prescribed glasses for driving that will eliminate any double vision.

After the Doctor I stopped at the Y and did my calisthenics and also a 2K row.

Ms P is still hobbling on three legs, so no walk today. I did take a 2 mile walk.

For dinner tonight we are joining the Moleski's at Flo's on Post Road. We left at 1530 and headed to Moleski's. Tom drove the four of us to the restaurant.

We got there early because Happy Hour ends at 1700. Flo's was crowded. Tom, Linda and I had a Burger and Nancy had a small pizza. The food and drinks were great.

At home we watched two episodes of Shetland on Netflix. We liked it.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Wednesday May 3, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Finally a sunny day, however, it was cool this morning, 34. Nancy headed out early for MVP. This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Today is my easy day. I got dressed and hopped on the bike and headed to Panera. I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

The EUs BRexit negotiator is really playing hardball. He is saying that the U.K. will pay through the nose when they leave the EU. The London papers are saying what an evil man he is. Things will get nasty before the split is finalized.

Noted several current photos in the London papers showing the trees in full bloom. The U.K. is much further north than MI. Why are the trees more advanced than in MI? Is it the Gulf Stream and the warmer European weather?

Why is the President getting so much heat for wanting to talk to North Korea? I always think it is a good idea to have a face to face conversation with your enemies.

The proposed tax plan still allows deduction for home mortgage interest. I would not allow this deduction. It penalizes renters.

The temperature had risen 15 degrees when I left Panera. At home I put on my knickers and a lighter jacket and headed out for a bike ride. It was a beautiful day for a ride. I rode 15 miles, my longest ride this year.

Tried to get Ms P to take a walk but she refused. Tomorrow is trash and recycle day so I filled the containers and took them to the curb. Also did a load of laundry.

I took a short nap. After I got in the Escape and headed to Lowe's. I purchased four bags of mulch. At home I spread the mulch in our west side planter. I had just enough mulch.

Nancy said the Gardens had over 1,000 visitors today.

Ms P jumped off the planter and injured her left rear leg. She is hopping around on three legs. Nancy gave her a pain pill.

Light dinner and then the news and Jeopardy. We watched an episode of Pie In The Sky. I fell asleep so I don't know how it ended.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Tuesday May 2, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

The weather folks said it would rain all morning so I took their word and walked to the Y. Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday morning swim at MVP.

it was only misting on my walk but I walked into the teeth of a 22mph wind.

At the Y I did my calisthenics and then rowed. The rowing is my cardio for the day.

The upcoming election still dominates the U.K. news. Their campaigns are just like in the US, stupid pledges and noisy accusations against their opponents. Luckily their campaigns are very short.

I think the GOP is going against the popular concerns about a health care plan. First I think everyone should be required to have health insurance. I think all employers should provide health insurance to all employees working more than 20 hours. I think health insurance is important and I always provided my employees with insurance.

I wish POTUS would forget about that damn wall. There are other ways to enforce immigration than building that expensive ugly wall.

Is North Korea really a threat? It has nuclear weapons but we have so many more I would think it would be that alone is a major deterrent.

Speaking of nuclear weapons a London paper today had a story on a Russian legislator saying that Russia has planted nuclear bombs on the ocean floor near our shore. Detonation of these bombs would create a massive tsunami that would flood coastline cities. Seems like a pipe dream!

The rain had stopped when I left Panera. At home I called a Rolex repair shop in Wisconsin. He said that he can repair my Rolex. He is sending me a mailing package. This is good news. I love the watch and want Steve to have it.

Quick lunch and then I got in the Escape and headed to Woodland Mall. I visited the new Apple Store. It is nice. I am thinking of trading in my iPad and upgrading to a iPad Pro.

In January I purchased a fine pointed stylus at Brookstone. The fine point is electrical and can be recharged. It worked for about three days and then stopped. I took it in today and was given a new one no questions asked.

I took a short nap and now, 1750, I am finishing today's blog.

For dinner tonight we are finishing the lasagna from Saturday night's dinner.

Tonight we will watch the news and read the GRP. Tonight is also our CBS night. NCIS and Bull. I think both NCIS and Bull are suffering from writers fatigue.

The rain ends tonight. Low temp tonight will be in mid 30s but tomorrow will be sunny with high in the 60s. About time!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Monday May 1, 2017

Blog time 1105 at Panera

May Day, a day of celebration for all the commies. Do they have anything to celebrate in 2017?

The rain was winding down when I went out at 0630. I took the weatherman at his word and put on my biking knickers and headed out at 0810. He was right I encountered no rain. But did I ever encounter large mud puddles. Every depression was filled with water and more rain is scheduled for this afternoon.

If the rain continues we might have a water problem in our basement. I noted minor leakage through a crack in the basement wall. This crack has been repaired in the past. Hope it holds!

The Y was crowded this morning. I did my calisthenics and took a short walk before heading out.

Checked my email and noted that my genealogy web site said they have found a connection between my Uncle Bill Hughes and another web site. I will check it out this afternoon after my Dentist appointment.

The London papers reported this morning that PM Theresa May and German PM Angela Merkel met with the Saudi King and both did not wear a head scarf. Way to go girls about time someone showed some backbone. Is using the word girls sexist! I just thought it was appropriate.

Left Panera early because I have an afternoon dentist appointment. Took Ms P on a very short walk and them a quick lunch.

At the dentist they cleaned my teeth and took X-rays. The X-rays revealed I have several cavities that need work. A late May appointment for corrective action was scheduled.

It was raining when I got home so I did what any retired man would do, I took a nap.

Light dinner and then I took a walk around the block. We watched Midsomer Murders on Netflix before turning in.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Sunday April 30, 2017

Blog time 1745 sitting in living room.

It rained all night and was still raining when I first went out.

Up at 0630 and got ready for our Sunday morning trip to the Y. When we got to the Y we found that it was closed. No power.

Headed home changed clothes and headed to the 0900 service at Trinity Lutheran. Good attendance at the service a lot of three generation families. After church we stopped at Meijer's for a few supplies and gas.

No walk today because of the rain. Read a few sections of the GRP and removed a leaf from the dining room table. The house is now back to pre-party condition.

Took mandatory Sunday nap. It was still raining at 1500 so I drove to the Y. Did a two mile walk and some calisthenics.

My Sister called this afternoon and we took a trip down memory lane. We both agreed that during our school years K-8 that we always walked home for lunch. Never did we eat lunch at school. The school was about a mile from our house so we walked four miles each day going to and from school. Childhood obesity was not a problem in the 40s and 50s.

Nancy fixed fried egg sandwiches for dinner. Hit the spot.

Watched 60 Minutes and read the Sunday GRP.

FaceTimed Debbie this evening. Finished the evening watching Bosch on Amazon.

Still raining when I turned in.